Address of Todor Zhivkov, State Council President of the P.R. of Bulgaria to Participants in the Second International Conference "Children in the Information Age: Opportunities for Creativity, Innovation and New Activities"
A Critique of Technocentrism in Thinking about the School of the Future
Conceptual Threads of Datalogy, Informatics and Information Technology
School Informatics in the USSR: From Literacy to Culture
Which Has the Most Powerful Influence on Children: Computer Literacy, School or Home?
Informatics In and Out of School
New Meanings of Literacy
Computer Use in Education. Trends Challenges and Opportunities
Literacy in the Information Age
Informatics in Education for Children-The Indian Plan Experience and Projections
On Cognitive Processes in Education. A Model for Use of Knowledge Based Systems in Education
Computers and Measurement
German Informatics Competitions
The Information Age in Focus
New Technologies in Education for New Access to Information and New Hierarchy of Communication
The Second Wave: Information Technology and Literacy
Children in the Information Age
Closing Speech of Academician Blagovest Sendov (Bulgaria)
Recommendations of the International Conference "Children in the Information Age: Opportunities for Creativity, Innovation and New Activities", Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-23 May 1987
Recommendations of the Working Meeting of Editors of Journals and Magazines on Informatics in Education
Appendix 1. Reports of Stream Rapporteurs
Appendix 2. Debates
Appendix 3. Conference Committees
Appendix 4. Scientific Program and Speakers