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Bayesian statistics has exploded into biology and its sub-disciplines, such as ecology, over the past decade. The free software program WinBUGS, and its open-source sister Op… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Bayesian statistics has exploded into biology and its sub-disciplines, such as ecology, over the past decade. The free software program WinBUGS, and its open-source sister OpenBugs, is currently the only flexible and general-purpose program available with which the average ecologist can conduct standard and non-standard Bayesian statistics.
Professional ecologists, upper-level graduate and graduate ecology students
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Ecology: The Study of Distribution and Abundance and of the Mechanisms Driving Their Change
1.2. Genesis of Ecological Observations
1.3. The Binomial Distribution as a Canonical Description of the Observation Process
1.4. Structure and Overview of the Contents of this Book
1.5. Benefits of Analyzing Simulated Data Sets: An Example of Bias and Precision
1.6. Summary and Outlook
1.7. Exercises
Chapter 2. Brief Introduction to Bayesian Statistical Modeling
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Role of Models in Science
2.3. Statistical Models
2.4. Frequentist and Bayesian Analysis of Statistical Models
2.5. Bayesian Computation
2.6. WinBUGS
2.7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bayesian Analyses by Posterior Sampling
2.8. Hierarchical Models
2.9. Summary and Outlook
Chapter 3. Introduction to the Generalized Linear Model
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Statistical Models: Response = Signal + Noise
3.3. Poisson GLM in R and WinBUGS for Modeling Time Series of Counts
3.4. Poisson GLM for Modeling Fecundity
3.5. Binomial GLM for Modeling Bounded Counts or Proportions
3.6. Summary and Outlook
3.7. Exercises
Chapter 4. Introduction to Random Effects
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Accounting for Overdispersion by Random Effects-Modeling in R and WinBUGS
4.3. Mixed Models with Random Effects for Variability among Groups (Site and Year Effects)
4.4. Summary and Outlook
4.5. Exercises
Chapter 5. State-Space Models for Population Counts
5.1. Introduction
5.2. A Simple Model
5.3. Systematic Bias in the Observation Process
5.4. Real Example: House Martin Population Counts in the Village of Magden
5.5. Summary and Outlook
5.6. Exercises
Chapter 6. Estimation of the Size of a Closed Population from Capture–Recapture Data
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Generation and Analysis of Simulated Data with Data Augmentation
6.3. Analysis of a Real Data Set: Model Mtbh for Species Richness Estimation
6.4. Capture–Recapture Models with Individual Covariates: Model Mt+X
6.5. Summary and Outlook
6.6. Exercises
Chapter 7. Estimation of Survival from Capture–Recapture Data Using the Cormack–Jolly–Seber Model
7.1. Introduction
7.2. The CJS Model as a State-Space Model
7.3. Models with Constant Parameters
7.4. Models with Time-Variation
7.5. Models with Individual Variation
7.6. Models with Time and Group Effects
7.7. Models with Age Effects
7.8. Immediate Trap Response in Recapture Probability
7.9. Parameter Identifiability
7.10. Fitting the CJS to Data in the M-Array Format: the Multinomial Likelihood
7.11. Analysis of a Real Data Set: Survival of Female Leisler's Bats
7.12. Summary and Outlook
7.13. Exercises
Chapter 8. Estimation of Survival Using Mark-Recovery Data
8.1. Introduction
8.2. The Mark-Recovery Model as a State-Space Model
8.3. The Mark-Recovery Model Fitted with the Multinomial Likelihood
8.4. Real-Data Example: Age-Dependent Survival in Swiss Red Kites
8.5. Summary and Outlook
8.6. Exercises
Chapter 9. Estimation of Survival and Movement from Capture–Recapture Data Using Multistate Models
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Estimation of Movement between Two Sites
9.3. Accounting for Temporary Emigration
9.4. Estimation of Age-Specific Probability of First Breeding
9.5. Joint Analysis of Capture–Recapture and Mark-Recovery Data
9.6. Estimation of Movement among Three Sites
9.7. Real-Data Example: The Showy Lady's Slipper
9.8. Summary and Outlook
9.9. Exercises
Chapter 10. Estimation of Survival, Recruitment, and Population Size from Capture–Recapture Data Using the Jolly–Seber Model
10.1. Introduction
10.2. The JS Model as a State-Space Model
10.3. Fitting the JS Model with Data Augmentation
10.4. Models with Constant Survival and Time-Dependent Entry
10.5. Models with Individual Capture Heterogeneity
10.6. Connections between Parameters, Further Quantities and Some Remarks on Identifiability
10.7. Analysis of a Real Data Set: Survival, Recruitment and Population Size of Leisler's Bats
10.8. Summary and Outlook
10.9. Exercises
Chapter 11. Estimation of Demographic Rates, Population Size, and Projection Matrices from Multiple Data Types Using Integrated Population Models
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Developing an Integrated Population Model (IPM)
11.3. Example of a Simple IPM (Counts, Capture–Recapture, Reproduction)
11.4. Another Example of an IPM: Estimating Productivity without Explicit Productivity Data
11.5. IPMs for Population Viability Analysis
11.6. Real Data Example: Hoopoe Population Dynamics
11.7. Summary and Outlook
11.8. Exercises
Chapter 12. Estimation of Abundance from Counts in Metapopulation Designs Using the Binomial Mixture Model
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Generation and Analysis of Simulated Data
12.3. Analysis of Real Data: Open-Population Binomial Mixture Models
12.4. Summary and Outlook
12.5. Exercises
Chapter 13. Estimation of Occupancy and Species Distributions from Detection/Nondetection Data in Metapopulation Designs Using Site-Occupancy Models
13.1. Introduction
13.2. What Happens When p < 1 and Constant and p is Not Accounted for in a Species Distribution Model?
13.3. Generation and Analysis of Simulated Data for Single-Season Occupancy
13.4. Analysis of Real Data Set: Single-Season Occupancy Model
13.5. Dynamic (Multiseason) Site-Occupancy Models
13.6. Multistate Occupancy Models
13.7. Summary and Outlook
13.8. Exercises
Chapter 14. Concluding Remarks
14.1. The Power and Beauty of Hierarchical Models
14.2. The Importance of the Observation Process
14.3. Where Will We Go?
14.4. The Importance of Population Analysis for Conservation and Management
Appendix 1. A List of WinBUGS Tricks
Appendix 2. Two Further Useful Multistate Capture–Recapture Models