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Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles

Comprehensive Glycoscience, Second Edition, Five Volume Set assembles the top minds in this area who provide an update on the renowned 2007 first edition, including new discov… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Senior undergraduate-graduate level scientists in all biology and chemistry related fields
1. Introduction to Glycoscience, Glycan Structure and Function
Joseph J. Barchi, Jr., Center for Cancer Research, Frederick, MD, USA
2. Analysis and Preparation of Glycans
Dr Sébastien Vidal, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
3. Cellular Glycobiology and Interactions of Glycans
Professor Spencer Williams University of Melbourne, Australia
4. Glycan Materials, Arrays and Nanotechnology
Professor Ravin Narain, University of Alberta, Canada
5. Glycans in Development, Health and Disease
Professor Naoyuki Taniguchi, Osaka International Cancer Institute, Japan