Anomalous Rare Earths and Actinides
Valence Fluctuation and Heavy Fermions
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1987
- Editors: J.X. Boucherle, J. Flouquet, C. Lacroix
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 2 7 3 - 5
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 9 4 8 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 7 2 3 - 5
Anomalous Rare Earths and Actinides: Valence Fluctuation and Heavy Fermions focuses on the characteristics, reactions, transformations, technologies, and processes involved in the… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAnomalous Rare Earths and Actinides: Valence Fluctuation and Heavy Fermions focuses on the characteristics, reactions, transformations, technologies, and processes involved in the study of anomalous rare earths and actinides. The selection first offers information on lanthanides and actinides and electronic structures in cerium monopnictides. Topics include rare earth metals with fluctuating valencies, 'normal' rare earth metals, and band calculation and Fermi surface. The text then elaborates on neutron scattering studies of anomalous rare earth compounds, including magnetic neutron scattering measurements, stability and localization of magnetic moments, and condensed state. The manuscript examines the transport properties of cerium monochalcogenides and pressure-volume relationships of cerium monochalcogenides and monopnictides. The text also ponders on the theory of anisotropic magnetic behavior in hybridizing actinide systems; band hybridization effects on indirect magnetic coupling of localized moments; and neutron scattering from transuranium materials. The selection is a dependable reference for readers interested in the research on anomalous rare earths and actinides.
Lanthanides and actinides. A historical perspective (Invited paper)
Cerium magnetic compounds
Electronic structures in cerium monopnictides (Invited paper)
Low-frequency magnetic excitations in cerium monopnictides
Neutron scattering studies of anomalous rare earth compounds (Invited paper)
Pressure dependent magnetoresistivity of the heavy fermion system, CePb3
High field magnetization, magnetoresistance and Hall effect of CePb3 at very low temperatures and high pressures
Crystal-field-excitations in CePb3
Magnetic properties of the Kondo lattice CeGa2
CeCu5: Another Kondo lattice showing magnetic order
Physical properties of CeMo6S8 single crystals
Transport properties of cerium monochalcogenides
Magnetic properties of the CeBi1-xTex solid solutions under pressure
Pressure-volume relationships of cerium monochalcogenides and monopnictides
High pressure neutron and magnetization investigations of the magnetic ordering in CeSb
A neutron study of the anomalous magnetic interactions in CeSb
On the heavy fermion ferromagnetic system Ce4Bi3
Neutron scattering study of the antiferroquadrupolar ordering in CeB6 and Ce0.75La0.25B6
Magnetoelastic studies on Ce1-xLaxB6 single crystals
Thermal expansion of La1-xCexB6 single crystals
Magnons in CeAl2
The unusual excitation spectrum of CeAl2
High field magnetoresistance and Hall effect of CeAl2 at low temperatures
Negative thermal expansion in the Kondo system CexLa1-xAl2
Magnetic and transport properties of Kondo compound α-Ce3Al
Magnetic properties of Ce(Rh1-xRux)2Si2 solid solutions
An inelastic neutron scattering study on the heavy fermion systems CeCu2Ge2 and CeAg2Ge2
CeCu2Ge2: Magnetic order in a Kondo lattice
Magnetic heavy-electron compound CeCu1.54Si1.46
From Fermi liquid to ferromagnetism in the CeSi2-xGex: system
Anomalous crystal field effects in the specific heat of Ce-heavy fermion compounds
Properties of CeInAg2-xCux Heusler phases
Specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and transport properties of polycrystalline CeInAu and CeInAu2
Electrical resistivity of the Kondo compound CeMg under high pressures
Neutron diffraction and magnetic studies of CeZn and NdZn single crystals
Magnetic properties of the CeNi0.8Pt0.2 dense Kondo ferromagnet studied on a single crystal
Actinide magnetic systems
Theory of anisotropie magnetic behavior in hybridizing actinide systems (Invited paper)
Band hybridization effects on indirect magnetic coupling of localized moments
Magnetism of actinide-3d Laves phases intermetallics
