- 3rd Edition - July 3, 2002
- Authors: David G. Nicholls, Stuart J. Ferguson
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 5 1 8 1 2 1 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 2 7 9 3 - 2
This new edition of Bioenergetics presents a clear and up-to-date explanation of the chemiosmotic theory and covers mitochondria, bacteria, and chloroplasts. It takes accoun… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThis new edition of Bioenergetics presents a clear and up-to-date explanation of the chemiosmotic theory and covers mitochondria, bacteria, and chloroplasts. It takes account of the many newly determined structures, such as ATP synthase and the two photosystems of photosynthesis, that provide molecular insight into chemiosmotic energy transduction. This edition includes additional color figures of protein structures and many newly drawn illustrations designed to enable the reader to grasp the fundamental insights that are derived from knowing the structure. Every chapter has been extensively revised and updated and a new chapter on the study of the bioenergetics of mitochondria in the intact cell is included to satisfy the enormous interest in this topic. Written for students and researchers alike, this book is the most current text on the chemiosmotic theory and membrane bioenergetics available.
Key Features* Chapter on the study of bioenergetics of mitochondria in the intact cell* Appendix listing protein structure resources* Additional colour plates of protein structures* Many newly drawn illustrations* Website
Undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates working in biochemistry and the biological sciences, and researchers who require an overview of current advances in this dynamic field.
PrefaceNote to the ReaderGlossaryCHEMIOSMOTIC ENERGY TRANSDUCTIONIntroductionThe Chemiosmotic Theory: FundamentalsThe Basic Morphology of Energy-Transducing MembranesOverviewION TRANSPORT ACROSS ENERGY-CONSERVING MEMBRANESIntroductionThe Classification of Ion TransportBilayer-Mediated TransportProtein-Catalyzed TransportSwelling and the Co-ordinate Movement of Ions Across MembranesQUANTITATIVE BIOENERGETICS: THE MEASUREMENT OF DRIVING FORCESIntroductionGibbs Energy and Displacement from EquilibriumOxidation-Reduction (Redox) PotentialsIon Electrochemical Potential DifferencesPhotonsBioenergetic Interconversions and Thermodynamic Constraints on their StoichiometriesThe Equilibrium Distributions of Ions, Weak Acids and Weak BasesMembrane Potentials, Diffusion Potentials, Donnan Potentials and Surface PotentialsTHE CHEMIOSMOTIC PROTON CIRCUITIntroductionThe Measurement of Protonmotive ForceThe Stoicheiometry of Proton Extrusion by the Respiratory ChainThe Stoicheiometry of Proton Uptake by the ATP SynthaseProton Current and Respiratory ControlProton ConductanceMitochondrial Respiration Rate and Metabolic Control AnalysisOverall Parameters of Energy-TransductionReversed Electron Transfer and the Proton Circuit Driven by ATP HydrolysisATP Synthesis Driven by an Artificial Protonmotive ForceKinetic Competence of Äp in the Proton CircuitLight-dependent ATP Synthesis by Bovine Heart ATP SynthaseRESPIRATORY CHAINSIntroductionComponents of the Mitochondrial Respiratory ChainThe Sequence of Redox Carriers in the Respiratory ChainThe Mechanism of Electron TransferProton Translocation by the Respiratory Chain; "loops" or "conformational pumps" or both?Complex I (NADH-UQ Oxidoreductase)Delivering Electrons to Ubiquinone without Proton TranslocationUbiquinone and Complex III (bc1 or UQ-Cyt c Oxidoreductase)Cytochrome c and Complex IV (Cytochrome c Oxidase; Ferrocytochrome c; O2 Oxidoreductase)Overall Proton and Charge Movements Catalysed by the Respiratory Chain: Correlation with the P/O RatioSuperoxide Production by Complex I and IIIOxidative StressThe Nicotinamide Nucleotide TranshydrogenaseElectron Transport in Mitochondria of Non-Mammalian CellsBacterial Resporatory ChainsPHOTOSYNTHETIC GENERATORS OF PROTONMOTIVE FORCEIntroductionThe Light Reaction of Photosynthesis in Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Related OrganismsThe Generation by Illumination or Respiration of Äp in Photosynthetic BacteriaThe Electron-Transfer and Light-Capture Pathway in Green Plants and AlgaeBacteriorhodpsin and HalorhodopsinTHE ATP SYNTHASEIntroductionF1 and F0The Subunits of the F1F0-ATPaseThe Structure of F0 F1Enzymology of ATP SynthaseRelating the Structure to Function for ATP SynthaseNon-Thermodynamic Regulation of the ATP SynthaseProton Translocation by Other ATPases and PyrophosphatasesMETABOLITE AND ION TRANSPORTIntroductionMitochondrial Cation TransportersMitochondrial Metabolite TransportersThe Transfer of Electrons from Cytoplasmic NADH to the Respiratory ChaiThe Phosphate and Adenine Nucleotide TransportersThe Uncoupling Protein FamilyBacterial TransportTransport (Movement) of Bacterial CellsTransport of Macromolecules Across MembranesMITOCHONDRIA IN THE CELLIntroductionMonitoring ÄØm and ATP Synthesis in Intact CellsMitochondria and Cellular Ca2+ HomeostasisMitochondria and Programmed Cell DeathMitochondria and Necrotic Cell DeathThe Mitochondrial GenomeImport and Assembly of Mitochondrial ProteinsMitochondrial Genetic DiseasesMitochondrial Involvement in Neurodegenerative DiseasesReferencesAppendixIndex
- No. of pages: 288
- Language: English
- Edition: 3
- Published: July 3, 2002
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780125181211
- eBook ISBN: 9780080527932
David G. Nicholls
Affiliations and expertise
Buck Institute, Novato, California, U.S.A.SF
Stuart J. Ferguson
Affiliations and expertise
University of Oxford, U.K.Read Bioenergetics on ScienceDirect