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Proceedings of the Second International Bioclimatological Congress Held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, 4–10 Sept. 1960, Organized by The International Society of Biometeorology
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1962
- Editor: S. W. Tromp
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 2 1 2 - 9
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 0 9 6 8 3 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 6 4 5 4 - 0
Biometeorology is based on the proceedings of the Second International Bioclimatological Congress, held at The Royal Society of Medicine, London in September 1960. This book is a… Read more
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Request a sales quoteBiometeorology is based on the proceedings of the Second International Bioclimatological Congress, held at The Royal Society of Medicine, London in September 1960. This book is a collection of selected reports from participating members of The International Society of Biometeorology. The compendium covers a wide range of issues related to the study of the direct and indirect interrelations between the geophysical and geochemical factors of the atmospheric environment and living organisms: plants, animals, and human. The book is divided into four main sections; themes are selected for the congress. The first theme covers topics on high altitude bioclimatology such as the physiological aspects of life at extreme altitudes. The second theme is about tropical bioclimatology or aspects of plant and animal life in tropical climates. The third deals with bioclimatological classifications, which is about the relations between the climate and the distribution of the living species on the Earth. The fourth theme, meteoro-pathological forecasting, discusses the consequences of anticipated meteorological conditions and weather types on living organisms. The text will be of use to biologists, health professionals, zoologists, botanists, agriculturists, sociologists, meteorologists, and ecologists.
In Memoriam
Address by the President of I. S. B.
Members of the Executive Board of I. S. B. B.
Chairmen and Secretaries of the Permanent Standing Committees of I. S. B. B.
List of Participants
A. Official Delegates
B. Regular Members of the Congress
1st Session: High Altitude Bioclimatology
Physiological Aspects of Life at Extreme Altitudes
Zur Pathologie und Pathogenese der Höhenkrankheit bei Haustieren
High Altitude as a Stimulus to the Human Body
2nd Session: Tropical Bioclimatology
Cutaneous Vascular and Cardiac Responses to Heat
Adaptation of Domestic Animals to the Tropics
Plant life and Tropical Climate
Physiology and Bioclimatological Studies in E. Africa
Some Aspects of the Temperature Relations of Fiddler Crabs
Mécanisme de l'Oligurie tropicale
Cutaneous Vascular Responses to Cold
Tropical Clothing. A Physiological Appreciation
Climatic Factors and some Renal Affections in Siam
General Remarks to the Main Session on Tropical Bioclimatology
General Climatological Considerations in Relation to Tropical Bioclimatology
Kreislaufveránderungen in Menschen die aus dem Winter Mitteleuropas in tropisches Klimareisen
3rd Session: Bioclimatological Classification
Old and New Principles of Phytobiological Climatic Classification
Human Aspects of Bioclimatological Classification
The World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases and its Significance for Bioclimatological Classifications
4th Session: Meteoro-Pathological Forecasting
Plant diseases and Pests as influenced by Weather
Diseases of Livestock as influenced by Weather
Medical-Meteorological Forecasting: An Application of Fundamental Bioclimatological Concepts
5th Session: Urban Bioclimatology
La protection thermique des constructions en pays tropical
The Effect of Roof construction upon Indoor Temperatures
Bioclimatic Evaluation Method for Architectural Application
Direct Solar Radiation on and inside Buildings
6th Session: Thermoregulation in Animals and Man in Relation to Bioclimatology
The Influence of Climatic and Textile Factors on the Heat Loss in Drying of Moist Clothing
The Control and Failure of Sweating in Man
Natural and Artificial Cold Acclimatization in Man.
The Cooling Efficiency of Sweat Evaporation
Umstellungen in den Muskulären Reaktionen des Menschen während Kälteeinwirkung
Assessment and Alleviation of Environments of High Radiant Temperatures
Mécanisme physiologique de la tachycardie due à la chaleur
Effects de l'humidité absolue sur la courbe pondérale du rat blanc
Influence de l'humidité de l'ambiance sur la température cutanée moyenne
Aspects of the Body Temperature, and Habitat, of large Animals
Thermal Stability in the Newly Born
Die Frigorigraphie in der Tierhaltung
The effects of Heat on Human Performance
Variation, over a Period of a Year, in Resting Pulse Rate and Oral Temperature in Young Men (A study of Seasonal Variation in a Temperate Climate)
The Influence of Clothing on the Cooling Power (Mainly Its Solar Components) Measured by Means of Cylindrical Frigorimeters
Sleep and Wakefulness in the Arctic under an Irregular Regime
A Comparison of the Cumulative Discomfort Index (Cum. D. I.) and Cumulative Effective Temperature (Cum. E. T.) as Obtained by Meteorological Data
Estimation of Daily Water Intake (to replace water loss) from the Cumulative Discomfort Index (Cum. D. I.)
A Device for Measuring Evaporation from Animal and Human Skin
Basal Metabolic Rate of "Tropical" Man in a Polar Climate
Body Temperatures of Heat-Acclimatized Subjects in the Equatorial Tropics
Miscellaneous Bioclimatological Papers Submitted to the Congress
General Bioclimatology
Étude Bioclimatologique du Sénégal et de la Mauritanie
World Population and Maximum Crop Yield
Human Bioclimatology
Der Kurverlauf bei Asthma Bronchiale im Kindesalter während verschiedener Jahreszeiten an der Nordsee
Biometeorological Analysis of the Frequency and Degree of Asthma Attacks in the Western Part of the Netherlands (Periods 1953—1959)
Ionization of the Air
The Sedating Effect of Polarized Air
On the Influence of Artificial Ionization of the Air on the Oxygen Uptake during Exercise
Studies on the Effects of Gaseous Ions on the Mammalian Trachea
On the Mechanisms of the Action of Ionized Air on the Organism
Physico-Chemical State of the Blood
Zur Frage des Umwelteinflusses auf den physikalisch-chemischen Zustand des Blutes und die praktische Bedeutung in der Klinik
Zoological (Entomological) Bioclimatology
Application of Temperature and Relative Humidity Simulation Techniques to Insect Distribution Problems
Die Entwicklung der Bienenvölker und die Nektartracht in ihren Beziehungen zur Witterung
Phytological Bioclimatology
Principles of Bioclimatic Classification of Cultivated and Wild Plants with regard to Their Water Requirements
Evapotranspiration potentielle et évaporation sous abri
Détermination des seuils de résistance aux gelées. Transposition aux conditions naturelles des résultats obtenus au laboratoire
Über die Methodik von mikrometeorologischen und mikroklimatologischen Messungen in Pflanzenbeständen
Mikroklimatische Messungen auf Oedlandflachen
Influence of Air pollution upon the Vegetation in the Upper Silesian Industrial District
Niederschläge in den Waldbeständen und ihre Radioaktivität
Agroclimatic Wheat Crop Types in the World
Des nouveaux essais de lutte contre le gel en Suisse et de quelque revers subis
The Interaction of the Macro- and Microclimatic Factors Contributing to the Success of Wind Machines for Frost Protection in Southern California
Injuring Field Crops by Frosts and theoretical Foundation of Control Measures
Phanometrische Messungen mit Hilfe von γ- und β-Strahlen
Reports of Chairmen of Specialized Working Groups
Atmospheric Pollution and Aerobiology
Effects of Weather and Climate on Farm Animals
Engineering Bioclimatology
Importance of Physical Environment in Conditioning the Organism
Microclimatic Problems in Bioclimatology
Tropical Bioclimatology
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 718
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1962
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483132129
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080096834
- eBook ISBN: 9781483164540