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Autonomous Vehicles and Future Mobility presents novel methods for examining the long-term effects on individuals, society, and on the environment for a wide range of forthcomi… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Autonomous Vehicles and Future Mobility presents novel methods for examining the long-term effects on individuals, society, and on the environment for a wide range of forthcoming transport scenarios, such as self-driving vehicles, workplace mobility plans, demand responsive transport analysis, mobility as a service, multi-source transport data provision, and door-to-door mobility. With the development and realization of new mobility options comes change in long-term travel behavior and transport policy. This book addresses these impacts, considering such key areas as the attitude of users towards new services, the consequences of introducing new mobility forms, the impacts of changing work related trips, and more.
By examining and contextualizing innovative transport solutions in this rapidly evolving field, the book provides insights into the current implementation of these potentially sustainable solutions. It will serve as a resource of general guidelines and best practices for researchers, professionals and policymakers.
Transportation systems and planning graduate students, researchers, engineers, scholars, consultants, and city stakeholders
1. Autonomous vehicles and future mobility solutions
Pierluigi Coppola, Fulvio Silvestri
2. Where will self-driving vehicles take us? Scenarios for the development of automated vehicles with sweden as a case study
Anna Pernestål Brenden, Ida Kristoffersson, Lars-Göran Mattsson
3. Traffic flow with autonomous vehicles in real-life traffic situations
Eirin Olaussen Ryeng, Eivind Myklebust Lindseth, Torbjørn Haugen
4. Demand-oriented mobility solutions for rural areas using autonomous vehicles
Moritz Von Mörner
5. Will self-driving cars impact the long-term investment strategy for the dutch national trunk road system?
Remko Smit, Henk Van Mourik, Erik Verroen, Marits Pieters, Dick Bakker, Maaike Snelder
6. What will autonomous cars do to the insurance companies?
Iva Bojic, Roman Braendli, Carlo Ratti
7. Demand analysis and willingness to use new mobility concepts
Kathrin Viergutz, Florian Brinkmann
8. The benefits of accessing transport data to support intelligent mobility
Khalid Nur, Timothy Simon Gammons
9. Stakeholder engagement in mobility planning
Domokos Esztergár-Kiss, Tamás Tettamanti
10. The impact of various forms of flexible working on mobility and congestion estimated empirically
Han Van Der Loop, Rinus Haaijer, Jasper Willigers
11. Public sector facilitation of cargo bike operations to improve city logistics
Tale Ørving, Karin Fossheim, Jardar Andersen