List of Kapitza's Scientific Papers—Vol. I
1. Electron Inertia in Molecular Ampère Currents (J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc., Phys. Sect. 48, 297, 1916)
2. The Preparation of Wollaston Fibres (J. RUSS. Phys. Chem. Soc., Phys. Sect. 48, 324, 1916)
3. A Method of Reflection from Crystals (Bull. Roentgenol. Radiol. 1, 33, 1919)
4. The Koch Recording Microphotometer (Bull. Roentgenol. Radiol. 1, 54, 1919)
5. The Dependence of the Emission Edge of the Continuous X-Ray Spectrum on the Azimuth of the Emission and the Influence of the Anticathode Metal (UFN* 2, 322, 1921)
6. On the Possibility of an Experimental Determination of the Magnetic Moment of an Atom (J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc, Phys. Sect. 50, 159, 1922; with N. N. Ssemenoff)
7. The Loss of Energy of an α-Ray Beam in Its Passage through Matter. I. Passage through Air and CO2 (Proc Roy. Soc. A102,48, 1922)
8. Note on the Curved Tracks of β-Particles (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 21, 129, 1922)
9. On the Theory of δ-Radiation (Phil. Mag. 45, 989, 1923)
10. Some Observation on α-Particle Tracks in a Magnetic Field (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc 21, 511, 1923)
11. A Method of Producing Strong Magnetic Fields (Proc Roy. Soc A105, 691, 1924)
12. α-Ray Tracks in a Strong Magnetic FIeld (Proc Roy. Soc A106, 602, 1924)
13. The Zeeman Effect in Strong Magnetic Fields (Nature 114, 273, 1924 ; with H. W. B. Skinner)
14. The Zeeman Effect in Strong Magnetic Fields (Proc. Boy. Soc. A109, 224, 1925; with H. W. B. Skinner)
15. Over-Tension in a Condenser Battery During a Sudden Discharge (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 23, 144, 1926)
16. Further Developments of the Method of Obtaining Strong Magnetic Fields (Proc. Roy. Soc. A115, 658, 1927)
17. The Study of the Specific Resistance of Bismuth Crystals and Its Change in Strong Magnetic Fields and Some Allied Problems (Proc. Boy. Soc. A119, 358, 1928)
18. The Change of Electrical Conductivity in Strong Magnetic Fields (Proc. Boy. Soc. A123, 292, 1929)
19. Magnetostriction and the Phenomena of the Curie Point (Proc. Boy. Soc. A124, 1, 1929; with R. H. Fowler)
20. Metallic Conductivity and Its Change in a Magnetic Field (Metallwirtsch. 19, 443, 1929)
21. A Property of Superconducting Metals (Nature 123, 870, 1929)
22. Magnetostriction of Diamagnetic Substances in Strong Magnetic Fields (Nature 124, 53, 1929)
23. The Change of Resistance of Gold Crystals at Very Low Temperatures in a Magnetic Field and Supra-Conductivity (Proc. Boy. Soc. A126, 683, 1930; Physik. Zs. 31, 713, 1930)
24. Methods of Experimenting in Strong Magnetic Fields (Proc. Phys. Soc. 42, 425, 1930)
25. Experimental Studies in Strong Magnetic Fields (UFN 11, 533, 339 1931)
26. The Study of the Magnetic Properties of Matter in Strong Magnetic Fields (I and I I : Proc. Boy. Soc. A131, 224, 1931; III-V: Proc. Boy. Soc. A135, 537, 1932)
27. A Method of Measuring Magnetic Susceptibilities (Proc. Boy. Soc. A132, 442, 1931 ; with W. L . Webster)
28. Reply to Some Remarks by O. Stierstadt About an Error in Principle in my Measurements on the Change in Resistivity in Strong Magnetic Fields (Zs. f. Physik 69, 421, 1931)
29. Hydrogen Liquefaction Plant at the Royal Society Mond Laboratory (Nature 129, 224, 1932; with J . D. Cockcroft)
30. The Change of Resistance of Metals in Magnetic Fields (Leipziger Vorträge 1933, S. Hirzel, Leipzig, p. 1)
31. The Reflection of Electrons from Standing Light Waves (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 29, 297, 1933; with P. A. M. Dirac)
