Biomedical Information Technology
- 1st Edition - August 17, 2007
- Editor: David Dagan Feng
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 7 3 5 8 3 - 6
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 5 0 7 2 - 5
The enormous growth in the field of biotechnology necessitates the utilization of information technology for the management, flow and organization of data. The field continues to… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThe enormous growth in the field of biotechnology necessitates the utilization of information technology for the management, flow and organization of data. The field continues to evolve with the development of new applications to fit the needs of the biomedicine. From molecular imaging to healthcare knowledge management, the storage, access and analysis of data contributes significantly to biomedical research and practice.
All biomedical professionals can benefit from a greater understanding of how data can be efficiently managed and utilized through data compression, modelling, processing, registration, visualization, communication, and large-scale biological computing. In addition Biomedical Information Technology contains practical integrated clinical applications for disease detection, diagnosis, surgery, therapy, and biomedical knowledge discovery, including the latest advances in the field, such as ubiquitous M-Health systems and molecular imaging applications.
- The world's most recognized authorities give their "best practices" ready for implementation
- Provides professionals with the most up to date and mission critical tools to evaluate the latest advances in the field and current integrated clinical applications
- Gives new staff the technological fundamentals and updates experienced professionals with the latest practical integrated clinical applications
Chapter 1 Medical Imaging
Dr. Xiaofeng Zhang, Dr. Nadine Smith and Prof. Andrew Webb
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Digital radiography
1.3 Computed tomography
1.4 Nuclear medicine
1.5 Ultrasonic imaging
1.6 Magnetic resonance imaging
1.7 Diffuse optical imaging
1.8 Biosignals
1.9 Appendix
1.10 Exercises
1.11 Bibliography
1.12 Index
Chapter 2 Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Dr. Eugene,Y. S. Lim, Prof. Michael Fulham and Prof. David Dagan Feng
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Medical data and patient record
2.3 Terminology standards – vocabulary and a clinical coding system1
2.4 Information exchange standards
2.5 Usability issues in EMR
2.6 User interface
2.7 Evaluation
2.8 EMR system – a case study: a web-based imaging electronic patient history
2.9 Summary
2.10 Exercise
2.11 Bibliography and references
2.12 Index
Chapter 3 Image Data Compression and Storage
Prof. Hong Ren Wu, Dr. Damian M. Tan, Dr. Tom Weidong Cai and Prof. David Dagan Feng
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Picture compression
3.3 Compression in the dicom standard
3.4 Data compression for dynamic functional images
3.5 Summary
3.6 Exercises
3.7 References
3.8 Index
Chapter 4 Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval
Dr. Tom Weidong Cai, Dr. Jinman Kim and Prof. David Dagan Feng
4.1 Introduction
4.2 CBMIR by physical visual features
4.3 CBMIR by geometric spatial features
4.4 CBMIR by combination of semantic and visual features
4.5 CBMIR by physiological functional features
4.6 Summary
4.7 Exercises
4.8 Bibliography and references
4.9 Index
Chapter 5 Data Modeling and Simulation
Dr. Alessandra Bertoldo, Prof. Claudio Cobelli
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Compartmental models
5.3 Model identification
5.4 Model validation
5.5 Simulation
5.6 Case study
5.7 Quantification of medical images
5.8 Exercises
5.9 Bibliography and references
Chapter 6 Techniques for Parametric Imaging
Prof. David Dagan Feng, Dr. Lingfeng Wen and Dr. Stefan Eberl
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Parametric image estimation methods
6.3 Noninvasive methods
6.4 Clinical applications of parametric images
6.5 Summary
6.6 Exercise
6.7 Bibliography and references
6.8 Index
