Fabio Florindo
Fabio Florindo is the Research Director at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy, as well as an adjunct research fellow and the CNR Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering, Italy and the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. His research interests include paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism with applications to paleoclimate, paleoceanography, geomagnetic field behavior, and tectonics. Since 2000 he has been one of the principal investigators in ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing), a multinational initiative to investigate Antarctica's role in Cenozoic-Recent global environmental change through stratigraphic drilling for Antarctic climatic, volcanic and tectonic history. In 2000, he received the National Science Foundation Antarctic Service Medal "in recognition of valuable contributions to exploration and Scientific achievement under the U.S. Antarctic Research Program". He has authored over 175 articles and book chapters.
Affiliations and expertise
Research Director, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome, Italy