Auditory Perception
A New Synthesis
- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Author: Richard M. Warren
- Editors: Arnold P. Goldstein, Leonard Krasner
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 1 5 7 2 - 6
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 4 8 1 4 - 4
Auditory Perception: A New Synthesis focuses on the effort to show the connections between key areas in hearing. The book offers a review of classical problems, and then presents… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAuditory Perception: A New Synthesis focuses on the effort to show the connections between key areas in hearing. The book offers a review of classical problems, and then presents interpretations and evidence of this topic. A short introduction to the physical nature of sound and the way sound is transmitted and changed within the ear is provided. The book discusses the importance of being able to identify the source of a sound, and then presents processes in this regard. The text provides information on the organs involved in the identification of sound and discusses pitch and infrapitch and the manner by which their loudness can be measured. Scales are presented to show the loudness of sound. The relationship of hearing with other senses is also discussed. The text also outlines how speech is produced, taking into consideration the organs involved in the process. The book is a valuable source of data for research scientists and other professionals who are involved in hearing and speech.
Chapter 1 Sound and the Auditory System
The Nature of Auditory Stimuli
Our Auditory Apparatus
The Outer Ear and the Middle Ear
Structure of the Inner Ear
Neural Structures and Auditory Pathways
Mechanics for Stimulation within the Inner Ear
The Auditory-Acoustic Paradox: Excellent Discrimination from a Poor Instrument
Electrophysiological Response of the Cochlea and Peripheral Neural Apparatus
The Resting Potential
The Summating Potential
The Cochlear Microphonic
Whole Nerve Action Potential
Single Unit Receptor Potentials
Single Unit Generator Potentials
Action Potentials of Auditory Nerve Fibers
Chapter 2 Spatial Localization and Binaural Hearing
Binaural Perception of Azimuth
Minimal Audible Angle
Binaural Beats
Detection of Interaural Delays for Clicks and for Complex Sounds
Detection of Long Interaural Delays
Contralateral Induction
Masking Level Differences
Two Types of Temporal Disparity
Time Intensity Trading
Some Cautions Concerning Interpretation of Studies Using Headphones
Importance of the Pinna in Sound Localization
Room Acoustics
Auditory Reorientation
Estimates of Distance from the Source
Sensory Input and Physical Correlates
Chapter 3 Perception of Acoustic Repetition Pitch and Infrapitch
Critical Bands
Place Theory
Periodicity Theory
Schouten's Residue Pitch
Pitch of Inharmonic Complexes
Spectral Dominance
Periodic Sounds and Local Temporal Patterns on the Basilar Membrane
Model Periodic Stimuli Versus Special Periodic Stimuli
Iterated Noise Segments as Model Periodic Sounds
Pitch and Infra pitch
Perception of Multiple Infratonal Frequencies Stimulating the same Cochlear Loci
Echo Pitch and Infrapitch Echo
Periodic Signals with Alternating Polarity
Alternating Polarity Pulse Trains
Pitches Produced by Dichotic Interactions
Ear Dominance for Perception of Pitch
Musical Pitch and Musical Infrapitch (Rhythm)
Complex Beats: Integration of Different Infrapitch Periodicities at Different Cochlear Loci
Effects of Deviations from Strict Infrapitch Periodicity
Some Recent Models for the Pitch of Complex Tones
Chapter 4 The Measurement of Loudness and Pitch
Sensory Input and Perception
The History of Loudness Measurement
Apparent Loudness and Its Relation to Auditory Localization: The Physical Correlate Theory
Equivalence of Half-Loudness and Twice-Distance Estimates
Agreement of Half-Loudness with the Inverse Square Law
Effect of Reverberation on Loudness Functions
Loudness of Self-Generated Sound
Learning of a New Physical Correlate for Loudness
The Mel Scale of Pitch Magnitude
Some Conclusions and Inferences
Chapter 5 Perception of Acoustic Sequences
Rate at which Component Sounds Occur in Speech and Music
Identification of Components and Their Order
Temporal Order Identification within Extended Sequences
Identification of Order for Sequences of Unrelated Sounds and for Sequences of Speech Sounds
Identification of Order within Tonal Sequences
Identification of Order and Verbal Labeling
Need for Verbal Labeling for Serial Order Retention in Memory Experiments
Identification of Patterns without Discrimination of Order: Holistic Pattern Recognition
Extent of Temporal Mismatch Permitting Holistic Pattern Recognition
Should Trained or Untrained Subjects be Used?
A Comparison of Holistic Pattern Recognition with Identification of Components and Their Orders Using Untrained Subjects
Holistic Pattern Recognition and Detection of Acoustic Repetition
Holistic Pattern Recognition and Context-Sensitive Speech Sounds
Identification of Components and Their Orders and Holistic Pattern Recognition for Dichotomous Patterns
Holistic Pattern Recognition in Animals Other Than Humans
Chapter 6 Perceptual Restoration of Missing Sounds
Temporal Induction
Homophonic Continuity
Heterophonic Continuity
The Roll Effect as Tonal Restoration
Temporal Limits for Illusory Continuity
Illusory Continuity of Stimuli Repeated at Tonal and Infratonal Frequencies
Incomplete Continuity or Illusory Lengthening
Illusory Pattern Completion: Restoration of Frequency Glides
Temporal Induction of Speech
Phonemic Restorations
Apparent Continuity of Speech Produced by Insertion of Noise into Gaps
Increase in Intelligibility of Speech Produced by Insertion of Noise into Gaps: Multiple Phonemic
Masking and Unmasking
Chapter 7 Speech
Speech Production
The Subglottal System
The Larynx
The Vocal Tract and Articulation of Speech Sounds
Visual Representation of Speech Sounds
The Protean Phoneme
are Phonemes Perceptual Units?
The Alphabet and the Phoneme
Illiterate Adults Cannot Segment Phonetically
Ability to Segment Phonetically and Reading Ability are Related in Children
Cues for Identifying Phonemes and Characterizing Letters
Evidence that Phonetic Constituents of Speech are Not Identified Directly
The Temporal Course of Speech Perception
Skilled Storage and Delayed Perceptual Organization of Speech
Speech Errors in Everyday Life
Changes in Speech Perception during Stimulus Repetition
Verbal Satiation
Verbal Summation
Verbal Transformations
Ear Advantages and Cortical Processing of Speech
Perception of Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Sequences
Chapter 8 The Relation of Hearing to Other Senses
Multimodal Perception
Interaction of Vision with Senses Other than Hearing
Interaction of Vision and Hearing in Speech Perception
Perceptual Resolution of Conflicting Visual and Auditory Information Concerning Speech
Auditory Input Perceived as Touch
Multimodal Sensory Control of Speech Production
General Perceptual Rules and Modality-Specific Rules
Perceptual Calibration of Sensory Input
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Author
- No. of pages: 258
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483115726
- eBook ISBN: 9781483148144
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