Neutron scattering from transuranium materials (Invited paper)
121Sb Mössbauer spectroscopy in plutonium monopnictides PuSb1-xTex(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4)
Transport properties of the PuSb1-xTex solid solution
Magnetic ordering in PuBi
Mössbauer study of hyperfine interactions in NpAs at high pressure
Neutron scattering study of the magnetic phase diagram of NpAs
The magnetism of the uranium chalcogenides
Specific heat of UAs1-xSbx and USb1-xTex single crystals at low temperatures
Electrical resistivity of the UAs1-xSex solid solutions
Single crystal investigation of the magnetic phase diagram of UP-US
A study of UA12 and UAs by muon spin rotation and relaxation (μSR)
Effects of pressure on the U1-xLaxTe compounds
Anomalous behavior of the metallic perovskite URh3B
Hall effect and magnetoresistance in the heavy-electron compound UCu5 at ambient pressure and 1 GPa
Magnetic and electrical properties of the UCu5-UPd5 system
Temperature dependence of the magnetic excitation in URu2Si2
Magnetic interactions on (La-Ac)T2X2 systems with ThCr2Si2 type crystal structure
Observation of spin-glass-like behavior in (Y,U)B4
Magnetic properties of the (U,Th)(Cr,Mn)4Al8 compounds
On the magnetic behavior of UGaT series
Magnetic order in UPt3 with 5% Pd
Single impurity theory
Thermodynamics of the S = 3/2 Coqblin-Schrieffer model in a magnetic field: comparison with experiments on Ce in LaB6
Theory of U impurities in metals in a j-j coupling scheme
Crystal field effects in Kondo systems
Neutron scattering in cerium Kondo compounds
Theory of the nuclear relaxation rates
Neutron scattering linewidth for cerium Kondo impurities
Phenomenological resonance model with anisotropy
On self-consistent approximations for rare-earth models
Group theoretical selection rules for f-c hybridization
Bethe ansatz solution of a model for a mixed valent impurity with two magnetic configurations: charge fluctuations and thermodynamic properties
Theory of the heavy fermions in the normal phase
Kondo effect, one and two Kondo impurities: implications for the lattice problem (Invited paper)
Theory for the coherence effects in the Kondo lattice (Invited paper)
Fluctuations and dissipation in the Kondo lattice
Perturbative result of two-impurity Anderson model in the Kondo limit
Two Kondo impurity problem: relevance to heavy fermions
Bandstructure of heavy fermions in CeCu2Si2 and CeAl3
Approximate treatments of periodic intermediate valence/ heavy fermion systems
1/N expansion for the lattice Anderson model
Diagrammatic analysis of the Anderson lattice ground state
Influence of crystal field on the sound velocity in cerium Kondo systems
Microscopic theory of elastic anomalies in unstable moment systems
Heavy fermions: cerium compounds
Electron-phonon coupling in heavy fermion systems (Invited paper)
Heavy fermion state in CeCu6 (Invited paper)
A neutron scattering study of magnetic excitations in the heavy fermion compound CeCu6
Investigation of the magnetic correlations in CeCu6
De Haas-van Alphen effect studies in CeCu6
Transport properties of CeCu6 at very low temperature
Thermal conductivity of (CexLa1-x)Cu6
Growing and purification of a CeCu6 single crystal
Elastic properties of the Kondo lattice compound CeCu6
Lattice distortion in CeCu6
Grüneisen parameter coupling and CEF-effects in unstable cerium systems: CeNi and CeCu6
De Haas-van Alphen study of LaCu6, PrCu6, NdCu6 and SmCu6
A polarized heavy fermion system: CeRu2Si2
Heat capacity study of the (La-Ce)Ru2Si2 and (Ce-Y)Ru2Si2 Kondo systems
Magnetism changes in Ge and Os substituted CeRu2Si2
Specific heat and pressure effects in the Kondo lattice compound CePt2Si2
Pressure dependences of the specific heats of UPt3, UBe13 and CeAl3
Heavy-fermion, Kondo, spin glass-like and antiferromagnetic behavior in (Ce,Gd)Al3
Hall effect in heavy fermion systems
Seebeck coefficient of heavy fermion compounds
Comparison of the phonon density of states of the heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2 with that of the reference system LaCu2Si2
Magnetoresistance of Ce-based Kondo lattices: CeCu2Si2 and CeAl3
Effects of composition on several physical properties of CeCu2Si2
Specific heat of heavy fermions in Ce-based Kondolattices at very low temperature
Heavy fermions: uranium compounds
