Analog Circuit Design
A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions
- 1st Edition - August 30, 2011
- Editors: Bob Dobkin, Jim Williams
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 8 5 1 8 5 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 8 5 1 8 6 - 4
Analog circuit and system design today is more essential than ever before. With the growth of digital systems, wireless communications, complex industrial and automotive sy… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAnalog circuit and system design today is more essential than ever before. With the growth of digital systems, wireless communications, complex industrial and automotive systems, designers are challenged to develop sophisticated analog solutions. This comprehensive source book of circuit design solutions will aid systems designers with elegant and practical design techniques that focus on common circuit design challenges. The book’s in-depth application examples provide insight into circuit design and application solutions that you can apply in today’s demanding designs.
- Covers the fundamentals of linear/analog circuit and system design to guide engineers with their design challenges
- Based on the Application Notes of Linear Technology, the foremost designer of high performance analog products, readers will gain practical insights into design techniques and practice
- Broad range of topics, including power management tutorials, switching regulator design, linear regulator design, data conversion, signal conditioning, and high frequency/RF design
- Contributors include the leading lights in analog design, Robert Dobkin, Jim Williams and Carl Nelson, among others
Electronics engineers and designers; electronics technicians; engineering students; electronics hobbyists, circuit designers, electrical engineers, instrumentation engineers, or electrical engineering students
Publisher’s Note
Why write applications?
Part 1: Power Management
Section 1. Power Management Tutorials
1. Ceramic input capacitors can cause overvoltage transients
Plug in the wall adapter at your own risk
Building the Test Circuit
Turning on the switch
Testing a portable application
Input voltage transients with different input elements
Optimizing Input Capacitors
2. Minimizing switching regulator residue in linear regulator outputs: Banishing those accursed spikes
3. Power conditioning for notebook and palmtop systems
Battery charging
Power supplies for palmtop computers
4. 2-Wire virtual remote sensing for voltage regulators: Clairvoyance marries remote sensing
