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Bioprocess Engineering: Kinetics, Sustainability, and Reactor Design, Third Edition, is a systematic and comprehensive textbook on bioprocess kinetics, molecular transform… Read more
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Bioprocess Engineering: Kinetics, Sustainability, and Reactor Design, Third Edition, is a systematic and comprehensive textbook on bioprocess kinetics, molecular transformation, bioprocess systems, sustainability and reaction engineering. The book reviews the relevant fundamentals of chemical kinetics, batch and continuous reactors, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, reaction engineering and bioprocess systems engineering, introducing key principles that enable bioprocess engineers to engage in the analysis, optimization, selection of cultivation methods, design and consistent control over molecular biological and chemical transformations. The quantitative treatment of bioprocesses is the central theme in this text, however more advanced techniques and applications are also covered.
Chapter 1. Introduction1.1. Biological Cycle1.2 Green Chemistry1.3. Sustainability1.4. Biorefinery1.5. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering1.6. Mathematics, Biology and Engineering1.7. The Story of Penicillin: The Dawn of Bioprocess Engineering1.8. Bioprocesses: Regulatory Constraints1.9. The Pillars of Bioprocess Kinetics and Systems Engineering1.10. Summary
Chapter 2. An Overview of Biological Basics2.1. Cells and Organisms2.2. Viruses2.3. Prions2.4. Stem Cell2.5. Cell Chemistry2.6. Cell Feed2.7. Non Earthly / Unnatural Biological Agents2.8. Summary
Chapter 3. An Overview of Chemical Reaction Analysis3.1 Chemical Species3.2 Chemical Reactions3.3 Reaction Rates3.4 Approximate Reactions3.5 Stoichiometry3.7 Yield and Yield Factor3.7 Reaction Rates near Equilibrium3.8 Energy Regularity3.9 Classification of Multiple Reactions and Selectivity3.10 Coupled Reactions3.11 Reactor Mass Balances3.12 Reaction Energy Balances3.13 Reactor Momentum Balance3.14 Ideal Reactors3.15 Bioprocess Systems Optimization3.16 Summary
Chapter 4. Batch Reactor4.1. Isothermal Batch Reactors4.2 Batch Reactor Sizing4.3 Non-Isothermal Batch Reactors4.4 Numerical Solutions of Batch Reactor Problems4.5 The Reactor Pinch Graph4.6 Summary
Chapter 5. Ideal Flow Reactors5.1. Commonly Useful Parameters5.2. Plug Flow Reactor (PFR)5.3. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) and Chemostat5.4. Multiple Reactors5.5. Recycle Reactors5.6. PFR with Distributed Feeding and Withdrawing5.7. Reactive Distillation5.8 PFR or CSTR?5.9 Steady Nonisothermal Flow Reactors5.10. Reactive Extraction5.11 Graphic Solutions Using Batch Concentration Data5.12 Summary
Chapter 6. Kinetic Theory and Reaction Kinetics6.1 Elementary Kinetic Theory6.2 Collision Theory of Reaction Rates6.3. Reaction Rate Analysis / Approximation6.4. Unimolecular Reactions6.5. Free Radicals6.6. Kinetics of Acid Hydrolysis6.7. Parametric Estimation6.8. Summary
Chapter 7. Enzymes7.1. How Enzymes Work7.2. Simple Enzyme Kinetics7.3. Competitive and Allosteric Enzyme Kinetics7.4. Enzyme Inhibition7.5. Higher Order Rational Kinetics7.6. pH effects7.7. Temperature Effects7.8. Insoluble Substrates and/or High Enzyme Loading7.9. Immobilized Enzyme Systems7.10. Analysis of Bioprocess with Enzymatic Reactions7.11. Large-Scale Production of Enzymes7.12. Medical and Industrial Utilization of Enzymes7.13. Kinetic Approximation: Why Michaelis-Menten Equation Works7.14. Summary
Chapter 8. Chemical Reactions on Solid Surfaces8.1 Catalysis8.2 How Does Reaction with Solid Occur?8.3 Langmuir: Theoretical Basis of Adsorption Kinetics8.4 Idealization of Nonideal Surfaces8.5 Cooperative Adsorption8.6 LHHW: Surface Reactions with Rate-Controlling Steps8.7 Why Rate Approximation such as LHHW works?8.8 Chemical Reactions on Nonideal Surfaces Based on the Distribution of Interaction Energy8.9. Chemical Reactions on Nonideal Surfaces: Cooperative Catalysis8.10 Kinetics of Reactions on Surfaces where the Solid is Either a Product or Reactant8.11 Decline of Surface Activity: Catalyst Deactivation8.12 Summary
Chapter 9. Cell Metabolism9.1. The Central Dogma9.2. DNA Replication: Preserving and Propagating the Cellular Message9.3. Transcription: Sending the Message9.4. Translation: Message to Product9.5. Metabolic Regulation9.6. How a Cell Senses Its Extracellular Environment9.7 Major Metabolic Pathways9.8. Overview of Biosynthesis9.9. Overview of Anaerobic Metabolism9.10. Overview of Autotrophic Metabolism9.11. Monod Equation: FES Approximation to Metabolism9.12. Summary
