Community Medicine: Practical Manual with Viva 2E
- 2nd Edition - March 20, 2023
- Author: Rajkumar Patil
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 8 1 - 3 1 2 - 6 7 3 6 - 3
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 8 1 - 3 1 2 - 6 7 3 8 - 7
Second edition of this book is updated as per guidelines of National Medical Commission in accordance with theCompetency-Based Medical Education (CBME) of Community Medicine. Thi… Read more

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Request a sales quoteSecond edition of this book is updated as per guidelines of National Medical Commission in accordance with the
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) of Community Medicine. This book continues to be must-have for all MBBS students as it prepares them for practical examination along with theory viva.
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) of Community Medicine. This book continues to be must-have for all MBBS students as it prepares them for practical examination along with theory viva.
New to this edition
• Significant content enhancement and re-organization in line with revised curriculum, to ensure continued relevance and renewed focus on application-based learning.
• New chapters on family adoption programme (FAP); formulating research question for study; planning, implementation and evaluation of health education programme; training of health workers in disease prevention and control; application of computers in epidemiology; and essential medicine have been added as per CBME curriculum.
• Pointwise, specific, and detailed-illustrated answers to progressively building-up, intuitive questions on each topic.
Salient Features
• Chapters on vaccination; contraception; drugs of public health importance; nutrition; details of specific clinicosocial cases; and nutritional assessment of individual, family and community; and annexure II: health-related important indicators of India have been revised thoroughly.
• Logical flow, in easy-to-understand language and systemic presentation of complete theory in Question-Answer format helps in revision and self-assessment before examination.
• Practical part of the book includes spotters with figures and tables, exercises with solutions, exercises for practice prepares students for both practical and viva examination.
• Clinicosocial cases with details of specific cases covered in the book and impart practical-focused learning.
Online Content
• Complimentary access to full ebook at
• Additional practical and viva questions along with answers.
• Links to useful websites for further learning.
• Complementary images of community medicine for greater retention of knowledge.
• Topics such as OSCE/OSPE, food adulteration and tips useful for PPT presentation with relevant syllabus helps in quick learning.
• Significant content enhancement and re-organization in line with revised curriculum, to ensure continued relevance and renewed focus on application-based learning.
• New chapters on family adoption programme (FAP); formulating research question for study; planning, implementation and evaluation of health education programme; training of health workers in disease prevention and control; application of computers in epidemiology; and essential medicine have been added as per CBME curriculum.
• Pointwise, specific, and detailed-illustrated answers to progressively building-up, intuitive questions on each topic.
Salient Features
• Chapters on vaccination; contraception; drugs of public health importance; nutrition; details of specific clinicosocial cases; and nutritional assessment of individual, family and community; and annexure II: health-related important indicators of India have been revised thoroughly.
• Logical flow, in easy-to-understand language and systemic presentation of complete theory in Question-Answer format helps in revision and self-assessment before examination.
• Practical part of the book includes spotters with figures and tables, exercises with solutions, exercises for practice prepares students for both practical and viva examination.
• Clinicosocial cases with details of specific cases covered in the book and impart practical-focused learning.
Online Content
• Complimentary access to full ebook at
• Additional practical and viva questions along with answers.
• Links to useful websites for further learning.
• Complementary images of community medicine for greater retention of knowledge.
• Topics such as OSCE/OSPE, food adulteration and tips useful for PPT presentation with relevant syllabus helps in quick learning.
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface to the second edition
- Preface to the first edition
- Acknowledgements
- List of Illustrations
- List of Tables
- Overview of practical with viva
- Part A. Practical
- Section 1. Spotters
- 1. Vaccination
- NIS and characteristics of vaccines
- Additional information about specific vaccines
- Vaccines for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2)
- Cold chain–related spotters
- Tips/mnemonics
- 2. Nutrition
- Cereals
- Millets
- Pulses (Figs 2.8–2.21)
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Milk, milk products and animal foods
- Oils and fats
- Nuts and oilseeds
- Signs of vitamin A deficiency (Fig. 2.38)
- Iodized salt
- Iodine (spot) test kit (Fig. 2.39)
- 3. Contraception
- Introduction
- Male condom (Nirodh)
- Combined oral contraceptive pills (COCs) (Mala-N/Mala-D/Khushi COCs) (Figure 3.2)
- Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) (Copper-T 380A and Copper-T 375)
- MPA injectable contraceptive (Antara programme)
- Centchroman/ormeloxifene (Chhaya)
- Emergency contraceptive pill (levonorgestrel)
- 4. Medical entomology
- Classification of arthropods of health importance
- Mosquitoes
- Housefly (musca domestica) (Figures 4.27 and 4.28)
- Sand fly (Figures 4.29–4.31)
- Rat flea (Figure 4.32)
- Lice (head lice and body lice)
- Ticks
- Itch mite (sarcoptes scabiei) (Figure 4.42)
- Cyclops (Figure 4.43)
- 5. Disinfectants
- Halogen compounds
- Coal tar disinfectants
- Quaternary ammonium compound
- 6. Drugs of public health importance
- Iron and folic acid tablet (60 mg IFA red)
- Iron and folic acid syrup
- Iron and folic acid tablet (45 mg, pink, sugar coated)
- Iron and folic acid tablet (60 mg, blue, sugar coated) (khane ki neeli goli)