“Virtual” remote sensing
VRS linear regulators
VRS equipped switching regulators
VRS based isolated switching supplies
VRS halogen lamp drive circuit
Section 2. Switching Regulator Design
5. LT1070 design manual
LT1070 operation
Pin functions
Basic switching regulator topologies
Application circuits
Negative buck converter
Negative-to-positive buck-boost converter
Positive buck converter
Flyback converter
Totally isolated converter
Positive current-boosted buck converter
Negative current-boosted buck converter
Negative input/negative output flyback converter
Positive-to-negative flyback converter
Voltage-boosted boost converter
Negative boost converter
Positive-to-negative buck boost converter
Current-boosted boost converter
Forward converter
Frequency compensation
External current limiting
Driving external transistors
Output rectifying diode
Input filters
Efficiency calculations
Output filters
Input and output capacitors
Inductor and transformer basics
Heat sinking information
Troubleshooting hints
Subharmonic oscillations
Inductor/transformer manufacturers
Core manufacturers
6. Switching regulators for poets: A gentle guide for the trepidatious
Basic flyback regulator
−48V to 5V telecom flyback regulator
Fully-isolated telecom flyback regulator
100W off-line switching regulator
Switch-controlled motor speed controller
Switch-controlled peltier 0°C reference
7. Step-down switching regulators
Basic step down circuit
Practical step-down switching regulator
Dual output step-down regulator
Negative output regulators
Current-boosted step-down regulator
Post regulation-fixed case
Post regulation-variable case
Low quiescent current regulators
Wide range, high power, high voltage regulator
Regulated sinewave output DC/AC converter
8. A monolithic switching regulator with 100μV output noise: “Silence is the perfectest herald of joy ...”
9. Powering complex FPGA-based systems using highly integrated DC/DC μModule regulator systems: Part 1 of 2 Circuit and electrical performance
Innovation in DC/DC design
DC/DC μModule Regulators: Complete Systems in an LGA Package
48A from four parallel DC/DC μModule regulators
Start-up, soft-start and current sharing
10. Powering complex FPGA-based systems using highly integrated DC/DC µModule regulator systems: Part 2 of 2 Thermal performance and layout
60W by paralleling four DC/DC μModule regulators
Thermal performance
Simple copy and paste layout
11. Diode turn-on time induced failures in switching regulators: Never Has so Much Trouble Been Had By so Many with so Few Terminals
Diode turn-on time perspectives
Detailed measurement scheme
Diode Testing and Interpreting Results
Section 3. Linear Regulator Design
12. Performance verification of low noise, low dropout regulators: Silence of the amps
Noise and noise testing
Noise testing considerations
Instrumentation performance verification
Regulator noise measurement
Bypass capacitor (CBYP) influence
Interpreting comparative results
Section 4. High Voltage and High Current Applications
13. Parasitic capacitance effects in step-up transformer design
14. High efficiency, high density, PolyPhase converters for high current applications
How do PolyPhase techniques affect circuit performance?
Design considerations
Design example: 100A PolyPhase power supply
Section 5. Powering Lasers and Illumination Devices
15. Ultracompact LCD backlight inverters: A svelte beast cuts high voltage down to size
16. A thermoelectric cooler temperature controller for fiber optic lasers: Climatic pampering for temperamental lasers
Temperature Controller Requirements
Temperature Controller Details
Thermal Loop Considerations
Temperature Control Loop Optimization
Temperature Stability Verification
Reflected Noise Performance
17. Current sources for fiber optic lasers: A compendium of pleasant current events
18. Bias voltage and current sense circuits for avalanche photodiodes: Feeding and reading the APD
Section 6. Automotive and Industrial Power Design
19. Developments in battery stack voltage measurement: A simple solution to a not so simple problem
The battery stack problem
Transformer based sampling voltmeter
Detailed circuit operation
Multi-cell version
Automatic control and calibration
Firmware description
Measurement details
Adding more channels
Part 2: Data conversion, signal conditioning and high frequency/RF
Section 1. Data Conversion
20. Some techniques for direct digitization of transducer outputs
21. The care and feeding of high performance ADCs: get all the bits you paid for
An ADC has many “inputs”
Ground planes and grounding
Supply bypassing
Reference bypassing
Driving the analog input
Choosing an op amp
Driving the convert-start input
Routing the data outputs
22. A standards lab grade 20-bit DAC with 0.1ppm/°C drift: The dedicated art of digitizing one part per million
23. Delta sigma ADC bridge measurement techniques
Low cost, precision altimeter uses direct digitization
How Many Bits?
Increasing Resolution with Amplifiers
How Much Gain?
ADC Response to Amplifier Noise
How Many Bits?
Faster or More Resolution with the LTC2440
How Many Bits?
24. 1ppm settling time measurement for a monolithic 18-bit DAC: When does the last angel stop dancing on a speeding pinhead?
DAC settling time
Considerations for measuring DAC settling time
Sampling based high resolution DAC settling time measurement
Developing a sampling switch
Electronic switch equivalents
Transconductance amplifier based switch equivalent