Chapter 7 Data Processing and Analysis
Prof. Chris Wyatt, Prof. Yu-Ping Wang, Prof. Matthew T. Freedman, Prof. Murray Loew and Prof. Yue Wang
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Medical image enhancement
7.3 Medical image segmentation
7.4 Medical image feature extraction
7.5 Medical image interpretation
7.6 Summary
7.7 Exercises
7.8 Bibliography
7.9 Index
Chapter 8 Data Registration and Fusion
Dr. Xiu Ying Wang, Dr. Stefan Eberl, Prof. Michael Fulham, Dr. Seu Som and Prof. David Dagan Feng
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Fundamentals of biomedical image registration and fusion
8.3 Feature-based medical image registration
8.4 Intensity-based registration
8.5 Hybrid registration and hierarchical registration
8.6 Hardware registration
8.7 Assessment of registration accuracy
8.8 Applications of biomedical image registration and fusion
8.9 Summary
8.10 Exercises
8.11 Bibliography and references
8.12 Index
Chapter 9 Data Visualization and Display
Dr. Jinman Kim, Dr. Tom Weidong Cai, Prof. Michael Fulham, Dr. Stefan Eberl and Prof. David Dagan Feng
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Two-Dimensional (2D) visualization techniques
9.3 Three-Dimensional (3D) visualization techniques
9.4 Volume navigation interface
9.5 Volume enhancement and manipulation
9.6 Large data visualization and optimization
9.7 Dual-modality PET/CT visualization
9.8 Data display devices
9.9 Applications of biomedical visualization
9.10 Summary
9.11 Exercises
9.12 Bibliography and references
9.13 Index
Chapter 10 Data Communication and Network Infrastructue
Prof. Doan B. Hoang and Dr. Andrew J. Simmonds
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Transmission and communication technologies
10.3 The internet and World Wide Web
10.4 Wireless and mobile technologies in m-health
10.5 Sensor networks for health monitoring
10.6 Applications of wireless technologies in telemedicine
10.7 Summary
10.8 Exercises
10.9 Bibliography and references
10.10 Index
Chapter 11 Data Security and Protection for Medical Images
Dr. Eugene, Y. S. Lim
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Overview of cryptographic system
11.3 Digital watermarking
11.4 Medical image watermarking
11.5 Region-based reversible watermarking for secure pet image management
11.6 Summary
11.7 Exercise
11.8 Bibliography
11.8 Index
Chapter 12 Biological Computing
Prof. Eric P Hoffman, Erica Reeves, Dr. Yetrib Hathout, Dr. Zuyi Wang and
Josephine Chen
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Overview of genomic methods
12.3 Overview of proteomic methods
12.4 Bioinformatics and information infrastructure
12.5 Data mining and large-scale biological databases
12.6 Biological event-driven, time-driven and hybrid simulation techniques
12.7 Summary
12.8 Bibliography
Section II: Integrated Applications
Chapter 13 PACS and Medical Imaging Informatics (MII) for Filmless Hospitals
Prof. Brent J. Liu and Prof. H.K. Huang
13.1 Introduction
13.2 PACS infrastructure
13.3 PACS components and workflow
13.4 PACS controller and image archive
13.5 Large-scale PACS implementation
13.6 PACS clinical experiences
13.7 Summary
13.8 Exercises
13.9 Bibliography and references
13.9 Index
Chapter 14 KMeX: A Knowledge-Based Digital Library for Retrieving Scenario-Specific Medical Text Documents
Prof. Wesley W. Chu, Dr. Zhenyu Liu, Dr. Wenlei Mao and Dr. Qinghua Zou
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Extracting key concepts from documents
14.3 Transforming similar queries into query templates
14.4 Topic-oriented directory
14.5 Phrase-based vector space model for automatic document retrieval
14.6 Knowledge-based scenario-specific query expansion
14.7 A system architecture for retrieving scenario-specific free text documents
14.8 Summary
14.9 Exercises
14.10 Bibliography
Chapter 15 Integrated Multimedia Patient Record Systems
Dr. Ruth E. Dayhoff, Mr. Peter M. Kuzmak and Mr. Kevin Meldrum
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Multimedia patient record
15.3 Multimedia patient record system architecture components
15.4 Electronic medical chart components
