Modern Power Station Practice, Volume 5: Chemistry and Metallurgy focuses on power station chemistry and metallurgy. The book first offers information on power station chemistry, including the use, preparation, sampling, storage, and transport of coal to power stations. Other considerations include the commercial use of ash, analysis and testing of coal and coke, gas-side cleaning of boilers, oil firing, burner fuels, testing of fuel oils and gases, and air pollution. The text also reviews water treatment relative to the operation of boilers. The corrosion of metals; sampling and analysis of feed water, boiler water, and steam; instrumentation for quality control; and on-load corrosion of boilers are discussed. The book also looks at cooling water systems in water treatment plants. Topics include water softening, evaporators, sources and quality of raw water, demineralization, and boiler feed water composition. The text also gives emphasis to plant cleaning and inspection and metallurgy and welding. The book is a valuable reference for readers interested in power station chemistry and metallurgy.