DAC settling time measurement method
Detailed settling time circuitry
Settling time circuit performance
Using the sampling-based settling time circuit
Section 2. Signal Conditioning
25. Applications for a switched-capacitor instrumentation building block
Instrumentation amplifier
Ultrahigh performance instrumentation amplifier
Lock-in amplifier
Wide range, digitally controlled, variable gain amplifier
Precision, linearized platinum RTD signal conditioner
Relative humidity sensor signal conditioner
LVDT signal conditioner
Charge pump F→V and V→F converters
12-bit A→D converter
Miscellaneous circuits
Voltage-controlled current source—grounded source and load
Current sensing in supply rails
0.01% analog multiplier
Inverting a reference
Low power, 5 V driven, temperature compensated crystal oscillator
Simple thermometer
High current, “inductorless,” switching regulator
26. Application considerations and circuits for a new chopper-stabilized op amp
Standard grade variable voltage reference
Ultra-precision instrumentation amplifier
High performance isolation amplifier
Stabilized, low input capacitance buffer (FET probe)
Chopper-stabilized comparator
Stabilized data converter
Wide range V→F converter
1Hz to 30MHz V→F converter
16-bit A/D converter
Simple remote thermometer
Output stages
27. Designing linear circuits for 5V single supply operation
Linearized RTD signal conditioner
Linearized output methane detector
Cold junction compensated thermocouple signal conditioner
5V powered precision instrumentation amplifier
5V powered strain gauge signal conditioner
“Tachless” motor speed controller
4-20mA current loop transmitter
Fully isolated limit comparator
Fully isolated 10-bit A/D converter
28. Application considerations for an instrumentation lowpass filter
Tuning the LTC1062
LTC1062 clock requirements
Internal oscillator
Clock feedthrough
Single 5V supply operation
Dynamic range and signal/noise ratio
Step response and burst response
LTC1062 shows little aliasing
Cascading the LTC1062
Using the LTC1062 to create a notch
Comments on capacitor types
Clock circuits
29. Micropower circuits for signal conditioning
Platinum RTD signal conditioner
Thermocouple signal conditioner
Sampled strain gauge signal conditioner
Strobed operation strain gauge bridge signal conditioner
Thermistor signal conditioner for current loop application
Microampere drain wall thermostat
Freezer alarm
12-Bit A/D converter
10-Bit, 100μA A/D converter
20μs sample-hold
10kHz voltage-to-frequency converter
1MHz voltage-to-frequency converter
Switching regulator
Post regulated micropower switching regulator
30. Thermocouple measurement
Thermocouples in perspective
Signal conditioning issues
Cold junction compensation
Amplifier selection
Additional circuit considerations
Differential thermocouple amplifiers
Isolated thermocouple amplifiers
Digital output thermocouple isolator
Linearization techniques
31. Take the mystery out of the switched-capacitor filter: The system designer’s filter compendium
Circuit board layout considerations
Power supplies
Input considerations
Filter response
Filter sensitivity
Output considerations
Clock circuitry
32. Bridge circuits: Marrying gain and balance
Resistance bridges
Bridge output amplifiers
DC bridge circuit applications
Common mode suppression techniques
Single supply common mode suppression circuits
Switched-capacitor based instrumentation amplifiers
Optically coupled switched-capacitor instrumentation amplifier
Platinum RTD resistance bridge circuits
Digitally corrected platinum resistance bridge
Thermistor bridge
Low power bridge circuits
Strobed power bridge drive
Sampled output bridge signal conditioner
Continuous output sampled bridge signal conditioner
High resolution continuous output sampled bridge signal conditioner
AC driven bridge/synchronous demodulator
AC driven bridge for level transduction
Time domain bridge
Bridge oscillator—square wave output
Quartz stabilized bridge oscillator
Sine wave output quartz stabilized bridge oscillator
Wien bridge-based oscillators
Diode bridge-based 2.5MHz precision rectifier/AC voltmeter
33. High speed amplifier techniques: A designer’s companion for wideband circuitry
Perspectives on high speed design
Mr. Murphy’s gallery of high speed amplifier problems
Tutorial section
Applications Section I — Amplifiers
Applications Section II — Oscillators
Applications section III — Data conversion
34. A seven-nanosecond comparator for single supply operation: Guidance for putting civilized speed to work
The LT1394 — an overview
Tutorial section
35. Understanding and applying voltage references
Essential features
Reference pitfalls
Reference applications
For further reading
36. Instrumentation applications for a monolithic oscillator: A clock for all reasons
37. Slew rate verification for wideband amplifiers: The taming of the slew
38. Instrumentation circuitry using RMS-to-DC converters: RMS converters rectify average results
39. 775 nanovolt noise measurement for a low noise voltage reference: Quantifying silence
Noise measurement
Noise measurement circuit performance
Section 3. High Frequency/RF Design
40. LT5528 WCDMA ACPR, AltCPR and noise measurements
41. Measuring phase and delay errors accurately in I/Q modulators
Applying the method
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 960
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: August 30, 2011
- Imprint: Newnes
- Hardback ISBN: 9780123851857
- eBook ISBN: 9780123851864
Bob Dobkin