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Approaches to Water Sensitive Urban Design: Potential, Design, Ecological Health, Economics, Policies and Community Perceptions covers all aspects on the implementation of sustai… Read more
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Approaches to Water Sensitive Urban Design: Potential, Design, Ecological Health, Economics, Policies and Community Perceptions covers all aspects on the implementation of sustainable storm water systems for urban and suburban areas whether they are labeled as WSUD, Low Impact Development (LID), Green Infrastructure (GI), Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) or the Sponge City Concept. These systems and approaches are becoming an integral part of developing water sensitive cities as they are considered very capable solutions in addressing issues relating to urbanization, climate change and heat island impacts in dealing with storm water issues.
The book is based on research conducted in Australia and around the world, bringing in perspectives in an ecosystems approach, a water quality approach, and a sewer based approach to stormwater, all of which are uniquely covered in this single resource.
Environmental science, environmental engineering, urban planning, water policy and planning, architects, urban ecologists
1. History of WSUD / LID adoption in Australia and internationally
John Radcliffe
2. WSUD approaches and their description
Alan Hoban
3. Stormwater quality, pollutant sources, processes and treatment options
Ashantha Goonetilleke and Jane-Louise Lampard
4. WSUD design guidelines and data needs
Ashok K Sharma, Samira Rashetia, Ted Gardner and Don Begbie
5. The Role of Policy and Regulations in WSUD Implementation
Grace Tjandraatmadja
6. Flood and peak flow management using WSUD systems
Baden Myers and David Pezzaniti
7. WSUD approaches in Sewer System overflow management
Leila Talebi and Robert Pitt
8. Erosion and Sediment Control - WSUD during the construction phase of land development
Leon Rowlands
9. Water harvesting potential of WSUD approaches
David Hamlyn-Harris, Tony McAlister and Peter Dillon
10. Using WSUD to restore pre-development hydrology
Anthony Richard Ladson
11. Urbanization: hydrology, water quality and influences on ecosystem health
Fran Sheldon, Catherine Leigh, Wendy Neilan, Michael Newham, Carolyn Polson and Wade Hadwen
12. Protecting and Managing Stream Morphology in Urban Catchments using WSUD
Geoff J. Vietz and Robert J. Hawley
13. Urban Lakes as a WSUD Method
Christopher Walker and Terry Lucke
14. Economics of WSUD approaches
Kym Whiteoak
15. Optimization of WSUD Systems: Selection, Sizing and Layout
Graeme C. Dandy, Michael Di Matteo and Holger R. Maier
16. Infrastructure and urban planning context for achieving the visions of integrated urban water management and water sensitive urban design: the case of Melbourne
Casey Furlong, Meredith Dobbie, Peter Morison, Jago Dodson and Micah Pendergast
17. Integration of WSUD and Mainstream special planning approaches: lessons from South Africa
Elizelle Juanee' Cilliers and Hildegard Rohr
18. Role of WSUD in building sustainable liveable suburbs
Beau Bradley Beza, Josh Zeunert and Frank Hanson
19. WSUD and Urban Heat Island effect Mitigation
Elmira Jamei and Nigel Tapper
20. The role of green roofs and living walls as WSUD approaches in a dry climate
Simon Beecham Mostafa Razzaghmanesh, Rosmina Bustami and James Ward
21. Greening and cooling the city using novel urban water systems: a European perspective
Martina Winker, Simon Gehrmann, Engelbert Schramm, Martin Zimmermann, Annette Rudolph-Cleff
22. WSUD asset management operation and maintenance
Jack Mullaly
23. Capacity building for WSUD Implementation
Rob Catchlove, Susan van de Meene and Sam Phillips
24. Community perception of the implementation and adoption of WSUD Approaches for Stormwater management
Rosemary Leonard, Sayed Iftekhar, Melissa Green, and Andrea Walton
25. Post implementation assessment of WSUD approaches: Kanas City case
Deborah O'Bannon and Yanan Ma
26. WSUD Implementation in a Precinct Residential Development: Perth case study
Joshua Joseph Byrne, Melissa McGrath and Stewart Dallas
27. WSUD "Best in Class" - Case Studies from Australia, New Zealand, USA, Europe and Asia
Stephen Cook, Marjorie van Roon, Lisa Ehrenfried, James LaGro Jr. and Qian Yu