Applications of Nonlinear Programming to Optimization and Control is a collection of papers presented at the Fourth International Federation of Automatic Control Workshop by the same title, held in San Francisco, California on June 20-21, 1983. This workshop aims to exchange information on the applications of optimization and nonlinear programming techniques to real-life control problems, to investigate ideas that arise from these exchanges, and to look for advances in nonlinear programming that are useful in solving control problems. This book is divided into 16 chapters. It covers a wide range of related topics, starting with computer-aided-design of practical control systems, continuing through advanced work on quasi-Newton methods and gradient restoration algorithms. Other chapters provide specific examples, which apply these methods to representative problems. The remaining chapters present examples, including trajectory optimization, optimal design of a structure for a satellite, identification of hovercraft characteristics, determination of optimal electricity generation, and optimal automatic transmission for road vehicles. This book is of value to computer scientists and mathematicians.