R.E. Spier and J.B Griffiths, Introduction to Volume 6: Animal Cell Biotechnology Comes of Age.
T.W. Rademacher, Monitoring and Control of Glycosylation.
D. Stephens, S. Kulkarni, and B. Austen, Assembly of Membrane Proteins and their Movement to the Cell Surface.
L.-J. Eales, Measurement of Cell Surface Area.
M. Raes, Cell-Matrix Interactions.
K.E. Nye, Signalling in the Activation of Immunologically Relevant Cells.
R.H. Burdon, Oxidative Stress in Cultured Animal Cells.
P.D. Darbre, The Actions of Steroid Hormones on Animal Cells in Culture: Mechanisms and Applications.
J.R.E. Davis and N. Hoggard, Mechanisms of Action of Non-steroid Hormones in Animal Cells: Events in theNucleus.
F. Ruiz-Larrea and C.P. Berrie, Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Growth and Oncogene Action.
M.L. Wolf and M.D. Hirschel, Growing TIL and LAK Cells in Hollow Fibre Bioreactors.
W.J. Harris, Humanizing Monoclonal Antibodies for in Vivo Use.
R.J. Long, The Production and Regulation of Veterinary Virus Vaccines.
M. Mackett, Vaccinia Virus Recombinants: Expression Vectors and Potential Vaccines.
Subject Index.