Aspects of Developmental and Comparative Immunology
Proceedings of the 1st Congress of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 27 July - 1 August 1980, Aberdeen
- 1st Edition - May 9, 2014
- Editor: J. B. Solomon
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 7 3 9 0 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 9 7 1 - 0
Aspects of Developmental and Comparative Immunology contains the proceedings of the 1st Congress of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, held from July 27 to August 1, 1980 in… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAspects of Developmental and Comparative Immunology contains the proceedings of the 1st Congress of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, held from July 27 to August 1, 1980 in Aberdeen, Scotland. The papers explore various aspects of developmental and comparative immunology and cover topics ranging from the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and membrane immunoglobulins to idiotypes and diversity, comparative ontogeny, and evolution of lymphoid organ function. Comprised of 105 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of how the host immune system utilizes polymorphic MHC antigens as the principal tool for pseudo-self versus true self distinction. The reader is then introduced to the immunology of earthworms, membrane immunoglobulins, idiotypes, and diversity. Subsequent chapters focus on the evolution of lymphoid organs in vertebrates; differentiation clocks in comparative immunology of mammals and birds; immunorecognition in invertebrates such as insects and gastropods; and the phylogeny of leucocytes in vertebrates and invertebrates. The remaining sections deal with stem cells, immune responses of gut-associated lymphoepithelial tissue, and the ontogeny of resistance to infection as well as the ontogeny of killer cells. Finally, the immunology of fish, amphibians, reptiles, chickens, and mammals is examined. This monograph will be of interest to immunobiologists.
Plenary Sessions
Promethean Foresight of the Immune System and MHC Antigen Polymorphism
Immunology of Earthworms
Some Functions of Lumbricus Leucocytes in Protection Mechanisms
Induction of Earthworm-Anti-Erythrocyte Agglutinins
Evidence of a MLR-Like Reaction in an Invertebrate, the Earthworm Eisenia Fetida
Membrane Immunoglobulins, Idiotypes & Diversity
Membrane Immunoglobulins of Teleost Fish Lymphocytes
Idiotypes and Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies in Fish
Clonal Heterogeneity of Antibodies in the Newborn Mouse - An Approach to the Problem of the Generation of Diversity
Evolution of Lymphoid Organ Function
Impact of Anuran Amphibians
The Evolution of Vertebrate Lymphoid Organs
Localisation of Antigens and Immune Complexes in the Spleen of Mammals Compared with the Lower Vertebrates
Plenary Lecture
Comparative Ontogeny
Differentiation Clocks in Comparative Immunology of Mammals and Birds
Immunorecognition in Invertebrates
Recognition of Foreignness in the Internal Defence System of the Freshwater Gastropod Lymnaea Stagnalis
Immune Recognition Mechanisms in Two Insect Species
Studies on Recognition of Foreignness in Insects Utilizing Integumental Transplants
Phylogeny of Leucocytes in Invertebrates and Vertebrates
Humoral Factors in Molluscan Parasite Immunity
Phagocytic Cells in Molluscs
Helix Pomatia: Recognition and Clearance of Bacteria and Foreign Cells in an Invertebrate
A Selective Response by the Coelomocytes of the Lugworm, Arenicola Marina (L.), towards Mixtures of Gram +VE and Gram -VE Bacteria
A Comparison of the Immune Response of the Waxmoth, Galleria Mellonella to Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Bacteria
Crustacean Internal Defence Mechanisms: Clearance and Distribution of Injected Bacteria by the Shore Crab Carcinus Maenas (L.)
In Vitro Effect of Mitogens on Starfish Axial Organ Cells. Evidence of Lymphokine-Like Substances
Immunoregulation by Phagocytic Cells in the Common American Newt, Notophthalmus Viridescens
A Primitive Dendritic Splenocyte in Xenopus Laevis with Morphological Similarities to Reed-Sternberg Cells
Phagocytes of the Snake, Spalerosophis Diadema
Stem Cells
Evolutionary Modifications of Nephrogenic Mesoderm to Establish the Embryonic Centers of Hemopoiesis
Origin and History of Definitive Hemopoietic Stem Cells in the Avian Embryo
Prebursal and Prethymic Stem Cells in the Chicken Embryo: Functional Studies
Thymus-Bursa Relationship in the Developing Chick Embryo
Maintenance of the Haemopoietic Stem Cell Population
Immune Responses of Gut-Associated Lymphoepithelial Tissue
Symposium Chairman's Introduction
The Gut-Associated Lymphoepithelial Tissue (GALT) of Lizards and Snakes
Some Aspects of B Cell Maturation in the Chicken
The Role of the Bursa of Fabricius in Localized Immunity and as a Modulator of Systemic Immune Responses
Development of IgA Responses in Germfree Piglets after Local Stimulation of GUT-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT)
Peyer's Patches as a Bursal Equivalent: A New Look at Some Old Arguments
Range of Function of GUT-Associated Lymphoepithelial Tissue
Ontogeny of Resistance to Infection
Immunosuppressive Effect of an Australian Strain of Bursal Disease Virus
Onset of Resistance to Pathogenic Strains of Campylobacter Fetus Subspecies Jejuni in the Chicken Embryo
Development of Resistance to Invading Candida Albicans in the Chicken Embryo
Ontogeny of Macrophage Activation Measured by Decreased 5'-Nucleotidase Activity During Plasmodium Berghei Infection of Rats
Ontogeny of Superoxide Anion Release by Macrophages in Normal and Plasmodium Berghei-Infected Rats
Ontogeny of Killer Cells Measured by Antibody Dependent Cell Cytotoxicity in Normal and Plasmodium Berghei-Infected Rats
Macrophage Activation Measured by Decreased 5'-Nucleotidase Activity in Newborn and Adult Guinea Pigs Infected with Tuberculosis
Maternal/Foetal Relationships
In Vitro Study of Maternal Serum Factors Partially Responsible for the Inhibition of the Immune Cytotoxic Reaction of the Mother Towards its Larvae in Salamandra Salamandra L.
