Introduction, Anatomy, and Life History, J.R. Factor.
Taxonomy and Evolution, A.B. Williams.
Larval and Postlarval Ecology, G.P. Ennis.
Postlarval, Juvenile, Adolescent, and Adult Ecology, P. Lawton and K.L. Lavalli.
Fishery Regulations and Methods, R.J. Miller.
Populations, Fisheries, and Management, M.J. Fogarty.
Interface of Ecology, Behavior, and Fisheries, J.S. Cobb.
Aquaculture, D.E. Aiken and S.L. Waddy.
Reproduction and Embryonic Development, P. Talbot and Simone Helluy.
Control of Growth and Reproduction, S.L. Waddy, D.E. Aiken, and D.P.V. de Kleijn.
Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology, B. Beltz.
Muscles and Their Innervation, C.K. Govind.
Behavior and Sensory Biology, J. Atema and R. Voigt.
The Feeding Appendages, K.L. Lavalli and J.R. Factor.
The Digestive system, J.R. Factor.
Digestive Physiology and Nutrition, D.E. Conklin.
Circulation, the Blood, and Disease, G.G. Martin and J.E. Hose.
The Physiology of Gas Exchange, Circulation, Ion Regulation, and Nitrogenous Excretion: An Integrative Approach, B.R. McMahon.