Section headings and selected papers: Electromagnetosolid Mechanics. Coupled magnetomechanical and electromechanical hysteresis effects, G A Maugin. Analogy between equations of generalized dynamic thermoelasticity and equations of electrodynamics, R Wojnar. Applied Electromagnetics in Free Electron Lasers. Overview of the accelerators for free electron laser oscillators and the design consideration on the JAERI superconducting LINAC, Y Kawarasaki. Higher harmonics operation of UT/NERL free-electron laser, H Ohashi et al. Application of Electromagnetic Force and Phenomena. Developments in the numerical modeling of NDT phenomena, W Lord. Study of remote field eddy current technique by use of Poynting vector, H Hoshikawa et al. New Approaches in Eddy Current Analysis. The computation of eddy-currents in deformable conductors, A Bossavit. Three dimensional eddy current calculation using edge elements for magnetic vector potential, A Kameari. Discussion about analysis of magnetic field containing moving conductive media, S Hasebe and Y Kano. Micromechanics in Electromagnetic Fields. Conductive polymers as material multipole composites, R K T Hsieh. Micromechanics of materials with piezoelectric effect dislocations in dielectrics, J P Nowacki. Magnetic field and annealing temperature dependences of the elasticity moduli of the iron rich metallic glass strips, Z Kaczkowski. Applied Electromagnetics in Superconducting Materials. Mechanical characteristics of high temperature ceramic superconductors, E S Bobrov. Author index.