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Buzz, squeak, and rattle (BSR) is the automotive industry term for the audible engineering challenges faced by all vehicle and component engineers. Minimizing BSR is of pa… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Buzz, squeak, and rattle (BSR) is the automotive industry term for the audible engineering challenges faced by all vehicle and component engineers. Minimizing BSR is of paramount importance when designing vehicle components and whole vehicle assemblies. This is the only book dedicated to the subject. It provides a self-contained reference to the background theory, testing, analysis, and elimination of BSR. Written for practicing engineers and industry researchers, the book has a strong focus on real-world applications making it an ideal handbook for those working in this important area. Chapters from leading experts from across the motor industry—with input from the design and research labs of Ford, Toyota, Daimler-Chrysler and GM—review the techniques available and provide readers with the appropriate physics, structural dynamics and materials science to address their own BSR issues.
Professional automotive engineers and graduate students working in the area of automotive design, manufacture and technology; Aerospace and other transport researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners working or interested in BSR (buzz, squeak and rattle)
Chapter 1. Overview on Vehicle Buzz, Squeak and Rattle
1.1. Customer Expectation and Vehicle Quality
1.2. Buzz, Squeak and Rattle Mechanism
1.3. Vehicle BSR Phenomena and Examples
1.4. Design Process
1.5. Design Parameters and BSR Prevention
1.6. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
1.7. Conclusion
Chapter 2. Friction Sliding and Rattle Impact Analysis
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Experimental Set up
2.3. Results
2.4. Conclusions
Chapter 3. Stick-Slip Characteristics of Leather/Artificial Leather
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Measuring Methods for Determining Stick-Slip Properties
3.3. Leather Tests
3.4. Artificial Leather Tests
Chapter 4. Material Pair Testing and Instrumentation
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Material Properties of Sliding Pairs
4.3. Challenges for Accurate Measurements
4.4. Equipment Design
4.5. Functional Principle?
4.6. Application Examples
4.7. Discussion, Conclusion and Outlook
Chapter 5. Full Vehicle Testing
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Road Testing
5.3. Road Simulators
5.4. Finding and Fixing
Chapter 6. Buzz, Squeak and Rattle Detection for Modules, Subsystems and Components
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Major Issues Involved with the Physical Test Setup
6.3. Vibration Test Methods
6.4. Evaluation of BSR Noises in the Lab
6.5. Application Example (Including Test Methods and Lessons Learned)
6.6. Conclusion and Outlook
Chapter 7. Universal Graining to Prevent Creaking Noises with Plastic and Elastic Contact Partners
Chapter 8. Squeak and Rattle CAE Simulation Using FEA
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Nonlinear Method – Rattle Simulation Using Rattle Factor
8.3. Quasi-Linear Method – Rattle HotSpot Check
8.4. Summary and Outlook
Chapter 9. Squeak and Rattle Prevention in the Design Phase Using a Pragmatic Approach
9.1. Motivation for Prevention: Warranty Cost, Afterworks Cost and Image Loss
9.2. S&R Elimination Starts in the Design Phase
9.3. Solutions in Prevention of Squeak
9.4. Solutions in Prevention of Rattle
9.5. How to Proceed
Chapter 10. Experimental Friction Behavior of Elastomers on Glass
10.1. The Problem
10.2. Experimental Setup
10.3. Results
10.4. Test Method
10.5. Summary
Chapter 11. Development of Squeak and Rattle Countermeasures Through Up-Front Designs
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Root Causes of Squeak and Rattle Problems
11.3. Squeak and Rattle Sensitivity Areas
11.4. Development of Squeak and Rattle Countermeasures Through Up-Front Designs
Chapter 12. Coatings for Low-Noise Body Seals
12.1. Coatings
12.2. Mechanism of Function
12.3. Materials
12.4. Troubleshooting Anti-Noise Coating Problems