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Assessment, Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Influenced Soils covers processes operating in the environment as a result of mining activity, including the whole spectra o… Read more
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Assessment, Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Influenced Soils covers processes operating in the environment as a result of mining activity, including the whole spectra of negative effects of anthropopressure and the environment, from changes in soil chemistry, changes in soil physical properties, geomechanical disturbances, and mine water discharges.
Mining activity and its waste are an environmental concern. Knowledge of the fate of potentially harmful elements and their effect on plants and the food chain, and ultimately on human health, is still being understood. Therefore, there is a need for better knowledge on the origin, distribution, and management of mine waste on a global level.
This book provides information on hazard assessment and remediation of the disturbed environment, including stabilization of contaminated soils and phytoremediation, and will help scientists and public authorities formulate answers to the daily challenges related to the restoration of contaminated land.
Soil scientists, geologists, ecologists, environmentalists, mining engineers and public administrators and other professionals who are involved in past and present mining activities, environmental surveillance and management
Jaume Bech, Emeritus Professor of Soil Science at the University of Barcelona (UB). Degrees in Biological Sciences, Pharmacy and Geological Sciences. Ma in Geology, PhD in Pharmacy and PhD in Biology. Full Prof. in Soil Science at UB (1975-2007). Director of the Agricult. Engin. High School. Tech Univ. of Barcelona. Author of more than 400 papers, Editor of 34 Special Issues in Catena, JSS, EGAH, JGE. Honorary Professor from University of: Kuban State Agrarian (Russia), Piura (Peru), Cuenca (Ecuador), ESPOL Guayaquil (Ecuador), Honor Diploma La Frontera Temuco (Chile), Institute for Biology and Pedology of National Academy of Sciences (Kyrgyz Republic). Dr. Honoris Causa of 13 Universities from Bulgary, Chile, Ecuador, Georgia, Kyrgysztan, Peru, Russia and Spain. Honorary Member of 7 National Soil Sciences Societies from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Georgia, Greece, Romania and Russia. Honorary Member of: VIII Com. Div. SSS EGU and IUSS. Officier dans “L’Ordre des Palmes Academiques”, France.
Prof. Claudio Bini. Degree in Geological Sciences (University of Florence, 1969). Academic position: Full Professor (Chair of Soil Science). Academic career: Fellowship at the University of Perugia (1970 – 1974) and Florence (1975 – 1980); Researcher at the University of Florence, 1980 - 1987; Associated Professor, University of Udine, 1988 - 1994; Associated Professor, University of Venice, 1995 - 2004. Full Professor, University of Venice, 2005-2015. Member of numerous Scientific Societies. Vice-chairman of Division 1.2 –Soil Geography (IUSS) for the period 2006-2008. Co-Convener of scientific sessions at EGU, ICOBTE, EUROSOIL. Associate Editor of Soil Research (2012-currently). Associate Editor of Journal of Soils and Sediments (2012-currently). Reviewer for several international journals (STOTEN, EMAS, EGAH, Geoderma, Geoexplo, Catena). Prof. Bini authored ca. 200 scientific papers, published in national and international journals, and several books with international publishers (Nova Editor, Springer, Elsevier).