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Applied Statistics for Environmental Science with R presents the theory and application of statistical techniques in environmental science and aids researchers in choosing… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Applied Statistics for Environmental Science with R presents the theory and application of statistical techniques in environmental science and aids researchers in choosing the appropriate statistical technique for analyzing their data. Focusing on the use of univariate and multivariate statistical methods, this book acts as a step-by-step resource to facilitate understanding in the use of R statistical software for interpreting data in the field of environmental science. Researchers utilizing statistical analysis in environmental science and engineering will find this book to be essential in solving their day-to-day research problems.
Undergraduate, postgraduate and researchers from environmental science and environmental engineering, related fields such as biology and biomedical sciences
1. Maltivariate Data2. R Statistical Software3. Statistical Notions4. Measures of Center and Variation5. Statistical Hypothesis Testing6. Multivariate Analysis of Variance7. Regression Analysis8. Principal Components9. Factor Analysis10. Discriminant Analysis11. Clustering Approaches