Highly illustrated, full-colour atlas format serves as a practical guide to placing dental implants.Appropriate for clinicians at all experience levels.
Each chapter addresses a different area of the mouth or specific surgical technique.The prosthetic plan is discussed as it relates to each specific surgical procedure and includes information on treatment planning, presurgical guidelines for surgical success, detailed surgical techniques, and postoperative follow-up.
Chapters are divided logically into two sections (The Mandible and The Maxilla), making it easy for readers to find key topics.In the Mandible section, various approaches to augmentation of the atrophic mandible are discussed, including a case that utilizes distraction osteogenesis. Detailed cases of posterior mandible surgery demonstrate onlay bone harvesting and grafting the deficient ridge.
The Maxilla section features sinus grafting, hard and soft tissue procedures, and the relatively new zygomaticus implant procedure.Multiple cases are presented to illustrate a broad range of conditions.