Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
Basic Chemistry and Analytical Applications
- 1st Edition - April 28, 1981
- Editors: Marlene A. Deluca, William D. McElroy
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 2 0 8 8 2 0 - 9
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 3 8 0 4 - 3
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 7 3 7 3 - 0
Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Basic Chemistry and Analytical Applications is a compendium of papers presented at the second International Symposium on Analytical… Read more

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Request a sales quoteBioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Basic Chemistry and Analytical Applications is a compendium of papers presented at the second International Symposium on Analytical Applications of Bioluminescene and Chemiluminescence in San Diego, California on August 26-28, 1980. Part I deals with chemilunescence and excited states including topics on the spectroscopy of the solvent cage — generation and characteristics of the excited state and the three features of chemi- and bioluminescence. Part II deals with events prior to producing luminol-dependent chemiluminescence; this part also examines the effects of stimulants on membrane potential. Part III discusses bacterial bioluminescence and analyzes the properties of a lumazine protein from a bioluminescent bacterium. This part also analyzes accessory enzymes responsible for such bacterial bioluminescence. Part IV examines the chemistry of firefly bioluminescence and presents the formula of three reactions catalyzed by firefly luciferase. Part V analyzes bioluminescence from other sources such as the earthworm and land snails. Part VI discusses the applications of bioluminescence in clinical chemistry, soil science, and marine biology. Part VII deals with the future uses of bioluminescence, while Part VIII is an abstract of other papers dealing with this subject. This collection can be helpful for biologists, zoologists, micro-biologists, marine biologists, and researchers dealing with bio-chemistry and related disciplines.
I. Chemiluminescence and Excited States
Spectroscopy of the Solvent Cage. Generation and Characteristics of the Excited States
Chemiluminescence of Oxygenase Reactions
Activated Chemiluminescence of Dimethyldioxetanone
II. Luminol-Dependent Chemiluminescence
Preliminary Events Leading to the Production of Luminol-Dependent Chemiluminescence by Human Granulocytes
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for Anti-Human IgG
Lucigenin Chemiluminescence: A New Approach to the Study of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Redox Activity
Measurement of Opsonic Activity of Serum by Granulocyte Chemiluminescence
On the Question of Singlet Oxygen Production in Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes
III. Bacterial Bioluminescence
Fluorescence Properties of Luciferase Peroxyflavins Prepared with Iso-FMN and 2-Thio FMN
Properties of a Lumazine Protein from the Bioluminescent Bacterium Photobacterium Phosphoreum
Purification, Identification, and Synthesis of Photobacterium Fischeri Autoinducer
Active Center Studies on Bacterial Luciferase: Evidence That the Reactive Cysteinyl Residue Is within the Protease-Labile Region of the a Subunit
Bacterial Bioluminescence: Accessory Enzymes
Bioluminescence Test for Mutagenic Agents
A Thermodynamic Explanation for the Kinetic Differences Observed Using Different Chain Length Aldehydes in the in Vitro Bacterial Bioluminescent Reaction
Active Center Studies on Bacterial Luciferase: Modification with Methyl Methanethiolsulfonate
Isolation and Reaction Product Characterization of an Oxygenated Bacterial Luciferase Intermediate Formed with a Flavin Analog
IV. Firefly Bioluminescence
The Chemistry and Applications of Firefly Luminescence
Applications of Firefly Luminescence
Dynamic Measurement of ATP with Firefly Luciferase Bioluminescence
Preliminary Report on the Pink-Colored Cypridina Luciferase, A Natural Model of the Luciferin-Luciferase Complex
Standard Assay for Total Creatine Kinase and the MB-Isoenzyme in Human Serum with Firefly Luciferase
V. Renilla, Aequorea, Earthworm, and Land Snail Bioluminescence
Renilla and Aequorea Bioluminescence
Properties of the Coelenterate Green-Fluorescent Proteins
Applications of Aequorin
Earthworm Bioluminescence
Luminescence Activity of the Land Snail Quantula Striata
VI. Applications of Bioluminescence
Overview of Applications of Bioluminescence
Immunoassays Monitored by Chemilumigenic Labels
Aspects on the Potentialities of Bioluminescence Assay in Cell Biology and Microphysiology
VII. Summary and Future Applications of Luminescence
VIII. Abstracts
A. Chemiluminescence and Related Assays
A Preliminary Study of the Measurement of Urinary Pregnanediol-3α- Glucuronide by a Solid-Phase Chemiluminescence Immunoassay
Chemiluminescent Reactions of Alcohols and Aldehydes
Defects Associated with the Transmembrane Potential of Granulocytes in Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Room Temperature Phosphorescence of Some Pharmaceutical Important Imidazoles
An Oxygen Probe Based on Tetrakis Alkyl Aminoethylene Chemiluminescence
An Immunoassay for Urinary Estriol-16a Glucuronide Based on Antibody-Enhanced Chemiluminescence
