Bubbles in Food 2
Novelty, Health and Luxury
- 1st Edition - January 1, 2008
- Author: Grant Campbell
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 8 9 1 1 2 7 - 5 9 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 0 4 5 9 - 0
Bubbles give novelty and distinctiveness to many food and drink products including the most important and interesting ones such as bread, beer, ice cream, whipped cream, so… Read more

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Request a sales quoteBubbles give novelty and distinctiveness to many food and drink products including the most important and interesting ones such as bread, beer, ice cream, whipped cream, soufflés and champagne. Understanding the creation and control of bubbles in food products is key to the success of the domestic chef or the industrial food manufacturer. This new volume presents the proceedings of the conference Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury. This book is fully updated and expanded from the original Bubbles in Food book published in 1999. This new title brings together up-to-date information on the latest developments in this fast moving area.
Bubbles in Food 2 includes novel experimental techniques for measuring and quantifying the aerated structure of foods (e.g. ultrasonics, MRI imaging, X-ray tomography, microscopy, rheology, image analysis), and novel analytical approaches for interpreting aerated food properties and behavior. These techniques and approaches provide stimulus for new product development or for enhancing the understanding of the manufacture of existing products, leading to enhanced quality and greater product differentiation. Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury aims to enhance the appreciation of aerated foods and to provide stimulation and cross fertilisation of ideas for the exploitation of bubbles as a novel and versatile food ingredient.
Chapter 1 A History of Aerated FoodsGrant M Campbell
Novel ProcessingChapter 2 A History of Aerated ChocolateStephen T Beckett
Chapter 3 Study of the Dynamics and Size Distributions of Air Bubbles During Mixing in a Continuous Food MixerKiran VG Vyakaranam and Jozef L Kokini
Chapter 4 Pore Generation in Food Materials by Application of Microwave Energy Under Sub-atmospheric PressureTim Durance, Mareike Ressing, and Henning Ressing
Bubble Detection and QuantificationChapter 5 Investigating the Bubble Size Distribution in Dough Using UltrasoundValentin Leroy, Yuanzhong Fan, A.L. Strybulevych, G.G. Bellido, J.H. Page, and M.G. Scanlon
Chapter 6 Quantifying the Morphology of Bread CrustsR. Hans Tromp, Cristina Primo-Martín, Rick van de Zedde, and Nicole Koenderink
Chapter 7 Fractal and Image Analysis of Mexican Sweet Bread Bubble Distribution; Influence of Fermentation and Mixing TimeG. Calderón-Domínguez, J. Chanona-Pérez, A. L. Ramos-Cruz, A. I. López-Lara, A. D. Tlapale-Valdivia and G. F. Gutiérrez-López
Chapter 8 Quantification of the Structural Changes in Foams Stabilized by Proteins via Image AnalysisJuan C. Germain and José M. Aguilera
Chapter 9 Crumb Features Quantification by Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy ImagesUrsula Gonzales Barron and Francis Butler
Chapter 10 An Acoustic Sensor to Measure Bubbles in Food Foams to Monitor ProductionPenny Probert Smith
Chapter 11 Structural Image Analysis of Food Foams and Aerated Food ProductsJuan C. Germain and José M. Aguilera
Bubble StabilityChapter 12 Drainage and Coarsening Effects on the Time-Dependent Rheology of Whole Egg and Egg White Foams and BattersJ. E. Spencer, M. G. Scanlon, and J. H. Page
Chapter 13 Influence of pH on the Molecular Structure and Bubble Stabilising Properties of Bovine α-LactalbuminChunli Gao, Ramani Wijesinha-Bettoni, Alan Mackie, John Jenkins, Lorna Smith, Clare Mills, and Peter Wilde
Chapter 14 Permeability of Bubbles Stabilized by ProteinsJuan C. Germain, José M. Aguilera, Hugo Gloria-Hernández, and Guy Mayor
Chapter 15 Bubbles Rising in Line: Champagne, Lager, CiderJ. F. Harper
