Resolvable Group Divisible Designs with Block Size 3 (A.M. Assaf, A. Hartman). Minimally Projectively Embeddable Steiner Systems (L.M. Batten). The Spectra of a Variety of Quasigroups and Related Combinatorial Designs (F.E. Bennett). New Cyclic (61, 244, 40, 10, 6) BIBDs (E.J. Billington). A Unital in the Hughes Plane of Order Nine (A.E. Brouwer). Percentages in Pairwise Balanced Designs (C.J. Colbourn, V. Rödl). On Complete Arcs in Steiner Systems S(2, 3, v) and S(2, 4, v) (M.J. de Resmini). A Survey of Recent Works with Respect to a Characterization of an (n, k, d; q)-Code meeting the Griesmer Bound using a Min-Hyper in a Finite Projective Geometry (N. Hamada, M. Deza). BIBDs with Block Size Seven (H. Hanani). On Alspach's Conjecture (K. Heinrich, P. Horák, A. Rosa). Some Self-Blocking Block Designs (D. Jungnickel). The Steiner Systems S(2, 4, 25) with Nontrivial Automorphism Group (E.S. Kramer, S.S. Magliveras, R. Mathon). Balanced Tournament Designs and Related Topics (E.R. Lamken, S.A. Vanstone). Automorphisms of 2-(22, 8, 4) Designs (I. Landgev, V.D. Tonchev). Nesting of Cycle Systems of Odd Length (C.C. Lindner, C.A. Rodger, D.R. Stinson). On the (15, 5, &lgr;)-Family of BIBDs (R. Mathon, A. Rosa). Finite Bases for Some PBD-Closed Sets (R.C. Mullin). On the Constructive Enumeration of Packings and Coverings of Index One (A.J. Petrenjuk). The Existence of Simple S3(3, 4, v) (K. Phelps, D.R. Stinson, S.A. Vanstone). On Combinatorial Designs with Subdesigns (R. Rees, D.R. Stinson). Cyclical Steiner Triple Systems Orthogonal to their Opposites (S. Schreiber) Symmetric Quasigroups of Odd Order (S. Schreiber). Partitioning Sets of Quadruples into Designs I (M.J. Sharry, A.P. Street). Infinite Families of Strictly Cyclic Steiner Quadruple Systems (H. Siemon). Minimal Pairwise Balanced Designs (R.G. Stanton). Combinatorial Problems in Repeated Measurements Designs (D.J. Street). Locally Trivial t-Designs and t-Designs without Repeated Blocks (L. Tierlinck). A New Family of BIBDs and Non-Embeddable (16, 24, 9, 6, 3)-Designs (G.H.J. van Rees). Modifications of the ``Central-Method'' to Construct Steiner Triple Systems (H. Zeitler).