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Analog circuit and system design today is more essential than ever before. With the growth of digital systems, wireless communications, complex industrial and automotive sy… Read more
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Analog circuit and system design today is more essential than ever before. With the growth of digital systems, wireless communications, complex industrial and automotive systems, designers are being challenged to develop sophisticated analog solutions. This comprehensive source book of circuit design solutions aids engineers with elegant and practical design techniques that focus on common analog challenges. The book’s in-depth application examples provide insight into circuit design and application solutions that you can apply in today’s demanding designs.
Electronics engineers and designers; analog designers; engineering students; electronics hobbyists
Dedication 1
Dedication 2
Publisher’s Note
Trade marks
Why I Write
PART 1: Power Management
Section 1: Power Management Tutorials
Section 1. Power Management Tutorials
Performance enhancement techniques for three-terminal regulators (1)
Load transient response testing for voltage regulators (2)
A closed-loop, wideband, 100A active load (3)
Chapter 1. Performance enhancement techniques for three-terminal regulators
Chapter 2. Load transient response testing for voltage regulators: Practical considerations for testing and evaluating results
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Chapter 3. A closed-loop, wideband, 100A active load: Brute force marries controlled speed
Basic load transient generator
Closed-loop load transient generator
Detailed circuitry discussion
Circuit testing
Layout effects
Regulator testing
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Section 2: Switching Regulator Design
Section 2. Switching Regulator Design
Some thoughts on DC/DC converters (4)
Theoretical considerations for buck mode switching regulators (5)
Chapter 4. Some thoughts on DC/DC converters
5V to ±15V converter circuits
Micropower quiescent current converters
200mA output 1.5V to 5V converter
High efficiency converters
Wide range input converters
High voltage converters
Switched-capacitor based converters
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix h
Chapter 5. Theoritical considerations for buck mode switching regulators
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Package/order information
Block Diagram Description
Typical performance characteristics
Pin Descriptions
Ground Pin
Feedback Pin
Shutdown Pin
Status Pin (Available Only On LT1176 Parts)
Error Amplifier
Definition of Terms
Positive Step-Down (Buck) Converter
Tapped-Inductor Buck Converter
Positive-To-Negative Converter
Negative Boost Converter
Inductor Selection
Micropower Shutdown
5-Pin Current Limit
Output Filters
Input Filters
Oscilloscope Techniques
EMI Suppression
Troubleshooting Hints
Section 3: Linear Regulator Design
Section 3. Linear Regulator Design
High efficiency linear regulators (6)
Chapter 6. High efficiency linear regulators
Regulation from stable inputs
Regulation from unstable input—AC line derived case
SCR pre-regulator
DC input pre-regulator
10A regulator with 400mV dropout
Ultrahigh efficiency linear regulator
Micropower pre-regulated linear regulator
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Section 4: High Voltage and High Current Applications
Section 4. High Voltage and High Current Applications
High voltage, low noise, DC/DC converters (7)
Chapter 7. High voltage, low noise, DC/DC converters: A kilovolt with 100 microvolts of noise
Resonant royer based converters
Switched current source based resonant royer converters
Low noise switching regulator driven resonant royer converters
Controlled transition push-pull converters
Flyback converters
Summary of circuit characteristics
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix c
Appendix D
Appendix e
Appendix F
Appendix G
Section 5: Powering Illumination Devices
Section 5. Powering Illumination Devices
A fourth generation of LCD backlight technology (8)
Simple circuitry for cellular telephone/ camera flash illumination (9)
Chapter 8. A fourth generation of LCD backlight technology: Component and measurement improvements refine performance
Perspectives on display efficiency
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
Chapter 9. Simple circuitry for cellular telephone/camera flash illumination: A practical guide for successfully implementing flashlamps
Flash illumination alternatives
Flashlamp basics
Support circuitry
Flash capacitor charger circuit considerations
Detailed circuit discussion
Lamp layout, RFI and related issues
Appendix A
Section 6: Automotive and Industrial Power Design
Section 6. Automotive and Industrial Power Design