32. Liquefaction of Helium by an Adiabatic Method without Pre-cooking with Liquid Hydrogen (Nature 133, 708, 1934)
33. The Liquefaction of Helium by an Adiabatic Method (Proc. Roy. Soc. A147, 189, 1934; UFN 16, 145, 1936)
List of Kapitza's Scientific Papers—Vol. II
34. Viscosity of Liquid Helium Below the λ-Point (DAN* 18, 21, 1938; C. R. Acad. Sei. USSR 18, 21, 1938; Nature 141, 74, 1938)
35. The Zeeman and Paschen-Back Effects in Strong Magnetic Fields (Proc. Roy. Soc. A167, 1, 1938; ZETF† 8, 276, 1938; with P. G. Strelkov and E. Laurman)
36. Expansion Turbine Producing Low Temperatures Applied to Air Liquefaction (J. Phys. USSR 1, 7, 1939; ZTF‡ 9, 99, 1939)
37. Influence of Friction Forces on the Stability of High-Speed Rotors (J. Phys. USSR 1, 29, 1939; ZTF 9, 124,1939)
38. The Study of Heat Transfer in Helium II (J. Phys. USSR 4, 181, 1941 ; ZETF 11, 1, 1941)
39. Heat Transfer and Superfluidity of Helium II (J. Phys. USSR 5, 59, 1941; ZETF 11, 581, 1941)
40. On the Superfluidity of Liquid Helium II (UFN 26, 133, 1944)
41. On Professor S. Ya Gersh's Paper "Low and High Pressures in Deep-Cooling Systems" (Bull. Mech. Engin. 7/8, 43, 1944)
42. Theoretical and Empirical Expressions for the Heat Transfer in a Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flow (DAN 55, 595, 1947)
43. Wave Flow of Thin Layers of a Viscous Fluid (I and II: ZETF 18, 3, 1948; III (with S. P. Kapitza): ZETF 19, 105, 1949)
44. On the Formation of Sea Waves by the Wind (DAN 64, 513, 1949)
45. Dynamical Stability of a Pendulum with a Vibrating Point of Suspensions (ZETF 21, 588, 1951)
46. Pendulum with a Vibrating Suspension (UFN 44, 7, 1951)
47. Evaluation of the Sum of Negative Even Powers of Roots of Bessel Functions (DAN 77, 561, 1951)
48. Heat Conductivity and Diffusion in a Liquid Medium Under Periodic Flow Conditions (ZETF 21, 964, 1951)
49. The Hydrodynamic Theory of Lubrication in the Presence of Rolling (ZTF 25, 747, 1955)
50. On the Nature of Ball Lightning (DAN 101, 245, 1955)
51. Design of a Helium-Liquefying Cycle with Expansion Engines Connected in Cascade (ZTF 29, 427, 1959; Soviet Phys.-Techn. Flays. 4, 377, 1959)
52. Static Boundary Problem for a Hollow Cylinder of Finite Length (ZTF 29, 1177, 1959; Soviet Phys.-Techn. Phys. 4, 1077, 1960; with V. A. Fok and L. A. Vainshtein)
53. Symmetric Electric Oscillations of a Perfectly Conducting Hollow Cylinder of Finite Length (ZTF 29, 1188, 1959; Soviet Phys.-Techn. Phys. 4, 1088,1960; with V. A. Fok and L. A. Vainshtein)
54. Expansion Engine for Liquefaction of Helium (ZTF 31, 486, 1961; Soviet Phys.-Techn. Phys. 6, 349, 1961 ; with I. B. Danilov)
55. Cascade Compression Helium Liquefier with No External Refrigeration(ZTF 32, 457, 1962; Soviet Phys.-Techn. Phys. 7, 333, 1962; with I. B. Danilov)
56. High-Power Electronics (from: High-power Microwave Electronics, Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, p. 9; Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1964, p. 3; UFN 78, 181, 1962; Soviet Phys.-Uspekhi 5, 777, 1963)
57. Natural Oscillations of Gridded Cavity Resonators (from: High-power Microwave Electronics, Izd. Akad. Nauk, 1962, p. 159; Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1964, p. 117)
* UFN = Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk
* DAN = Doklady Akademii Naulc USSR
† ZETF = Zhurnal EksperimentaVnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki
‡ ZTF = Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki