Chapter 1. Perspectives on Coastal and Marine Hazards and Disasters
- 1.1. Introduction
- 1.2. Geophysical Hazards
- 1.3. Biological/Ecological Hazards
- 1.4. Conclusions
Chapter 2. Tsunami Dynamics, Forecasting, and Mitigation
- 2.1. Introduction
- 2.2. Significant Advances in Tsunami Science before the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami
- 2.3. Developments since the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami
- 2.4. Mitigation Measures
- 2.5. Conclusions
Chapter 3. Paleotsunami Research—Current Debate and Controversies
- 3.1. Introduction
- 3.2. Current Research Subjects under Debate
- 3.3. Future Research Directions
- 3.4. Conclusions/Outlook
Chapter 4. Tsunami Case Studies
- 4.1. Introduction
- 4.2. Earthquake-Generated Tsunamis
- 4.3. Landslide-Generated Tsunami
- 4.4. Volcano-Generated Tsunami
Chapter 5. Palaeostorm Surges and Inundations
- 5.1. Coral Rubble Ridges
- 5.2. Cheniers and Shelly Beach Ridges
- 5.3. Sand Beach Ridge Plains
- 5.4. Shell Ridges
- 5.5. Gravel Ridges
- 5.6. Pumice Ridges
- 5.7. Sand Splays
- 5.8. Washover Deposits
- 5.9. Prehistoric TC Intensity
- 5.10. Gaps in Chronology
- 5.11. Deriving Robust Return Periods from PalAeostorm Deposits
- 5.12. Conclusion
Chapter 6. Storm Surge Warning, Mitigation, and Adaptation
- 6.1. Mitigation and Adaptation
- 6.2. Storm Surge Barriers
- 6.3. Storm Surge Warning
- 6.4. Storm Surge Disaster Risk Reduction
Chapter 7. Storm Surge Case Studies
- 7.1. Introduction
- 7.2. The Case of Qingdao, China
- 7.3. The Case of Hamburg and the Elbe Estuary
- 7.4. The Case of the Southern Baltic Sea Coast
- 7.5. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 8. Sea-Level Rise: Causes, Impacts, and Scenarios for Change
- 8.1. Introduction
- 8.2. Sea-Level Definitions, Measurements, and Causes
- 8.3. Human Links and Drivers: Impacts of SLCs on People
- 8.4. Sea-Level Patterns, Trends, and Models
- 8.5. Conclusions, Global Warming, and Future Sea Levels
Chapter 9. Adapting to Sea Level Rise
- 9.1. Introduction
- 9.2. Coastal Systems
- 9.3. Global-Mean and RSLR
- 9.4. Sea-Level Rise and Resulting Impacts
- 9.5. Recent Impacts of Sea-Level Rise
- 9.6. Future Impacts of Sea-Level Rise
- 9.7. Mitigation of Sea-Level Rise
- 9.8. Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise
- 9.9. Discussion/Conclusions
Chapter 10. Storm-Induced Morphology Changes along Barrier Islands and Poststorm Recovery
- 10.1. Introduction
- 10.2. Factors Controlling Storm Impact on Barrier-Island Morphology
- 10.3. Morphologic Response of Barrier Islands to Storm Impact
- 10.4. Poststorm Recovery by Natural Processes
- 10.5. Summary
Chapter 11. Extreme Waves: Causes, Characteristics, and Impact on Coastal Environments and Society
- 11.1. What Are “Extreme” Waves?
- 11.2. Types of Extreme Waves and the Conditions That Produce Them
- 11.3. Impact of Extreme Waves on the Coastal Environment
- 11.4. Impact of Extreme Waves on Society and Infrastructure
- 11.5. Conclusion
Chapter 12. Rip Currents
- 12.1. Introduction
- 12.2. Rip Current Definition and Formation
- 12.3. Rip Current Occurrence, Type and Identification
- 12.4. Rip Current Flow and Beach Safety
- 12.5. Rip Current Monitoring, Modeling, Prediction, and Forecasting
- 12.6. Rip Current Mitigation and Outreach
- 12.7. Summary
Chapter 13. Sea Ice: Hazards, Risks, and Implications for Disasters
- 13.1. Introduction: Environmental Hazards, Disasters and Sea Ice
- 13.2. Geographic Distribution of Sea Ice and Key Processes and Properties
- 13.3. Sea Ice as Natural Hazard
- 13.4. Case Study: Ice Hazards in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
- 13.5. Sea-Ice Hazards and Disasters: Prevention, Mitigation, and Response
Chapter 14. Mangroves, Tropical Cyclones, and Coastal Hazard Risk Reduction
- 14.1. Introduction
- 14.2. Storm Surges
- 14.3. Evidence for Reduction of Storm Surge Impacts by Mangroves
- 14.4. Factors Affecting Storm Surge Water Level Reduction in Mangroves
- 14.5. Reduction of Surface Winds by Mangroves
- 14.6. Discussion, Data Gaps, and Conclusions
Chapter 15. Coral Reef Systems and the Complexity of Hazards
- 15.1. Introduction
- 15.2. Structure and Function of Coral Reefs
- 15.3. Identifying Hazards and Key Stresses on Coral Reef Systems
- 15.4. The Complexity of Multiple Hazards and Implications for Coral Reef Resilience
- 15.5. Conclusions
Chapter 16. Threats to Marsh Resources and Mitigation
- 16.1. Introduction
- 16.2. Ecosystem Services
- 16.3. Land Use Change
- 16.4. Climate Change
- 16.5. Pollution
- 16.6. Invasive Species
- 16.7. Measuring Salt-Marsh Function
- 16.8. Strategies Moving Forward
Chapter 17. Living with Harmful Algal Blooms in a Changing World: Strategies for Modeling and Mitigating Their Effects in Coastal Marine Ecosystems
- 17.1. Introduction
- 17.2. Environmental Forcing of HABs
- 17.3. Bloom Control and Prevention
- 17.4. Monitoring and Modeling Habs
- 17.5. Regional Earth System Framework
- 17.6. Living with Habs