Chapter 10. Interactive Enzymes / Proteins10.1. Multifunctionization of Enzyme / Protein10.2. Covalent oligomerization10.3. Non-covalent association / assembly10.4 Domain swapping assembly10.5 Enzyme polymorphs10.6 Ligand enzyme interactions10.7 Ligand binding on homosteric enzyme10.8 Sequential ligand binding on allosteric enzyme10.9 Random-access ligand binding on allosteric enzyme10.10. Summary
Chapter 11. Molecular Regulation on Multifunctional Enzymes11.1 Single Substrate Reactions 311.2 Unimolecular Reactions 911.3 Bimolecular Reactions 1111.4. Mixtures of Enzyme Oligomers and Classic Models of Enzyme Interactions11.5. Rational expressions for catalytic rate11.6 Multiple Different Ligand-Specific Active Centers11.7 Competitive catalysis on homosteric enzymes11.8 Competitive multi-factor catalysis11.9 Kinetics of Polymorphic Catalysis11.10. Summary
Chapter 12. How Cells Grow12.1. Quantifying Biomass12.2. Batch Growth Patterns12.3 Biomass Yield12.4 Approximate Growth Kinetics and Monod Equation12.5 Cell Death Rate12.6 Cell Maintenance and Endogenous Metabolism12.7 Product Yield12.8 Oxygen Demand for Aerobic Microorganisms12.9. Effect of Environmental Conditions12.10. Heat Generation by Microbial Growth12.12. Overview of Cell Growth Kinetic Models12.13. Summary
Chapter 13. Cell Cultivation13.1. Batch Culture13.2. Continuous Culture13.3. Choosing the Cultivation Method13.4. Chemostat with Recycle13.5. Multistage Chemostat Systems13.6. Waste Water Treatment Process13.7. Immobilized Cell Systems13.8. Solid Substrate Fermentations13.9. Fed-batch Operations13.10. Summary
Chapter 14. Evolution and Genetic Engineering14.1 Mutations14.2. Selection14.3. Natural Mechanisms for Gene Transfer and Rearrangement14.4 Techniques of Genetic Engineering14.5 Applications of Genetic Engineering14.6 The Product and Process Decisions14.7. Host-Vector System Selection14.8. Regulatory Constraints on Genetic Processes14.9. Metabolic Engineering14.10. Protein Engineering14.11 Summary
Chapter 15. Sustainability: Humanity Perspective15.1 What is Sustainability?15.2 Sustainability of Humanity15.3 Water15.4. CO2 and Biomass15.5. Woody Biomass Use and Desired Sustainable State15.6. Solar Energy15.7. Geothermal Energy15.8. Summary
Chapter 15 Sustainability and Stability16.1 Feed Stability of a CSTR16.2 Thermal Stability of a CSTR16.3 Approaching Steady State16.4. Catalyst Instability16.5. Genetic Instability16.6 Mixed Cultures16.7. Sustainability of Mixed Culture16.8 Summary
Chapter 17. Mass Transfer Effects: Immobilized and Heterogeneous Reaction Systems17.1 How Transformation Occurs in A Heterogeneous System?17.2 Molecular Diffusion and Mass Transfer Rate17.3 External Mass Transfer17.4. Reactions in Isothermal Porous Catalysts17.5 Mass Transfer Effects in Non-Isothermal Porous Particles17.6. External and Internal Mass Transfer Effects17.7. Encapsulation Immobilization17.8. External and Internal Surface Effects17.9. The Shrinking Core Model17.10. Summary
Chapter 18. Bioreactor Design and Operation18.1 Bioreactor Selection18.2 Reactor Operational Mode Selection18.3 Aeration, Agitation and Heat Transfer18.4 Scale-up18.5 Scale-down18.6 Bioinstrumentation and Controls18.7 Sterilization of Process Fluids18.8 Aseptic Operations and Practical Considerations for Bioreactor System Construction18.9 Effect of Imperfect Mixing18.10 Summary
Chapter 19. Combustion, Reactive Hazard and Bioprocess Safety19.1 Biological hazards19.2 Identifying Chemical Reactivity Hazards19.3 Heat, flames, fires, and explosions19.4 Probabilities, redundancy, and worst-case scenarios19.5 Chain reactions19.6 Auto-oxidation and safety19.7 Combustion19.8 Premixed flames19.9 Heat generation19.10 Gasification and Pyrolysis19.11 Solid and liquid explosives19.12 Explosions and detonations19.13 Reactor safety19.14 Summary
Chapter 20. Nonideal Reactors20.1 Diffusion and flow in a reactor20.2 Dispersion20.3 Stirred Tank Reactor20.4 Tubular Reactor20.5 Buble Column20.6 Fluidized Bed Reactor20.7 Reactor Residence Time Distribution20.8 Summary
Chapter 21. Bioprocess Kinetics Experimental Design21.1 Introduction21.2 Identification of objectives21.3 Model construction21.4 Factorial design21.5 Taguchi method21.6 Responsive surface21.7 Summary