List of Contributors
1 Gametogenesis of Bryozoans
I. Morphology of the Ova and Oogenesis
II. Morphology of the Spermatozoon and Spermiogenesis
2 Brooding Patterns of Bryozoans
I. Introduction
II. Gymnolaemata
III. Stenolaemata
IV. Phylactolaemata
V. Summarizing Comments on Brooding
VI. Breeding Seasons
3 Structure and Classification of Gymnolaemate Larvae
I. Introduction
II. Larval Structure
III. Larval Types
IV Conclusions
4 Metamorphosis, Ancestrulae, and Coloniality in Bryozoan Life Cycles
I. Introduction
II. Gymnolaemata
III. Cyclostomata
IV. Phylactolaemata
V. Summary
5 Ultrastructure, Mineralogy, and Development of Bryozoan Skeletons
I. Introduction
II. Interpretation and Application of Skeletal Ultrastructure
III . Stenolaemate Bryozoa
IV. Cheilostome Bryozoa
6 Polymorphism
I. Some Elementary Definitions
II. Distribution of Polymorphism among Bryozoans
III. Types of Polymorphs: Generalities
IV. Active Defense: Avicularia and Vibracula
V. Cleaning: Nanozooids
VI. Passive Defense: Spinozooids
VII. Colony Strengthening: Intercalated and Marginal Kenozooids
VIII. Colony Support: Rhizozooids, Stylozooids, and Stolons (?)
IX. Survival of Unfavorable Conditions: Rhizozooids and Stolons, Hibernacula, Statoblasts, and Sacculi
X. Interzooidal Connections: Interzooids
XI. Sexual Reproduction: Gonozooids
XII. From Free to Sedentary Life: Ancestrulae
XIII. Induction and Origin of Polymorphism: Generalities
XIV. The Individual Concept
XV. Ontogenetic Development of Polymorphs
XVI. Substitution of Different Polymorphs
XVII. Conditions Inducing Polymorphism
XVIII. Origin and Evolution of Polymorphism
7 Feeding in Marine Bryozoans
I. Introduction
II. Review of Functional Morphology of Feeding
III . Variation in the Bryozoan Polypide
IV. Bryozoan Feeding and Culture
V. General Discussion
VI. Suggestions for Future Research
VII. Conclusions
8 Experimental Techniques and Culture Methods
I. Introduction
II. Experimental Work in the Field
III. Simple Rearing in the Laboratory
IV. General Conditions for Laboratory Work
V. Cultivation or Long-Term Rearing
9 Interzooecial Communications and the Funicular System
I. Introduction
II. Case of the Phylactolaemates
III. Case of Eurystome Gymnolaemates
IV. Case of Cyclostome Gymnolaemates
V. Conclusions
10 The Aging Process in Bryozoans
I. Introduction
II. General Features
III. Ultrastructural Features of Regression
IV. The Fate of the Brown Body
V. Distribution of Cyclic Regression and Regeneration
VI. Cause and Effect of Brown Body Formation
VII. Summary
11 The Bryozoan Nervous System
I. Introduction
II. General Anatomy
III. The Interzooidal Information Hypothesis
IV. Discussion
V. Summary
12 Taxes and Tropisms of Bryozoans
I. Introduction
II. Orientation Responses of Free-Swimming Larvae and Motile Colonies
III. Orientation Responses of Settling Larvae
IV. Orientation Responses of Fixed Colonies
V. Summary
13 Fouling and Bioadhesion: Life Strategies of Bryozoans
I. Introduction
II. Reproductive Strategies
III. Bioadhesives and Attachment
IV. Fouling Communities
V. Fouling Colonial Strategies
14 Population Genetics of Bryozoans
I. Introduction
II. Population Size
III. Outbreeding and Inbreeding
IV. Linkage
V. Geographic Variation
VI. Genetic Variability
VII. Implications for Speciation
VIII. Appendix: Summary of Techniques
IX. Addendum
15 An Adaptive Model for the Evolution of the Ectoproct Life Cycle
I. Introduction
II. The Ground Plan Concept and Its Bearing on the Origin of Phyla
III. The Position of the Ectoprocta in Lophophorate Phylogeny
IV. General Features of the Phoronida and Ectoprocta
V. The Adaptive Basis of Morphological Differences in the Adult Stage of Phoronids and Ectoprocts
VI. A Model for the Origin of the Adult Features of the Ectoproct Ground Plan
VII. Historical Evidence Bearing on the Model
VIII. The Viability of Intermediate Modes of Life
IX. Evolution of the Larval Stage of the Life Cycle
X. The Actinotroch Larva of the Phoronida
XI. Larval Development in the Ectoprocta
XII. The Cyphonautes Larva
XIII. Discussion and Conclusions
16 Phylogenetic Considerations: The Protostomian Relationships
I. Introduction
II. The Relationship between Entoprocts and Ectoprocts
III. Discussion of Possible Relationships with the Phoronids
IV. The Relationships of the Bryozoans (Entoprocts + Ectoprocts)