1. Introduction (P.K. Agrawal, K.R. Markham). Flavonoid structure variation - nomenclature. Flavonoid structure establishment - general. Revision of flavonoid structures resulting from carbon-13 NMR studies. Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy - general. 2. Methods for Signal Assignment (P.K. Agrawal). Experimental NMR techniques. Shift and relaxation reagents. Isotopic labelling. Derivatization. 3. Flavonoids (P.K. Agrawal, R.S. Thakur, M.C. Bansal). Flavanones. Flavanonols. Flavones. Flavonols. 3-Methoxyflavones. Flavonoid sulphates. Anthocyanidins. 4. Isoflavonoids (P.K. Agrawal, M.C. Bansal). Isoflavonoids. Coumaronochromones. Pterocarpanoids. Rotenoids. Bi-isoflavanoids. 5. Other Flavonoids (P.K. Agrawal, M.C. Bansal). Neoflavonoids. Auronoids. Homoisoflavonoids and homoflavonoids. Biflavonoids. 6. Flavonoid Glycosides (P.K. Agrawal, M.C. Bansal). Solvent system. Number and identification of the monosaccharides. Interglycosidic linkage. Identification of flavonoid aglycones. Site of glycosylation. Anthocyanins and acylated anthocyanins. 7. Chalconoids (P.K. Agrawal, M.C. Bansal). Chalconoid structure variation - nomenclature. Chalconoids. Chalcanonoids. Chalcanoids. Biflavonoids. Chalconid glycosides. Determination of aromatic substitution pattern. 8. Flavanoids (P.K. Agrawal, M.C. Bansal, L.J. Porter, L. Yeap Foo). Monomeric flavanoids. Condensed proanthocyanidins. Flavanoid esters. Flavanoid-O- and C-glycosides. Miscellaneous flavans. Isoflavanoids. 9. Flavonoid Structure and Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy (P.K. Agrawal). C15 Flavonoids. C16 Flavonoids. Establishment of the aromatic substitution pattern. (Chapters begin with an Introduction and conclude with References). Abbreviations. Subject Index. Compound Index.