Proceedings of Eighth Northeast Conference
- 1st Edition - September 17, 2013
- Editor: Igor Paul
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 9 4 4 - 9
Bioengineering: Proceedings of the Eighth Northeast Conference focuses on the discussion of scientific programs, methodologies, experiments, and contributions to the advancement of… Read more

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Request a sales quoteBioengineering: Proceedings of the Eighth Northeast Conference focuses on the discussion of scientific programs, methodologies, experiments, and contributions to the advancement of bioengineering, such as in the field of medicine. The book is composed of literature of various authors who have worked diligently in the field of bioengineering. The text starts by discussing the conditions, situations, and experiments on how the human bones and other internal organs react if subjected to stress, fatigue, and other factors. The properties, composition, and reactions of these body parts to different conditions are discussed. Experiments on regional tissue blood flow through hydrogen clearance and on minimizing the effect of gas trapping on static pressure-volume curves of excised lungs are also presented. The book also notes the instrumentation and control systems for clinical vestibular and cardiovascular stress testing. A large part of the selection deals with research on different internal body parts when subjected to different conditions. Supporting these discussions are control measures, findings, suggestions, methodologies, numerical representations, and recommendations. The book is valuable to scholars, researchers, and readers who are interested in the field of bioengineering.
Session 1: Biomaterials and Bone
An Osteoclast for Whole Bone Testing
The Anisotropic Properties of Trabecular Bone
Mechanical Strength of the Prosthetic-Methyl Methacrylate Bone Bond
Ceramic Materials for Delivery Polypeptide Hormone
A Composite Ceramic-Polymer Material Used for Alveolar Bone Preservation
Fatigue Characteristics of Avian Leg Tendons
Session 3: New Instrumentation and Diagnostic Approaches
Telemetry of Regional Tissue Blood Flow Using Hydrogen Clearance
Minimizing the Effect of Gas Trapping on Static Pressure-Volume Curves of Excised Lungs
An Instrumentation System for Clinical Vestibular Testing
A Middle Ear Prosthesis
Portable Fume Hood to Evacuate Methyl Methacrylate Monomer Vapors
Session 4: Computer Applications I
An Improved Microcomputer-Based Data Acquisition and Control System for Cardiovascular Stress Testing
A Microcomputer-Controller Manipulator for Biomedical Applications
Computer Aided Tracking of Radiopaque Markers Mounted on the Myocardium
Processing the Ambulatory Electrocardiogram and Pulse Wave Signals with a Multiple Microprocessor Network
Microprocessor Enhanced Diagnosis of Arterial Disease
Session 5: Fracture Healing
Optimization of Rigidity in Fixation of Phalangeal Fractures
Treatment of Delayed Union in Long Bones Using Pulsed Magnetic Fields
The Mechanics of Intramedullary Nailing
Residual Strain in Bone
Evaluation of Hip Nails: A Preliminary Study
Influence of the Dielectric Properties on the Electromechanical Effect in Bones
The Role of Fluid in the Dielectric Properties of Wet Bone
Session 6: Ultrasonic Methods
Microprocessing System Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Peripheral Artery Disease
Broadband Matching of Ultrasonic Transducers to Produce Maximally Flat Delay
Ultrasonic Reflections from Bilharzial Polyps and A Mean for Treatment
Non-Invasive Determination of Bone Strength Using Ultrasound
Application of Transmission Ultrasound in Study of Lung Tissue
A Computer Controlled System for Ultrasonic Hyperthermia Treatment
Session 7: Eye and Vision
Physiological Modeling: The Long-term Growth of the Eye
A Model for Object Color Perception in Spatially Complex Visual Fields
Pilot Eye Scanning Behavior as an Index of Mental Loading
An In Vitro Evaluation of the Fluid Filled Oculoplethysmograph
Mechanical Considerations in Myopia
Session 8: Computer Applications II
An Interactive, Multiprocessing Image-Analysis System for An Automated Cytology Lab
Self-Diagnostics and Serviceability in Microprocessor-Based Medical Instruments
A Simple Deconvolution and Convolution Method for Use in Several Dimensions
Self-Calibrating Digital Myoprocessor
The Physed System
Quantitative Three-dimensional Analysis of Human Motion
Session 9: Cancer, Epidemiology
This Session Has Been Combined with Others.
Session 10: Cardiovascular Functions
The Evaluation of Heart Rate Variations on the Human Fetus Using Spectral Analysis Techniques
Stochastic Modeling of Fetal Heart Rate Variability: Procedures and Applications
Physical Bases for the Estimation of Cardiovascular Pulsation Amplitudes by Integrated Chest Radiography
Servo System for Cardiac Mechanics Experiments
Biaxial Esophageal Accelerometry-Cardiovascular Effects
Phase Plane Analysis as a Sensitive Indicator of Left Ventricular Kinetics
Session 11: Instrumentation and Implantable Devices
Stress Thermography of the Breast
A New Infrared Array Radiometer with Automatic Pattern Recognition for Medical Thermography
An Implantable Telemetering System for Use in Long-term Postoperative Monitoring
Electric Field Control of Membrane Permeability
Evaluation and Further Development of a Clinical Chromosome Slide Preparation System
Session 12: Cell Imaging
This Session Has Been Combined with Others.
