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Compendium of Trace Metals and Marine Biota
Volume 2: Vertebrates
- 1st Edition - October 9, 2009
- Author: Ronald Eisler
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 6 2 2 3 - 4
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 3 4 3 7 - 8
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 6 3 5 3 - 2
Each book has two main goals1. Determine baseline concentrations of metals and metalloids in tissues of representative field populations of estuarine coastal, and open ocean o… Read more
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Request a sales quoteEach book has two main goals
1. Determine baseline concentrations of metals and metalloids in tissues of representative field populations of estuarine coastal, and open ocean organisms (Book 1:algae and macrophytes, protists, sponges, coelenterates, molluscs, crustaceans, insects, chaetognaths, annelids, echinoderms, and tunicates) (Book 2: elasmobranchs, fishes, reptiles, birds, mammals) and their significance to organism health and to the health of their consumers.
2. Synthesize existing information on biological, chemical, and physical factors known to modify uptake, retention, and translocation of each element under field and laboratory conditions. Recognition of the importance of these modifiers and their accompanying interactions is essential to the understanding of metals kinetics in marine systems and to the interpretation of baseline residue data.
1. Determine baseline concentrations of metals and metalloids in tissues of representative field populations of estuarine coastal, and open ocean organisms (Book 1:algae and macrophytes, protists, sponges, coelenterates, molluscs, crustaceans, insects, chaetognaths, annelids, echinoderms, and tunicates) (Book 2: elasmobranchs, fishes, reptiles, birds, mammals) and their significance to organism health and to the health of their consumers.
2. Synthesize existing information on biological, chemical, and physical factors known to modify uptake, retention, and translocation of each element under field and laboratory conditions. Recognition of the importance of these modifiers and their accompanying interactions is essential to the understanding of metals kinetics in marine systems and to the interpretation of baseline residue data.
- Synthesizes existing information on biological, chemical, and physical factors known to modify uptake, retention, and translocation of each element
- Aids understanding of metals kinetics in marine systems
- Allows the interpretation of baseline residue data
Chemists, toxicologists, marine biologists, ecologists, environmental scientists and graduate students doing research in this area, and those involved in regulatory bodies
1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Literature Cited2 ELASMOBRANCHS2.1 Americium2.2 Arsenic2.3 Cadmium2.4 Cerium2.5 Cesium2.6 Chromium2.7 Cobalt2.8 Copper2.9 Iron2.10 Lead2.11 Manganese2.12 Mercury2.13 Nickel2.14 Plutonium2.15 Ruthenium2.16 Selenium2.17 Silver2.18 Strontium2.19 Tin2.20 Zinc2.21 Literature Cited3 FISHES3.1 Aluminum3.2 Americium3.3 Antimony3.4 Arsenic3.5 Barium3.6 Beryllium3.7 Bismuth3.8 Boron3.9 Cadmium3.10 Cerium3.11 Cesium3.12 Chromium3.13 Cobalt3.14 Copper3.15 Gallium3.16 Germanium3.17 Gold3.18 Indium3.19 Iron3.20 Lead3.21 Lithium3.22 Manganese3.23 Mercury3.24 Molybdenum3.25 Neptunium3.26 Nickel3.27 Niobium3.28 Palladium3.29 Plutonium3.30 Polonium3.31 Radium3.32 Rhenium3.33 Rubidium3.34 Ruthenium3.35 Scandium3.36 Selenium3.37 Silver3.38 Strontium3.39 Tellurium3.40 Thallium3.41 Tin3.42 Titanium3.43 Tungsten3.44 Uranium3.45 Vanadium3.46 Yttrium3.47 Zinc3.48 Zirconium3.49 Literature Cited4 REPTILES4.1 Aluminum4.2 Antimony4.3 Arsenic4.4 Barium4.5 Beryllium4.6 Cesium4.7 Cadmium4.8 Chromium4.9 Cobalt4.10 Copper4.11 Iron4.12 Lead4.13 Manganese4.14 Mercury4.15 Molybdenum4.16 Nickel4.17 Rubidium4.18 Selenium4.19 Silver4.20 Strontium4.21 Thallium4.22 Titanium4.23 Uranium4.24 Vanadium4.25 Zinc4.26 Literature Cited5 BIRDS5.1 Aluminum5.2 Americium5.3 Antimony5.4 Arsenic5.5 Barium5.6 Beryllium5.7 Bismuth5.8 Boron5.9 Cadmium5.10 Cesium5.11 Chromium5.12 Cobalt5.13 Copper5.14 Europium5.15 Gallium5.16 Indium5.17 Iron5.18 Lanthanum5.19 Lead5.20 Lithium5.21 Manganese5.22 Mercury5.23 Molybdenum5.24 Nickel5.25 Plutonium5.26 Rubidium5.27 Selenium5.28 Silver5.29 Strontium5.30 Technetium5.31 Thallium5.32 Thorium5.33 Tin5.34 Tungsten5.35 Uranium5.36 Vanadium5.37 Zinc5.38 Literature Cited6 MAMMALS6.1 Aluminum6.2 Americium6.3 Antimony6.4 Arsenic6.5 Barium6.6 Beryllium6.7 Bismuth6.8 Boron6.9 Cadmium6.10 Cesium6.11 Chromium6.12 Cobalt6.13 Copper6.14 Gold6.15 Indium6.16 Iron6.17 Lead6.18 Lithium6.19 Manganese6.20 Mercury6.21 Molybdenum6.22 Nickel6.23 Palladium6.24 Platinum6.25 Plutonium6.26 Polonium6.27 Rubidium6.28 Selenium6.29 Silver6.30 Strontium6.31 Thallium6.32 Tin6.33 Titanium6.34 Uranium6.35 Vanadium6.36 Zinc6.37 Literature Cited7 CONCLUDING REMARKS7.1 General7.2 Breadth of Coverage7.3 Depth of Coverage7.4 Literature CitedINDEX
- No. of pages: 522
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 9, 2009
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Paperback ISBN: 9780444562234
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444534378
- eBook ISBN: 9780080963532
Ronald Eisler
Affiliations and expertise
Potomac, MD, USA