Analytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry 2
Proceedings of the Second International Congress, Barcelona, Spain, November 1981
- 1st Edition - January 31, 2017
- Editor: J. Albaiges
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 6 1 5 6 - 3
Analytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry 2 focuses on the establishment of analytical techniques in the management of compounds relative to their effects on health and… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAnalytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry 2 focuses on the establishment of analytical techniques in the management of compounds relative to their effects on health and nature. The book stresses that these analytical techniques are essential in order to cope with the problems arising from the utilization of these compounds. The selection contains the contributions of authors who have continuously performed studies on the analysis of organic and inorganic pollutants and monitoring strategies or case histories of compounds. These pieces focus on the role of analytical chemistry in the control of compounds, particularly if the compounds are seen to pose threat to health and the environment. The text presents studies on the determination of how these compounds can become pollutants, which are emphasized by the experiments and laboratory procedures mentioned in the book. Through research on hazardous compounds in different areas, the book manages to point out the differences of how these compounds can affect the environment and health. The text then proceeds by presenting various analytical techniques that could be employed to mitigate the hazardous nature of these compounds. The book is a reliable source of information for scholars and readers who are interested in studying how to control the hazardous effects of compounds both on health and the environment.
Monitoring Strategies
The Role of Analytical Chemistry in a Toxic Substance Spill into the Aquatic Environment
Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Concentration of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water
Detection and Assessment of Trace Metal Pollution in Kuwait's Marine Environment
Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils at Biscay
Trace Metal Mass Balance in a Flowing Ecosystem
Diagenesis of Terrigenous and Marine Organic Matter along the St. Lawrence Estuary
Design, Installation and Operation of a Regional Air Quality Network in the Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco, Venezuela
Organic Analysis
A Master Analytical Scheme for Organics in Water
The Determination of Organics in Drinking Water
Analysis of Organic Priority and Non-Priority Pollutants in Environmental Samples by GC/MS/COMPUTER Systems
The Computer Aided Interpretation of Mass-Spectra of Organic Pollutants in Surface Water
Detection and Identification of Water Pollutants by Means of Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
Analysis of Alkoxylate Types of Non-Ionic Surfactants in Waters and Effluents
The Ligand-Exchange Technique in the Recovery of Organic Pollutants from Water
Study of Ecosystem Dynamics of Natural Waters by Optical Measurements
Bioassay of Toxic Substances for Ciliated Protozoa
Effect of Acute Administration of Chlorinated Water on Hypothalamic Norepinephrine Content
Detection Limits in Liquid Chromatography
Evaluation of An Automated HPLC System Having Multiple Detectors
New Sample Handling and Detection Techniques for the Chromatographic Analysis of Pollutants
The Determination of Organic Contaminant Concentrations in Workplace Atmospheres by HPLC
Combination of High-Performance Chromatographic Methods for the Analysis of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Pollutants in Marine Biota
Chromatographic Analysis of Herbicides in Soil and Water
Gas Chromatographic Determination of Several Cyclodiene Insecticides in the Presence of PCB's by Photoisomerization Reactions
Algorithms for the Quantitative Determination of PCB's in the Chromatograms of Organochlorinated Contaminants: Application to Samples of Sediments and Marine Organisms
The Identification of Mutagenic Chemical Species in Air Participate Samples
Sampling and Determination of Polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins,-Dibenzofurans and their Precursors in the Incineration Process of Urban Wastes
Techniques for Atmospheric Analysis
Application of Colorimetric Techniques to the Measurement of Pesticides in Air
Determination of Phenylmercuric Acetate in Air by AAS and GC
Inorganic Analysis
Physico-Chemical Speciation of Trace Metals in Environmental Samples
Automated Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis for Diverse Environmental Samples
X-ray Spectrometry as an Analytical Tool for Environmental Analysis: Present and Future Using HgI2 Detectors
Analysis of Microsamples of Toxic Dusts in the Steelmaking Industry by X-Ray Diffraction
Trace Elements in Coal by X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
Leachability Study for Some Heavy Metals from Urban Solid Waste Incinerators Bottom Ash
Some Studies with Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy for Environmental Analysis
The Use of Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Environmental Samples
Simultaneous Determination of 31 Elements in Lacustrine Sediments by ICP
Determination of Aluminum in River Water by ICP-AES
Some Novel Functional Resins for the Collection of Water Pollutants
Identification of Chemical Compounds of the Marine Aerosols Using Raman Micropobe MOLE
Environmental Trace Analyses with the Stabilized Temperature Platform Furnace and Zeeman Background Correction
Flame AAS Determination of Antimony in Atmospheric Particulates Using Generation of the Covalent Hydride
Determination of Submicrogram Levels of Molybdenum in Environmental Samples by Pulse Polarograhy
Inexpensive ISE's with Solid Sensor Coatings Applied to Electrically Conductive Epoxy
Determination of Particulate and Gaseous Fluoride in the Athosphere of Valladolid, Spain
Criteria for Methodology Selection in Trace Metal Analysis
Some Aspects of the Evaluation of Environmental Reference Samples-A Look at the Material Homogeneity and Statistical Approaches for Collaborative Tests
Heavy Metals in the Low-Rhone River. Effect on the Ground Water
Heavy Metals in Sediments of the Bilbao Estuary
- No. of pages: 484
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 31, 2017
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483161563
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