Biology of Benthic Organisms
11th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Galway, October 1976
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1977
- Editors: B. F. Keegan, P. J. S. Boaden, P. O. Ceidigh
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 2 1 3 7 8 - 1
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 2 6 2 1 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 8 6 3 - 1
Biology of Benthic Organisms contains papers presented at the 11th European Symposium on Marine Biology, held at Galway, Ireland in October 1976. The collection contains 63 papers… Read more

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Request a sales quoteBiology of Benthic Organisms contains papers presented at the 11th European Symposium on Marine Biology, held at Galway, Ireland in October 1976. The collection contains 63 papers discussing the biological aspects of benthic organisms. The authors, mostly marine biologists, provide articles discussing their studies of marine life from different bodies of water from around the world. Topics on community structures of soft-bottom macrofauna in different parts of the Baltic; studies on anaerobic nitrogen fixation in the sediments of two Scottish sea-lochs; distribution of benthic phyto- and zoocoenoses along a light gradient in a superficial marine cave; and structural features of a North Adriatic benthic community are discussed in detail. Marine biologists, botanists, zoologists, and biologists will find the book invaluable.
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List of Participants
Previous Symposia
Daily Variation in Dichelopandalus Bonnieri (Caullery) as a Component of the Epibenthos
Community Structures of Soft-bottom Macrofauna in Different Parts of the Baltic
A Drop-trap Investigation of the Abundance of Fish in Very Shallow Water in the Askö Area, Northern Baltic Proper
Results and Problems of an "Unsuccessful" Benthos Cage Predation Experiment (Western Baltic)
The Importance of being a 'Littoralf Nauplius
Physiological Measurements on Estaurine Bivalve Molluscs in the Field
Variability of Growth Rate of Macoma balthioa (1.) in the Wadden Sea in Relation to Availability of Food
Studies on Anaerobic Nitrogen Fixation in the Sediments of Two Scottish Sea Lochs
Production Primaire Saisonniere du Microphytobenthos des Sables Envases en Baie de Concarneau
Modiolus Modiolus (L.) - An Autecological Study
Distribution and Maintenance of a Lanice conchilega Association in the Weser Estuary (FRG), with Special Reference to the Suspension-Feeding Behavior of Lanice conchilega
Le Macrobenthos des Fonds Meubles de la Manche: Distribution Generale et Ecologie
Colonisation et Distribution Spatiale des Copepodes dans des Lagunes Semi-artificielles
Recrutement et Succession du Benthos Rocheux Sublittoral
Annual Macrofauna Production of a Soft-bottom in the Northern Baltic Proper
Evolution dans les Temps des Peuplements des Sables Envases en Baie de Concarneau (Bretagne)
Distribution of Benthic Phyto- and Zoocoenoses along a Light Gradient in a Superficial Marine Cave
Bionomie Benthique du Plateau Continental des Iles Kerguelen. 8. Variations Spatiales et Temporelles dans le Peuplement des Vases a Spicules
Some Observations on the Relative Abundance of Species in a Benthic Community
The Polychaete Eulalia viridis (O.F. Müller) as an Element in the Energy Dynamics of Intertidal Mussel Clumps
A Diving Survey of Strangford Lough: The Benthic Communities and Their Relation to Substrate - A Preliminary Account
Reproductive Strategies of the Winkle Littorina rudis in Relation to Population Dynamics and Size Structure
Structural Features of a North Adriatic Benthic Community
Structure of the Abyssal Macrobenthic Community in the Rockall Trough
Ecology of the Pogonophore Siboglinum fiordieum Webb in a Shallow-water Fjord Community
The Re-establishment of an Amphiura filiformis Population in the Inner Part of the German Bight
An Ecophysiological Approach to the Microdistribution of Meiobenthic Oligochaeta, I, Phallodrilus monospermathecus(Tubificidae) from a Subtropical Beach at Bermuda
Phosphoglucoisomerase Allele Frequency Data in Mytilus edulis from Irish Coastal Sites: Its Ecological Significance
An "In Situ" Study of Primary Production and the Metabolism of a Baltic Fuous vesiculosus-Community
Reproductive Strategy in Two British Species of Alcyonium
Observations on the Behavior and Distribution of Virgularia mirabilis (Coelenterata: Pennatulacea) in Holyhead Harbor, Anglesey
Meiobenthic Subcommunity Structure: Spatial vs. Temporal Variability
Habitat Area and Development of Marine Epibenthic Communities
Quantitative Survey of Hard-bottom Communities in a Baltic Archipelago
Aspects of the Ecology of Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt,in the Solent Region of the British Isles. I. The Growth Cycle and Epiphytes
The Effect of Depth on Populations of Laminaria hyperborea
Sublittoral Transects in the Menai Straits and Milford Haven
Epibenthic Assemblages as Indicators of EnvironmentalConditions
Recherches sur le Regime Alimentaire et le Comportement Pre'dateur des Decapodes Benthiques de la Pente Continentale de l'Atlantique Nordoriental (Golfe de Gascogne et Maroc)
Feedback and Structure in Deposit~feeding Marine Benthic Communities
The Role of Physical and Biological Factors in the Distribution and Stability of Rocky Shore Communities
Meiofaunal Community Structure and Vertical Distribution: A Comparison of Some Co. Down Beaches
Etude Comparative de L'Efficacite de Deux Bernes et dfune Suceuse en Fonction de la Nature du Fond
Organization in Simple Communities: Observations on the Natural History of Hyale nilssoni (Amphipoda) in High Littoral Seaweeds
Dynamics and Production of Pectinaria koreni in Kiel Bay, West Germany
The effects of Storms on the Dynamics of Shallow Water Benthic Associations
Pachycerianthus multiplicatus - Biotope or Biocoenosis
On the Ecology of a Suspension Feeding Benthic Community: Filter Efficiency and Behavior
Strategies of Energy Transfer from Marine Macrophytes to Consumer Levels: The Posidonia oceanioa Example
The Benthic Ecology of Some Shetland Voes
Predation Pressure and Community Structure of an Intertidal Soft-bottom Fauna
Zonation in Deep-sea Gastropods: The Importance of Biological Interactions to Rates of Zonation
Molluscan Colonization of Different Sediments on Submerged Platforms in the Western Baltic Sea
Epifaunal Ecology of Intertidal Algae
The Hermit Crab Microbiocoenosis - The Role of Mobile Secondary Hard-bottom Elements in a North Adriatic Benthic Community
Sub-littoral Community Structure of Oxwich Bay, South Wales in Relation to Sedimentological, Physical Oceanographic and Biological Parameters
On the Shapes of Passive Suspension Feeders
The Structure and Seasonal Fluctuations of Phytal Marine Nematode Associations on the Isles of Scilly
Dissolved Organics in the Nutrition of Benthic Invertebrates
Studies on the Shallow, Sublittoral Epibenthos of Langstone Harbor, Hampshire, Using Settlement Panels
Modification of Association and Swarming in North Adriatic Mysidaoea in Relation to Habitat and Interacting Species
Predator-prey Interactions Between the Crab Pilumnus hirtellus(leach) and the Brittle Star Ophiothrix quinquemaculata on a Mutual Sponge Substrate
Analysis of Ecological Equivalents among Littoral Fish
- No. of pages: 664
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1977
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080213781
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483126210
- eBook ISBN: 9781483158631
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