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Colloidal Foundations of Nanoscience explores the theory and concepts of colloid chemistry and its applications to nanoscience and nanotechnology. It provides the essential… Read more
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Colloidal Foundations of Nanoscience explores the theory and concepts of colloid chemistry and its applications to nanoscience and nanotechnology. It provides the essential conceptual and methodological tools to approach nano-research issues. The authors’ expertise in colloid science will contribute to the understanding of basic issues involved in research. Each chapter covers a classical subject of colloid science, in simple and straightforward terms, and addresses its relevance to nanoscience before introducing case studies.
Chemists, physical/colloid chemists, chemical engineers, and materials scientists
Chapter 1: Thermodynamics of (Nano)interfaces
1 Classical Nanothermodynamics
2 Classical Thermodynamics of Systems with Interfaces
3 Size Dependence of Melting Temperature and Solubility in Nanoparticles
4 Superhydrophobic and Other Amazing Nanostructured Surfaces
5 Surface-Confined (Bio)molecular Machines
6 Worth Further Thought
Chapter 2: Stability of Dispersions and Interactions in Nanostructured Fluids
1 Motivation
2 Background: Fundamentals from Colloid Chemistry
3 Stability of NPs
4 Applications
5 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Bottom-Up Synthesis of Nanosized Objects
1 Introduction
2 Nucleation
3 Growth
4 Shape Control
5 Conclusion
Chapter 4: The Emergence of Quantum Confinement in Atomic Quantum Clusters
1 Introduction
2 QC in Materials with Delocalized Atoms
3 Clusters: First Observations of Magic Numbers, Stability, and Shell Closures
4 Experimental Observation of QC in Optical Properties: Photoabsorption and Luminescence
5 Manufacturing CLs for Research and Technological Applications
Chapter 5: Polymers and Nanoscience
1 Introduction
2 Conformation and Free Energy of Polymer Chains
3 Multichain Systems: The Flory-Huggins Theory for Polymers in Solutions in Good Solvents
4 Osmotic Pressures in Polymer Solutions
5 Polymers at Surfaces: Polymer Brushes
6 Polymers in Nanoscience: Some Examples
Chapter 6: Surfactants and Nanoscience
1 Overview
2 Surfactants, Stabilizers, and Block Copolymers
3 Adsorption and Self-Assembly
4 Bulk Properties of Surfactants
5 Example Applications of Surfactants in Nanoscience
6 Future Prospects
Chapter 7: Colloid Phase Behavior
1 Introduction
2 Polymers
3 Colloidal Crystals and Liquid Crystals
4 Surfactants
Chapter 8: Scattering of Radiation
1 Introduction
2 Fundamentals of Scattering: The Momentum Transfer Vector
3 The Form Factor
4 The Structure Factor
5 Different Probe Radiations
6 Scattering Techniques in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Chapter 9: Diffusion and Aggregation
1 Introduction
2 The Measurement of Diffusion Coefficients
Chapter 10: Optical Correlation Techniques for the Investigation of Colloidal Systems
1 Basic Concepts in Statistical Optics
2 DLS (Intensity-Correlation Spectroscopy)
3 Novel Investigation Methods Based on Intensity Correlation
4 Spatial Coherence and Imaging
5 Scattering and Imaging: Toward a Joint Venture
In 2000 she joined the University of Florence, where she teaches Physical Chemistry of Nanosystems and Colloid Chemistry in undergraduate courses. She is also member of the Board of PhD School in Chemical Sciences.
Her background in physical chemistry of surfactant self-assembly has gradually shifted throughout the years to self-assembly of bio-inspired and biorelevant functional amphiphiles, with particular focus on nucleolipids.
The structural and dynamic characterization of nucleolipidi self-assemblies have been her core research themes in the early stages of her scientific activity
Currently, her research topics include :
Nanostructured fluids for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Hybrid Nanoparticle/lipid assemblies for stimuli responsive drug delivery
Interaction of nanostructured assemblies with model membranes
She is author of more than 70 published or in press research papers.
She has been member of ECIS (European Colloid and Interface Society) since 2000, ACS, Italian Chemical Society, European Neutron Scattering Association, Italian Society for Neutron Scattering, IACIS.
She is the President Elect of the European Colloid and Interface Society.