15.5 Objects comprising the multimedia patient record
15.6 Capturing multimedia data at the source
15.7 DICOM image acquisition
15.8 Remote data and image viewing across the healthcare network
15.9 Impact on patient care
15.10 Summary
15.11 References
Chapter 16 Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD)
Prof. Maryellen L. Giger and Dr. Kenji Suzuki
16.1 Introduction
16.2 CAD
16.3 CAD for cancer screening
16.4 CAD for differential diagnosis
16.5 Intelligent CAD workstations – indices of similarity and human/computer interfaces
16.6 Summary
16.7 Exercises
16.8 Bibliography
16.9 Index
Chapter 17 Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)
Dr. Peter Weller, Dr. Abdul Roudsari and Prof. Ewart Carson
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Overview of CDSS
17.3 Human diagnostic reasoning
17.4 A structure for characterising CDSS
17.5 Decision support tools
17.6 Decision support systems in the hospital and other healthcare settings
17.7 Healthcare education applications
17.8 Verification, validation and evaluation
17.9 Summary
17.10 Exercises
17.11 References
17.12 Index
Chapter 18 Medical Robotics and Computer-Integrated Interventional Medicine
Prof. Russell H. Taylor and Dr. Peter Kazanzides
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Technology & Techniques
18.3 Surgical CAD/CAM
18.4 Surgical Assistance
18.5 Summary and conclusion
18.6 Exercises
18.7 References
18.8 Index
Chapter 19 Functional Techniques for Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dr. Sirong Chen, Dr. Kai-Ming Au Yeung and Dr. Gladys Goh Lo
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in brain
19.3 MR perfusion imaging in brain
19.4 Functional MRI (fMRI) using bold techniques
19.5 Clinical MR spectroscopy in brain
19.6 Summary
19.7 Exercises
19.8 Bibliography and references
19.9 Index
Chapter 20 Molecular Imaging in Cancer
Prof. Kristine Glunde, Dr. Catherine A. Foss and Prof. Zaver M. Bhujwalla
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Imaging of gene expression
20.3 Receptor imaging
20.4 Enzyme-activated probes
20.5 Metabolic imaging
20.6 Imaging of permeability, perfusion, and blood flow
20.7 Imaging of the tumor microenvironment
20.8 Multimodality imaging
20.9 Conclusion
20.10 Exercises
20.11 References
20.12 Index
Chapter 21 Molecular Imaging in Biology and Pharmacology
Prof. Sung-Cheng Huang, Prof. Anna M. Wu and Prof. Jorge R. Barrio
21.1 Introduction and background
21.2 Considerations for quantitative molecular imaging
21.3 Design/development of molecular imaging probes
21.4 Molecular imaging of beta-amyloid and NFT
21.5 Molecular imaging using antibody probes
21.6 Some other molecular imaging applications
21.7 Summary and future perspectives
21.8 Exercises
21.9 References
21.10 Index
Chapter 22 From Telemedicine to Ubiquitous M-Health: the Evolution of E Health Systems
Dr. Dejan Raškoviæ, Dr. Aleksandar Milenkoviæ, Prof. Piet C. De Groen and
Dr. Emil Jovanov
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Overview of m-health systems
22.3 M-health based on Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)
22.4 Wireless intelligent sensors for m-health
22.5 Wireless mobile devices for m-health
22.6 Next-generation m-health systems
22.7 Summary
22.8 Exercises
22.9 References
22.10 Index
Chapter 23 Multimedia for Future Health – Smart Medical Home………………1
Dr. Jinman Kim, Dr. Zhiyong Wang, Dr. Tom Weidong Cai and Prof. David Dagan Feng
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Multimedia for human-computer interaction
23.3 Multimedia content management
23.4 Multimedia delivery
23.5 Smart medical home
23.6 Telemedicine in the smart medical home
23.7 Sensory devices and health monitoring
23.8 Speech recognition and conversational systems
23.9 Multimedia technologies for patient education and care
23.10 Multimedia operating theater and Virtual Reality (VR)
23.11 Summary
23.12 Exercises
23.13 References
23.15 Index
- No. of pages: 552
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: August 17, 2007
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780123735836
- eBook ISBN: 9780080550725