High pressure experiments on heavy fermion/mixed valence compounds (Invited paper)
Normal phase of heavy-fermion UPt3 (Invited paper)
Direct observation of heavy quasiparticles in UPt3 via the dHvA effect
Electronic structure of UPt3: A low energy optical study
Antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and the heavy fermion system UPt3
Specific heats and crystal-field splittings of CeCu2Ge2, CeRu2Ge2 and UBe13
Ultrasonic attenuation in UPt3
High magnetic field ultrasonics in the heavy fermion compounds UPt3 and CePb3
Field dependence of the T2 term of the resistivity in UPt3
Magnetic and electronic properties of pseudobinary U(Pt1-xPdx)
9Be Knight shift in the normal state of UBe13
Thermal conductivity and specific heat measurements on UBe13
Study of heavy-fermion compounds under high pressure
Heavy fermions superconductivity
Superfluidity of 3He and heavy fermions (Invited paper)
Anisotropie pairing in heavy fermion superconductors - its origin and effects on transport properties (Invited paper)
Superconductivity in a hybridised system of narrow and wide band electrons with strong electron-lattice coupling
Ultrasonic attenuation in superconducting intermediate valence systems
Coherence and pair-breaking effect in the heavy fermion superconductor UBe13
Description of non-local impurity perturbations in heavy-fermion superconductors
d-wave superconductivity in the Anderson lattice
Superconducting instability in the large N-limit of the Coqblin-Schrieffer model
Real space model for fermion pairing
Superconductivity and heavy fermions (Invited paper)
Critical magnetic fields and specific heats of heavy fermion superconductors (Invited paper)
Low-temperature 9Be spin relaxation in superconducting UBe13
Hall effect and the upper critical field in UBe13
Magnetoresistance and upper critical magnetic field of UBe13 under pressure
Impurities in UBe13
Investigation of some properties of UBe13
Anisotropie superconductivity in UPt3
The superconducting Kondo lattice: CeCu2Si2
Influence of irradiation induced disorder on superconductivity and electrical resistivity of thin films of the heavy fermion system CeCu2Si2
High-field superconductivity in U6Fe and U6Co
High energy spectroscopy
Many body theory for intermediate valence spectroscopies (Invited paper)
4f photoemission from light rare-earth systems: f-d
Coulomb interaction and the Abrikosov-Suhl resonance
Theory of core level spectra in light rare-earth metallic compounds
Towards a first principles theory of electron spectroscopies of Yb-compounds
Calculated XPS spectra of UIr3, UPt3 and UAu3
X-ray absorption spectra theory in variable valency compounds
Interpretation of high-energy electron spectroscopy in f-systems beyond the atomic-like approach (Invited paper)
Electron spectroscopy of valence and core states of U intermetallic compounds
Electron spectroscopy study of the heavy fermion compound U2Zn17
Electron spectroscopy and the Kondo volume collapse in Ce0.7Th0.3
X-ray absorption spectroscopic study of specific valence in CeO2, PrO2 and TbO2
Composition-induced valence change in amorphous YbxPd1-x and EuxPd1-x alloys
Valence fluctuation of Yb in the superconducting ytterbium-rhodium stannides
EXAFS and X-ray studies of RM2X2 compounds
Theory of mixed valence state
Theory of the mixed valent state (Invited paper)
Theory of the Hall effect in heavy fermion and mixed valence systems
Effect of f-d Coulomb repulsion in the thermodynamic properties of anomalous rare-earth impurities
Absence of ferromagnetic instability in the effective hybridized-band Hamiltonian for the Anderson lattice
Variational ground states for the periodic Anderson model
On the Curie temperature of ferromagnetic 4f-systems with valence instabilities
Relaxation rate of an intermediate valence Eu impurity
Nonlinear hopping induced valence fluctuations
A simple theory of the α-γ transition in cerium
Valence fluctuating cerium compounds
Thermoelectric power of α- and ß-cerium
Acoustic de Haas-van Alphen effect of CeSn3
Magnetic properties and electrical resistivity of (Ce,Y)Pd3 and Ce(Pd,Pt)3
Thermoelectric power investigation of the (Ce,Y)Pd3 system
Correlation between the crystallographic and magnetic properties of CeSn3 and its related compounds Ce2Sn5 and Ce3Sn7
Thermoelectric power of some Ce compounds of the dilute Kondo type
Thermoelectric power of (Ce1-xLax)Ni single crystals
