Biology of Conidial Fungi, Volume 1
- 1st Edition - November 10, 2012
- Author: Garry T. Cole
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 9 6 0 2 8 - 3
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 3 8 9 9 - 4
Biology of Conidial Fungi, Volume I covers the history, classification, distribution, and ecology of conidial fungi. Conidial fungi are anamorphic (asexual) fungi of presumed… Read more

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Request a sales quoteBiology of Conidial Fungi, Volume I covers the history, classification, distribution, and ecology of conidial fungi. Conidial fungi are anamorphic (asexual) fungi of presumed ascomycetous or basidiomycetous origin. Organized into three parts encompassing 14 chapters, the book begins with a brief introduction to the history of conidial fungi. It then describes the systematics, classification, and taxonomy of a particular group of fungi, such as Hyphomycetes, Celomycete, conidial yeasts, and conidial lichen-forming fungi. The dimorphism and pleomorphism properties of these fungi are also examined. Significant topics on the general aspects of the soil, freshwater, marine, and aerial ecology of conidial fungi are considered in other chapters. This volume is of value to researchers and advanced students who are interested in the basic aspects of conidial fungi.
List of Contributors
Contents of Volume 2
I History
1 The History of Conidial Fungi
I. Introduction
II. History
II Systematics
2 The Systematics of Hyphomycetes
I. Introduction—The Role of Systematists
II. The Trouble with Anamorphs
III. Classification—The Status Quo
IV. Higher Taxa of Fungi—Heterogeneity
V. Higher Taxa of Fungi—Ephemeral or Protean?
VI. Pseudotaxa
VII. Teleomorph + Anamorph(s) = Holomorph
VIII. Anamorphic and Teleomorphic Holomorphs
IX. Simple Anamorphs—Simplistic Taxa?
X. Guidelines for Species and Genus
XI. The Anamorph-Species and Its Problems
XII. The Anamorph-Genus and Its Problems
XIII. The Intergeneric Hiatus
XIV. The Foundation
3 Coelomycete Systematics
I. Introduction
II. Techniques
III. Morphological and Ontogenetic Criteria
IV. Some Aspects of Biology of Coelomycetes
4 Systematics of Conidial Yeasts
I. Introduction and History
II. Generic and Specific Delimitation
III. Classification
5 Dimorphism
I. Introduction
II. The Yeast
III. The Hypha
IV. Morphological Changes Associated with Yeast-Hypha Conversion
V. Physical Factors Affecting Yeast-Hypha Conversion
VI. Biochemical Differentiation of Yeast and Hyphal Phases
6 Pleomorphism
I. The Assimilative Stage and Dimorphism
II. The Propagative Stage and Pleomorphism
III. Examples of Pleomorphic Anamorphs
IV. Advantages of Pleomorphism
V. Pleomorphism and Classification
VI. Pleomorphism and Nomenclature
7 Relations between Conidial Anamorphs and Their Teleomorphs
I. General Aspects
II. Significance of Teleomorph-Anamorph Connections for Systematics
III. Conclusions
8 A Survey of the Fungicolous Conidial Fungi
I. Introduction
II. The Fungicolous Habit
III. The Fungicolous Conidial Fungi
IV. Discussion
9 Conidial Lichen-Forming Fungi
I. Introduction
II. Coelomycetous Anamorphs
III. Hyphomycetous Anamorphs
IV. Parasymbiotic Conidial Fungi
V. Conidial Lichen-Forming Fungi
VI. Sterile Lichen-Forming Fungi
VII. Discussion
III Distribution and Ecology
10 Ecology of Soil Fungi
I. Introduction
II. Development of Ecological Concepts of Soil Fungi
III. Growth and Growth Forms of Soil Fungi
IV. Methods for Studying Soil Fungi
V. Interaction of Soil Fungi and Soil Microarthropods
VI. Conclusion
11 Morphology, Distribution, and Ecology of Conidial Fungi in Freshwater Habitats
I. Introduction
II. Ingoldian Conidial Fungi
III. Aeroaquatic Conidial Fungi
12 Distribution and Ecology of Conidial Fungi in Marine Habitats
I. Introduction
II. Morphology and Dispersal of Marine Conidial Fungi
III. Biology of Marine Conidial Fungi
IV. Distribution of Marine Conidial Fungi
13 The Aerobiology of Conidial Fungi
I. Introduction
II. Methods of Study
III. The Aerial Environment
IV. Populations of Airborne Conidia
V. Dispersion of Airborne Conidia
VI. Implications of an Air Spora
VII. Conclusion
14 Biogeography and Conidial Fungi
I. Introduction
II. The Adaptive Value of Conidia
III. Convergent Evolution
IV. Controls of Species Distribution
V. Species Distribution and Environmental Scale
VI. Speciation and Species Diversity
VII. Abundance of Conidial Fungi in Tropical and Temperate Environments
VIII. Conidial Fungi and Ecological Islands
Subject Index
Index to Taxa
- No. of pages: 486
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 10, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780123960283
- eBook ISBN: 9780323138994
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