Chapter 16 Formation and Stability of Milk FoamsSusana Silva, Ana Espiga, K. Niranjan, Simon Livings, Jean-Claude Gumy, and Alexander Sher
Sensory, Textural and Rheological Effects of Bubbles in FoodChapter 17 Characterization and Prediction of the Fracture Response of Solid Food FoamsHulya Dogan, Pedro A. Romero, Shanfu Zheng, Alberto M. Cuitino, and Jozef L. Kokini
Chapter 18 Effect of the Rheology of the Continuous Phase on Foaming Process: Viscosity-Temperature ImpactS. Mezdour, C. Balerin, P. Aymard, G. Cuvelier, and F. Ducept
Chapter 19 Foaming Kinetics Study of Molten Potato Starch Using a Cambridge Multi-Pass Rheometer (MPR)N. C. Nowjee and M. R. Mackley
Breadmaking: A Series of Aeration OperationsChapter 20 Mixing Bread Doughs Under Highly Soluble Gas Atmospheres and the Effect on Bread Crumb Texture: Experimental Results and Theoretical InterpretationP.J. Martin, A. Tassell, R Wiktorowicz, C.J. Morrant, and G.M. Campbell
Chapter 21 Degassing of Dough Pieces During SheetingSusanna S.J. Leong and Grant M. Campbell
Chapter 22 Using Ultrasound to Probe Nucleation and Growth of Bubbles in Bread Dough and to Examine the Resulting Cellular Structure of Bread CrumbMartin G. Scanlon, Hussein M. Elmehdi, Valentin Leroy and John H. Page
Chapter 23 Impact of Freezing Rate of Bread Dough on Dough Expansion During Fermentation. Use of MRI to Assess Local PorosityAlain Le-Bail, Alexandre Grenier, Murielle Hayert, Armel Davenel and Tiphaine Lucas
Chapter 24 Role of the Crust Formation on Local Expansion During Bread BakingM. Wagner, L. Zhang, S. Quellec, C. Doursat, D. Flick, G. Trystram, and T. Lucas
Chapter 25 Coupled Heat and Mass Transfers in a Solid Foam with Water Phase Transitions: Application to a Model Foam and BreadJean-Yves Monteau, Nasser Hamdami, Vanessa Jury and Alain Le-Bail
Chapter 26 In situ Fast X-Ray Tomography Study of the Evolution of Cellular Structure in Bread Dough During Proving and BakingP. Babin, G. Della Valle, H. Chiron, P. Cloetens, J. Hoszowska, P. Pernot, A.L. Réguerre, L. Salvo, and R. Dendievel
Chapter 27 X-Ray Tomography of Structure Formation in Bread and Cakes During BakingMartin Whitworth
Chapter 28 CO2 Release During Baking as a Response Parameter for Monitoring the Bubble OpeningL. Zhang, T. Lucas, C. Doursat, D. Flick, and D. Le Ray
Chapter 29 Mechanism of Gas Cell Stability in BreadmakingBaninder S. Sroan and Finlay MacRitchie
Chapter 30 Bubbles in Bread: Is the Answer in the Genes?Gülay Mann, Simon Diffey, Lynette Rampling, Zena Nath, Ibrahim Kutty, P. Emmett Leyne, F. Azanza, Ken J. Quail, Alison Smith, Brian Cullis and Matthew K. Morell
Bubble Behaviour in High-Fibre BreadsChapter 31 The Influence of Dietary Fibres on Bubble Development During Bread MakingS. Cavella, A. Romano, T. Giancone and P. Masi
Chapter 32 Expansion Capacity of Bran-Enriched Doughs in Different Scales of Laboratory MixersGrant M. Campbell, Marcela Ross and Lidia Motoi
Chapter 33 Bran in Bread: Effects of Particle Size and Level of Wheat and Oat Bran on Mixing, Proving and BakingGrant M. Campbell, Marcela Ross and Lidia Motoi
Chapter 34 Effect of Wheat Bran Particle Size on Aeration of Bread Dough During MixingGrant M. Campbell, Kim Choy Koh, Yee Man Keung and Marco P. Morgenstern
Other Cereal-Based GoodsChapter 35 Structural Basis and Process Requirements for Corn-Based Products CrispnessL. Chaunier, H. Chanvrier, P. Courcoux, G. Della Valle, and D. Lourdin
Chapter 36 A Knowledge Base on Cereal Food Foams Processing and BehaviourC. Raboutet, Ch. Fernandez, B. LeBlanc, G. Della Valle and A. Ndiaye
Chapter 37 Aeration of Biscuit Doughs During MixingK. Brijwani, G.M. Campbell and L. Cicerelli
Chapter 38 Mathematical Modelling of Crumpet FormationPeter Sadd
Chapter 39 A History of PizzaDavid Ovadia
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 2008
- Imprint: Woodhead Publishing and AACC International Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9781891127595
- eBook ISBN: 9780128104590