Cell Activity in the Maternal Spleen During Mouse Pregnancy
Transfer of 125 I-Insulin in Immunised Pregnant Guinea Pigs
Insulin Antibodies in Diabetic Pregnancies
Biochemical Characterization of Human Trophoblast Cell Membrane Proteins
Transferrin Receptors of Human Plancental, Tumour and Transformed Cells
Immunobiological Activities of Human Trophoblast Cell Membrane Glycoproteins
The Influence of Maternal Immune Reactivity on Idiotype Expression by Progeny
T Suppressors and Immunological Tolerance
Immunoregulation: Helper and Suppressor Functions in the Immune Response to Sheep Erythrocytes in the Lizard
Role of Suppressor T-cells and Tolerant Serum in Low Zone Tolerance to Sheep Erythrocytes in Lizards
Effects of Thymectomy During Early Development of Xenopus Laevis
Transplantation Tolerance in Amphibian Development
Ontogeny of Suppressor Cells in the Mouse and their Relation to Potential Immune Reactivity in the Fetal Liver
Suppression of a Response to Modified Self Cells by Mouse Fetal Liver Cells
Suppressor T Cells and Tolerance to MHC Antigens
The Development of T-cell Function Studied Using Neonatally Thymectomized Reconstituted or Infant Thymus Irradiated Mice
Grouped Papers
Ontogeny of Killer Cells
Ontogeny of Antibody-Dependent Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity in Normal and Tumor Bearing C3H Mice
Ontogenic Development of Lymphoid Cells with T Characteristics
Regulation of Antibody Affinity in the Mouse: Age-Related Cellular Aspects
Fish Immunology
Cell Surface Receptors and Immune Mechanisms in an Elasmobranch Fish Scyliorhinus Canicula
Antigen-Trapping in the Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)
Ontogeny of Lymphoid Organ Function in Fish
Development of the Immune System in Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)
A Comparison of the Immune Response of the Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) to a Protein and a Carbohydrate Antigen
Antigenic Competition in Teleosts
Temperature Dependence of Humoral Immunity in Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)
Seasonal Modulation Antibody Formation in Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri)
The 6-Component Complement System of the Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma Cirratum)
Properdin-Like Pathway in the Serum of the Lamprey (Lampetra Japonica)
Amphibian Immunology
Ultrastructure of the Jugular Body of Rana Pipiens
Ontogeny of Mitogen Responsiveness in Thymus and Spleen of Xenopus Laevis
Antibody Production in Thymectomized Xenopus
Comparison of the Proliferative Activity of Lymphoid Spleen Cells and the Antibody Response in Rana Esculenta Kept in 22 and 4°C
Skin Allograft and Xenograft Responses in NMU-Treated Xenopus Laevis
Restoration of Allograft Responses in NMU-Treated Xenopus Laevis by Protected Thymus Autografts
Evolution of the Vertebrate Complement System and Immune Adherence Reaction
Effect of Early Thymectomy on Development of Renal Tumors in Lucké Tumor Herpesvirus-Infected Leopard Frogs
Leucocyte Migration Inhibition in Rana Temporaria Following Challenge with Thymus-Dependent Antigens
Reptile Immunology
Lymphocyte Structural Heterogeneity in the Lizard Chalcides Ocellatus
Effect of Seasonal Changes on Humoral Immune Responses of the Lizard Chalcides Ocellatus
Role of the Thymus and Spleen in Immune Responses of the Lizard Chalcides Ocellatus
Surface Markers of Lymphocytes of the Snake, Spalerosophis Diadema II - Distribution of Snake Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Different Seasons
Chicken Immunology
B Cell Ontogeny in the Chicken: Role of Histocompatability Restriction and of T Cells
Regulation of B-Cell Differentation by Antigenic Stimuli Across Bursal Epithelium in Neonatal Chicken
The Development of Endocytotic Ability in the Follicle-Associated Epithelium of the Bursa of Fabricius
Thymus-Bursa-Hypophysis Interactions in the Developing Chick Embryo
Effects of Thymectomy on Erythropoiesis in the Chick Embryo
The Ontogeny of Immune Responsiveness to Sheep Erythrocytes in Young Pigeons
Functional and Antigenic Analysis of the Bursal and Thymic Microenvironments
Immunochemical Characterization of Lymphocyte Surface Antigens in the Chicken
Studies on the Complement Receptor of Chicken Spleen Cells
Ontogenic Development of Cytotoxic and Suppressor Cells in Obese Strain (OS) Chickens with Spontaneous Thyroiditis
Mammalian Immunology
Development of T Cell Allo-Receptor Repertoire in Thymic Environment Expressing Different MHC Coded Antigens
Comparative Analysis of the B-cell Repertoire Ontogeny in Parental and F1 Mice
The Influence of Xenogeneic Thymic Stromal Cultures on the Functional Maturation of Mouse Thymocytes
The Thymus as a Vehicle for Lymphoid Differentiation: The Status of Thymus Epithelial Cultures and T-cell Differentiation
Development of Cell-Mediated Lympholysis (CML) in the Human Foetus
Nonspecific Esterase Activity in Adult and Cord Blood Lymphocytes
- No. of pages: 590
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: May 9, 2014
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483173900
- eBook ISBN: 9781483189710
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