Local magnetic susceptibility at 140Ce in RNi5 compounds: R = rare earth
Vacancy induced anomalies in the Laves phase CeNi2
Surrounding effects on the valence behavior of cerium in intermetallic compounds
Thermal evolution of the spectral response in CePd3
Mixed valence rare earth compounds
Evidence for 4f-instability of dilute terbium in thorium
Thulium valence systematics in some chalcogenides
Kondo-type resistivity of mixed-valent Tm diluted in LaSe
Valence transition in TmSe1-xTex: from semiconductor gap to hybridization gap
Resistivity and thermoelectric power of single crystals of semiconducting SmS between 1.5 and 350 K
Electronic Raman scattering under high-pressure in SmSe
Substitution dependence of the valence phase transition in Yb0 4In0 6Cu2
Structural transition in mixed valence Yb4As3
Magnetic and non-magnetic charge states in YbPd
Spin fluctuation changes in Ge doped YbPd2Si2
Mössbauer evidence for magnetic ordering in YbP
Magnetic ordering of some mixed valent Yb-compounds
Magnetic phase diagrams of EuAs3, Eu(As0.60-P0.40)3, Eu(As0.02P0.98)3 and ß-EuP3: effects of hydrostatic pressure up to 15 kbar
Scaling laws in valence fluctuating systems: An NMR study of electronic spin fluctuations on Ce(Yb) based compounds
Band structure and itinerant systems
Band structure aspects of materials with localizing f-orbitals (Invited paper)
Predictions of anisotropic superconductivity in UIr3 and UPt3
PuS, PuSe, PuTe: relativistic semiconductors
f-f and f-d pseudopotential model applied to the band structures of Ce-systems
The relativistic spin-polarized KKR-Green's function - applications to the band structure of plutonium
Properties of rare earth systems by the relativistic self-interaction-corrected local-density-approximation
Bulk modulus and P-V relationship up to 52 GPa of neptunium metal at room temperature
Point-contact spectroscopy
Point-contact spectroscopy (Invited paper)
Point-contact experiments in uranium-platinum compounds
Point-contact spectroscopy of mutual REB6 (RE = La,Y,Sm,Ce) by automatic In Situ cleaning
Point-contact spectroscopy of the heavy fermion system UIr2Si2 and of the superconductors α-ThSi2 and ThIrSi
Point-contact spectra of MeBe13 intermetallics
New materials
Production of well defined chemically pure single crystals of rare-earth and actinide compounds for solid state research (Invited paper)
Epilogue: Theory
Epilogue: experiment
Papers presented at the conference, but not published in these Proceedings
Magnetic instability of a highly degenerate Kondo lattice
Experimental discrimination of coherent and incoherent behavior in heavy-fermion materials
Very low temperature transport properties of CeAl3
Hall effect in the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3
Phenomenological trends for heavy Fermi liquids and narrow-band metals III: characteristic temperatures
Valence-volume relationship in CeBe13 at low temperatures and high pressures
Correlation between the resistivity and the fluctuation temperature of intermetallic Ce- and Yb-compounds with an unstable 4f-shell
Use of Li n XANES for the determination of atomic relaxation in mixed valent rare-earth systems
Systematics of f electron delocalization in lanthanide and actinide elements under pressure
The valence of Eu under high pressure
Author index to volumes 63&64
Subject index to volumes 63&64
- No. of pages: 734
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1987
- Imprint: North Holland
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483252735
- Hardback ISBN: 9781483229485
- eBook ISBN: 9781483257235
C. Lacroix
Christophe Lacroix is Full Professor for Food Biotechnology at the Institute of Food Nutrition and Health, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He is well known for his research into the properties of lactic acid and probiotic bacteria and the associated technologies; his research interests include the use of functional microbes in foods to improve quality, safety and consumer health, and for the production of functional ingredients, and the roles and functions of the human gut microbiota and its response to dietary changes.
Affiliations and expertise
Laboratoire de Neuropathologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bicetre, Paris, FranceRead Anomalous Rare Earths and Actinides on ScienceDirect