Session 13: Rehabilitation and Implants
Design of A Self-Contained, Regenerative, Active/Passive, Microcomputer-Controlled above-Knee Prosthesis
The Problem of Error Magnification in the Center and Angle of Rotation a Statistical Approach
Information Transmission by Two-Dimensional Electrocutaneous Phantom Sensation
The Trispherical Total Shoulder Prosthesis
A Microprocessor Controlled Arm Prosthesis
A Microcomputer-Controlled above-Knee Prosthesis and Biofeedback/Gait Analysis System for Immediate Post-Operative Amputees
Session 14: Cardiovascular Instrumentation and Diagnosis
Instrumentation for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Noninvasive Measurement of Net Oxygen Transport: A Feasibility Study
Design and In Vitro Performance Characteristics of a Vortex Tube Left Ventricular Assist Device
A Stable Highly Sensitive Implantable Pressure Transducer for Artificial Heart
Statistical Treatment of Cardiac Vectors
Automated Classification of Electrocardiographic Body Surface
Session 15: Pulmonary Function
Mass Transport in a Bronchial Bifurcation Model
Characterization of Pulmonary Injury Induced by Oleic Acid Infusion
Implications of Geometry, Structure and Function of the Pulmonary Trunk
An Analysis of Pulmonary Phase Angle during Inflation and Deflation of Excised Limbs
Lung Preservation and Functional Evaluation for Transplantation: Description of a New Method of Ventilation
Session 16: Education Administration and Health Management
Applications of Subliminal Video and Audio Stimuli in Therapeutic, Educational, Industrial, and Commercial Settings
Using Hospital Clinical Information Systems to Control Cost as Well as to Improve Care
An Overview of the FDA Medical Device Regulations
The Clinical Engineer's Identity Crisis
Problem Solving in Clinical Engineering
Medical Equipment Management
Education and Transfer of Bioengineering Technology
Session 17: Biomechanics I - Prostheses
Geometry of the Human Hip Joint
Femoral Component Loosening after Total Hip Replacement
The Influence of Load Parameters on Pressure Distribution in the Human Hip Joint
A Basic Dimensional Analysis of Normal Human Proximal Femora
The Early Results of Hip Resurfacing
Session 18: Cardiovascular Monitoring
Comparison of Decision Rules for Automatic EEG Classification
A Microprocessor-Based ECG Monitor for Ambulatory Patients
An Investigation of Indices Derived from R-R Interval Values in Cardiac Arrhythmias
A Bedside Cardiac Arrhythmias Monitor
Cardiac Arrhythmia Monitor IGB.MAC2-Closed-Loop Evaluation
Session 19: Dynamic Modeling
Nonlinear Analysis of Shear Distribution; Effect of Cross Sectional Shape and Axial Taper
Flow Analysis in Artery Models
Comparison of Theory and Experiment for the Fluid Dynamic Performance of Cromolyn Sodium Inhalers Used for Asthma Prevention
Computer Analysis of Breathing Patterns in Acutely Ill Patients
Respiratory Sound of Tuberculosis Patients
Controllability, Observability and Stability of the Ventilation of Lung in Respiration Process
Session 20: Tomography and Imaging
Emission Tomographic Reconstruction by Matrix Inversion
Evaluation of Blood Vessel Damage by Imaging with In-III-Labeled Platelets
Session 21: Biomechanics II
Intracortical Bone Stress Fields Calculated from In Vivo Strain Measurements
Thoracic Spine Centers of Rotations in the Sagittal Plane
Applicability of the Maxwell and Voigt Models to Isolated Cardiac Muscle
Biomechanics of Alpine Ski Boots
Effect of Prolonged Walking on Concrete on the Joints of Sheep
Energy Absorption in the Human Spine
The Polyelectrolyte Behavior of Articular Cartilage
Coatings Designed for Use on Electronic Circuitry do not Cost, they Save
Session 22: Neural Signals and Electrodes
The Effects of Sampling Rate on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Biological Signals
Protonic Theory on the Origin of Neural Excitability
The Central Problem of Electroencephalography and Factor Analysis
Effects of Electrical Stimulation of Area Postrema/Nucleus of the Solitary Tract on Raphe Unit Activity and Cortical EEG in the Anesthetized Rat
A Test Methodology for Evaluation of Intracranial Aneurysm Clips
On the Interpretation of Changes Produced in the Intrinsic Components of Electrocardiogram Leads
Session 23: Simulation Models
The Circuit Imperative in Biomedical Engineering Education
Theory versus Practice with Residual Blood Loss in Hemodialyzers
System Dynamic Modeling of Hemodialysis Treatment
Study of the Velocity Field in the Vicinity of a Self-Cleaning Prosthetic Heart Valve
The Absence of Tethering Influences in Vein Diameter-Pressure Relationships
A Noninvasive Indicator of Human Placental Blood Flow
The Mechanics of the Pericardium: Pericardial Effusion
A Model for an Artificial Pancreas: Transient Diffusion in a Two-Phase Composite with a Glucose Concentration Dependent Insulin Source at the Interface
- No. of pages: 548
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 17, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483139449
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