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Biomass, Biofuels and Biochemical: Biohydrogen, Second Edition, provides general information, basic data and knowledge on one of the most promising renewable energy sources,… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Biomass, Biofuels and Biochemical: Biohydrogen, Second Edition, provides general information, basic data and knowledge on one of the most promising renewable energy sources, including its production and applications. The book describes a green technology for abating environmental crisis and enabling the transformation into a sustainable future. Researchers, students and science enthusiasts alike will appreciate this holistic view of biohydrogen production, which details the functional mechanisms employed, operational configurations, influencing factors and integration strategies. With 50% more content, this new edition outlines the scaling of processes and features material from experienced international researchers working at the interface of biotechnology and engineering.
Hydrogen is an energy carrier and is available in chemically combined forms in water, fossil fuels and biomass. About 95 % of current hydrogen requirements are produced through fossil fuel sources. Being a clean energy source, its future widespread use as a fuel is likely to be in the transportation and distributed power generation sectors.
Post-graduate students, researchers in Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineers, Microbiologists, Biotechnologists working in academic institutes, research institutes, industries and governmental agencies. The book is also useful to Energy producers, utilities, distributors; Engineering Companies, Process Engineering, and Chemical Plants, waste management plants, and policy makers
Professor Ashok Pandey is currently Executive Director, Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability-India, Lucknow. He is HSBS National Innovation Chair (Biotechnology) and is/has been Visiting/Distinguished Professor in many countries. His major research and technological development interests are industrial & environmental biotechnology and energy biosciences, focusing on biomass to biofuels & chemicals, waste to wealth & energy, etc.
Prof Christian Larroche is former Director of Polytech Clermont, a graduate school of engineering of University Clermont-Auvergne, France. He is also member of the research laboratory Institut Pascal and of the laboratory of excellence ImobS3 at the same university. He has strong research skills and expertise in the area of applied microbiology and biochemical engineering. He is author of about 300 documents, including ~150 articles, three patents, 16 book chapters and 35 co-editions of books or journal special issues. He is member of French Society for Process Engineering (SFGP), of the French Society of Biotechnology and of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He is also administrator of IBA-IFIBiop and editor of Journal of Food Sciences and Technology.