- I.V. iron sucrose (IVIS) (Figure 6.4)
- Albendazole (400 mg) (Figure 6.5)
- Reduced osmolarity ORS packet
- Zinc tablet (20 mg) (Figure 6.7)
- Multidrug therapy blister pack (adults) for multibacillary leprosy (Figure 6.8)
- Multidrug therapy blister pack (children) for multibacillary leprosy (Figure 6.9)
- Multidrug therapy blister pack (adults) for paucibacillary leprosy (Figure 6.10)
- Multidrug therapy blister pack (children) for paucibacillary leprosy (Figure 6.11)
- Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) tablet (100 mg) (Figure 6.12)
- Chloroquine tablet
- Calcium with vitamin D tablet (Figure 6.13)
- Co-trimoxazole syrup (paediatric) (Figure 6.14)
- Co-trimoxazole tablet (paediatric) (Figure 6.15)
- Benzyl benzoate
- Permethrin cream 5%
- Drugs for drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis (adults)
- 7. Maternal and child health
- Urine pregnancy test card
- Mother and child protection card
- Dipstick test for albumin and glucose in urine (Figs 7.2 and 7.3)
- Disposable delivery kit (Figure 7.4)
- Growth chart (Figures 7.5 and 7.6)
- Mid-upper arm circumference tape (Figures 7.7 and 7.8)
- 8. Insecticides and rodenticides
- Insecticides
- Rodenticides
- 9. Environment
- Sanitary well
- Deep well and shallow well (Figure 9.2; Table 9.1)
- Horrock’s apparatus
- Chloroscope
- 10. Miscellaneous spotters
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Mycobacterium leprae (Figure 10.2)
- Microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti (Figure 10.3)
- Ascaris lumbricoides/Roundworm (adult) (Figure 10.4)
- Ancylostoma duodenale/Hookworm (adult) (Figures 10.5 and 10.6)
- Bivalent rapid diagnostic test (RDT) kit for malaria (Figure 10.7)
- Section 2. Exercises
- 11. Biostatistics
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of dispersion/deviation
- Estimation of 95% confidence interval
- Tests of significance/hypothesis testing
- Sample size determination
- Exercises with solution
- Exercises for practice
- 12. Epidemiology
- Mortality indicators
- Maternal and child mortality indicators
- Morbidity indicators
- Case-control and cohort studies: OR, RR, AR, PAR
- Validity of screening test: Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, likelihood ratio
- Epidemic investigation
- Miscellaneous: Malaria and filaria indicators, vaccine efficacy
- Exercises with solution
- Exercises for practice
- 13. Demography
- Fertility-related indicators
- Estimation of mid-year population by arithmetic progression method
- Exercises with solution
- Exercises for practice
- 14. Nutrition
- Planning of a balanced diet
- Plotting weight on growth chart: Intregated child development services (ICDs)
- Exercises with solution
- Exercise for practice
- 15. Water
- Calculation of bleaching powder requirement for disinfection of well water
- Procedure for well water disinfection
- Important parameters of water quality
- Exercises with solution
- Exercises for practice
- Section 3. Clinicosocial Case
- 16. Introduction to clinicosocial case
- Importance of clinicosocial case
- List of clinicosocial cases of public health importance
- Points to remember before interviewing the case
- Important points for history taking
- About presentation of the case
- Importance of collected information
- 17. Proforma for clinicosocial case
- General proforma
- Explanatory notes
- 18. Details of specific clinicosocial cases
- Antenatal case (ANC)
- Postnatal case (PNC)
- Under-five child case
- Hypertension
- Diabetes mellitus
- Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB)
- Leprosy
- Fever
- Section 4. Miscellaneous
- 19. Nutritional assessment of individual, family and community
- Methods of nutritional status assessment
- Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) and estimated average requirement (EAR)
- Total energy expenditure (TEE)
- Type of worker and occupation
- Dietary assessment of an individual
- 20. Family study proforma
- Identification details
- General information about the locality
- Family composition and history (Table 20.1)
- Socioeconomic history
- Psychosocial history of family
- External environment (outside the house)
- Internal environment (inside the house)
- Personal hygiene and habits in family
- Examination and health status of the family (Table 20.2)
- Family welfare measures
- Nutritional history of the family
- Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) about existing health problems/pregnancy/child care in family
- Health-seeking behaviour
- Health facilities and their utilization (Table 20.3)
- Awareness about relevant health programmes/schemes and their utilization
- Summary
- Management/recommendations
- 21. Field visits to health establishments/centres
- Introduction
- General format for visits (required information)
- Specific information/observation required in visits
- 22. Family adoption programme
- 23. Formulating research question for study
- 24. Planning, implementation and evaluation of health education programme
- 25. Training of health workers in disease prevention and control
- 26. Application of computers in epidemiology
- Part B. Viva Voce
- 27. Concepts of health and disease
- 28. Relationship of social and behavioural factors to health and disease
- 29. Environmental health problems
- 30. Principles of health promotion and education
- 31. Nutrition
- 32. Basic statistics and its applications
- 33. Epidemiology
- 34. Epidemiology of communicable and noncommunicable diseases
- Epidemiology of communicable diseases with relevant national health programmes
- Epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases with relevant national health programmes
- 35. Demography and vital statistics
- 36. Reproductive, maternal and child health
- 37. Occupational health
- 38. Geriatric services
- 39. Disaster management
- 40. Hospital waste management
- 41. Mental health
- 42. Health planning and management
- 43. Health care of the community
- 44. International health
- 45. Essential medicine
- 46. Recent advances in community medicine
- 47. Miscellaneous
- Annexure I. Important health days
- Annexure II. Health related important indicators of India
- Bibliography
- Index
- No. of pages: 420
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: March 20, 2023
- Imprint: Elsevier India
- Paperback ISBN: 9788131267363
- eBook ISBN: 9788131267387