Section headings and selected papers: Plenary Papers. Control challenges from space and ground based astronomical telescopes (D.C. Redding).
Technical Papers. Guidance, Navigation and Control of Aerospace Vehicles with Emphasis on the Atmospheric Flight Regime including Air Traffic Management. Problems in control system design for hypersonic vehicles (D.K. Schmidt).
Parallel Processing Architectures for Aerospace Applications. Smart structures and materials systems (P.T. Gardiner).
GNC Development Life Cycle Experience with Emphasis on Validation and Verification on Ground and including Flight Experiments. A re-entry capsule control system design for microgravity experiments (A. Cavallo
et al.). ARIANE 5 dynamics and control (H. Klotz).
New Developments in Aerospace Guidance and Control. Inferring operator intent as a basis for aiding in man-machine systems (B. Hoshstrasser).
Space Robotics and Manipulators. Efficient adaptive control of a two-armed free-flying robot (D.R. Meldrum).
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles. Development of an autonomous onboard control system for rendezvous and docking (J.M. Pairot
et al.).
Dynamics and Control of Flexible Aerospace Structures: Modelling, Control and Experimental Verification. Dynamic alignment of gimballed and fixed subsystems on flexible helicopters (W.H. Boykin).
Control Challenges from Space and Ground Based Astronomical Telescopes. Feature recognition of two-dimensional object scenes using contour curvature representation (S. Udomkesmalee).
Trajectories Optimization and Guidance for Ascent and Descent. A new trajectory optimisation tool (ALTOS) applied to conventional launchers (G. Lecohier, K. Mehlem).
Emerging New Technologies in Sensors, Actuators and On-board Processing. Autonomous star tracker development (R.W.H. Van Bezooijen). Author index. Keyword index.
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