Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle:
M.J. Cecava, Rumen Physiology and Energy Requirements.
T.W. Perry, Vitamin Requirements of Beef Cattle.
T.W. Perry, Mineral Requirements of Beef Cattle.
M.J. Cecava, Protein Requirements of Beef Cattle.
D.M. Forsyth, Computer Programming of Beef Cattle Diets.
T.W. Perry, The Effect on Processing on the Nutritive Value of Feedstuffs for Beef Cattle.
M.J. Cecava, Pasture andother Forages.
M.J. Cecava, Hay and Haymaking.
M.J. Cecava, Silage and Crops for Silage.
M.J. Cecava, Concentrates for Beef Cattle.
The Breeding Herd:
T.W. Perry, Breeding Herd Nutrition and Management.
T.W. Perry, Forages and Environment Effect on Brood Cows.
T.W. Perry, Milk Production and Calf Performance.
Finishing Beef Cattle:
T.W. Perry, Starting Cattle on Feed.
T.W. Perry, Feeding Stocker Cattle.
T.W. Perry, Cattle Finishing Systems.
T.W. Perry, Feedlot Diseases.
T.W. Perry, Economics of Cattle Feeding.
T.W. Perry, Environmental and Housing Effect on Feedlot Cattle Performance.
T.W. Perry, Implants and Nonnutritive Additives for Beef Cattle.
D.C. Petritz and K.S. Hendrix, How Much Can I Afford to Pay for Feeder Cattle?
T. Grandin, Some Current Specifications for Beef Cattle Equipment.
T.W. Perry, Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle.
T.W. Perry, Typical Compositions of Feedstuff for Cattle.
Subject Index.