Assay of Gonadal Steroids Based on Antibody-Enhanced Chemiluminescence
Dissociative and Non-Dissociative Electron Transfer Mechanisms in Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
Site-Specific Chemiluminescent Probes Used in the Analysis of pH, Peroxidation, and Free Radicals Internally in Metabolically Active Organelles
Differential Effects of Bacterial and Viral Infections of Granulocyte Chem i luminescence (CL)
Archadonate-Based Chemiluminescence in Human Granulocytes and Platelets Using the Monolight 301 (Drug Studies)
Chemiluminescence Derived from 4a-(Alkylperoxy) Flavins
B. Bacterial Bioluminescence and Applications
The Use of Bentonite Clays to Increase the Speed and Yield of Harvest of Luminous Bacteria by Continuous Flow Centrifugation
The Red Absorbing Flavin Species in the Reaction of Bacterial Luciferase with FMNH2 and O2
Bacterial Bioluminescence: Applications to Entomology
The Use of the Bacterial Luminescent System for the Quantitative Determination of Dehydrogenases
Activity Coupling between Bacterial Luciferase and Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-Dependent Salicylate Hydroxylase
C. Firefly Luciferase and Applications
Analytical Aspects of the Firefly Luciferase Reaction Kinetics
Bioluminescent Screening for Bacteriuria
Purification of Firefly Luciferase by Ammonium Sulphate Precipitation and Isoelectric Focusing
A Convenient Affinity Chromatography-Based Purification of Firefly Luciferase
Bioluminescence Microassay of Creatine-Kinase: A Comparison with a Spectrophotometric Method
Inhibitors of Firefly Luciferase in Clinical Urine Specimens
Use of a Mathematical Representation of the Time-Course of the Firefly Luciferase Light Reaction
Studies on the Sensitivity of ATP Determination Using Commercial Firefly Luciferase
D. General Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, Including Dinoflagellates, Worms and Fish
Chemiluminescence of a 6,7-Dihydroflavin and Some Related Pteridines
In Vivo Spectroscopy of a Bioluminescent Cell: Pyrocistis Lunula
The Counterlighting Hypothesis: In Situ Observations on Argyropelecus Hemigymnus
Biochemical Studies of the Bioluminescent Polynoid Worms
Red Fluorescence of Fish and Cephalopod Photophores
Oxygen-Dependent Streptococcus faecalis Chemiluminescence: The Importance of Metabolism and Medium Composition
Preliminary Ultrastructural Description of Coelomocytes of the Luminescent Oligochaete, Pontodrilus bermudensis (Annelida)
On the Bacterial-Associated Light Organ in Chlorophthalmus
Circular Polarization Observed in Bioluminescence
E. Application of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence to Clinical and Biological Problems
Advantages in Microprocessing Techniques in Bioluminescence Assays
Autolumography: Using Bioluminescence to "Stain" for Enzyme Activities Resolved on Polyacrylamide Gels
Bioenergetics of Insulin and Glucagon Producing Cells Evaluated in Bioluminescence Assays
Applications of the Photoprotein Obelin to the Measurement of Free Ca2+ in Cells
Chemiluminescence of Cytotoxic Macrophages
Measurements of Granulocyte and Platelet Chemiluminescence in Small Samples of Whole Blood
Flow Injection Analysis with Chemiluminescence Detection; Recent Advances and Clinical Applications
Ultrasensitive Assay of NAD/NADH with Firefly Luciferase
A Clinical Use of Solid Phase Sepharose-Isoluminol for Sensitive Thiol Assay of Serum Cholinesterase
Chemiluminescence Experiments on a Model of the Oligodynamic Activity of Silver
Chemiluminescent Immunoassay for the Detection of Virus/Antibody Aggregates
An Immunoassay for Plasma Cortisol Based on Chemiluminescence
Determination of Hemoglobin and Other Hemoproteins in Serum by Luminol Chemiluminescence
Bioluminescent Immunoassay: A New Enzyme-Linked Analytical Method for the Quantitation of Antigens
Chemiluminescent Labels in Immunoassay
Evaluation of Metabolic Rates Using Bioluminescence Analysis
1,2-Dioxetanes as Chemiluminescent Probes and Labels
Design of a Chemiluminescent and Bioluminescent Photometer
Bioluminescent Immunoassays: Use of Luciferase-Antigen Conjugates for Determination of Methotrexate and DNP
F. Instrumentation and Reagents
Six-Channel Luminescence Analyzer for Phagocytosis Applications
Utilization of Multi-Injection for Sample Processing and Automatic Internal Standardization (AIS) in Luminometry
Preliminary Report on the Mechanism of Bioluminescence in the Oceanic Squid Symplectoteuthis
A Novel Rapid-Mixing Apparatus for Studies of Chemiluminescent Reactions
Signals of Chemiluminescence Emitted by Spleen Cells and Bone Marrow Macrophages after Stimulations with Mitogens and Paniculate Substances
Chemiluminescence of Lucigenin in Micellar Systems
Pico-Zyme F and Pico-EX for Measuring Cellular ATP on a Pico-Lite Luminometer
High Quality Bacterial Luminescence Reagents for FMN Measurements
A Comparison of Commercial Firefly Luciferases
Luminescent Oscillations in Microaerobic Batch Cultures of Photobacterium Phosphoreum
Index of Authors
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 812
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: April 28, 1981
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780122088209
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483238043
- eBook ISBN: 9781483273730
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