Extending the input voltage range of PowerPath circuits for automotive and industrial applications (10)
Chapter 10. Extending the input voltage range of powerpath circuits for automotive and industrial applications
Extending the voltage range
Circuit for large negative input voltages
Circuit for large positive input voltages
PART 2: Data Conversion, Signal Conditioning and High Frequency/RF
Section 1: Data Conversion
Section 1. Data Conversion
Circuitry for single cell operation (11)
Component and measurement advances ensure 16-bit DAC settling time (12)
Fidelity testing for A→D converters (13)
Chapter 11. Circuitry for single cell operation
10kHz V→F converter
10-bit A/D converter
Sample-hold amplifier
Fast sample-hold amplifier
Temperature compensated crystal clock
Voltage boosted output amplifier
5V output switching regulator
Chapter 12. Component and measurement advances ensure 16-bit DAC settling time: The art of timely accuracy
DAC settling time
Considerations for measuring DAC settling time
Practical DAC settling time measurement
Detailed settling time circuitry
Using the sampling-based settling time circuit
Compensation capacitor effects
Verifying results—alternate methods
Alternate method I—bootstrapped clamp
Alternate method II—sampling oscilloscope
Alternate method III—differential amplifier
Thermally induced settling errors
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Chapter 13. Fidelity testing for A→D converters
Oscillator circuitry
Verifying oscillator distortion
A→D testing
Appendix A
Section 2: Signal Conditioning
Section 2. Signal Conditioning
Applications for a new power buffer (14)
Thermal techniques in measurement and control circuitry (15)
Methods for measuring op amp settling time (16)
High speed comparator techniques (17)
Designs for high performance voltage- to-frequency converters (18)
Unique IC buffer enhances op amp designs, tames fast amplifiers (19)
Power gain stages for monolithic amplifiers (20)
Composite amplifiers (21)
A simple method of designing multiple order all pole bandpass filters by cascading 2nd order sections (22)
FilterCAD user’s manual, version 1.10 (23)
30 nanosecond settling time measurement for a precision wideband amplifier (24)
Application and optimization of a 2GHz differential amplifier/ADC driver (25)
2 nanosecond, 0.1% resolution settling time measurement for wideband amplifiers (26)
An introduction to acoustic thermometry (27)
Chapter 14. Applications for a new power buffer
Buffered output line driver
Fast, stabilized buffer amplifier
Video line driving amplifier
Fast, precision sample-hold circuit
Motor speed control
Fan-based temperature controller
Chapter 15. Thermal techniques in measurement and control circuitry
Temperature controller
Thermally stabilized pin photodiode signal conditioner
50MHz bandwidth thermal RMS→DC converter
Low flow rate thermal flowmeter
Thermally-based anemometer (air flowmeter)
Low distortion, thermally stabilized Wien Bridge oscillator
Chapter 16. Methods of measuring op amp settling time
Chapter 17. High speed comparator techniques
The LT1016—an overview
The Rogue’s gallery of high speed comparator problems
Applications section
Fast track-and-hold circuit
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Chapter 18. Designs for high performance voltage-to-frequency converters
Ultra-high speed 1hz to 100mhz v→f converter
Fast response 1hz to 2.5Mhz v→f converter
High stability quartz stabilized v→f converter
Ultra-linear v→f converter
Single cell v→f converter
Sine wave output v→f converter
1/X transfer function v→f converters
Ex transfer function v→f converter
→frequency converter
Chapter 19. Unique IC buffer enhances op amp designs, tames fast amplifiers
Design concept
Basic design
Follower boost
Charge storage PNP
Isolation-base transistor
Complete circuit
Buffer performance
Phase delay
Step response
Output impedance
Capacitive loading
Slew response
Input offset voltage
Input bias current
Voltage gain
Output resistance
Output noise voltage
Saturation voltage
Supply current
Total harmonic distortion
Maximum power
Short circuit characteristics
Isolating capacitive loads
Impulse integrator
Parallel operation
Wideband amplifiers
Track and hold
Bidirectional current sources
Voltage regulator
Voltage/current regulator
Supply splitter
Overload clamping
Chapter 20. Power gain stages for monolithic amplifiers
150mA output stage
High current booster
UltraFast™ fed—forward current booster
Simple voltage gain stages
High current rail-to-rail output stage
±120V output stage
Unipolar output, 1000V gain stage
±15V powered, bipolar output, voltage gain stage
Chapter 21. Composite amplifiers
Chapter 22. A simple method of designing multiple order all pole bandpass filters by cascading 2nd order sections
Designing bandpass filters
Example 1—design
Hardware implementation
Designing bandpass filters—theory behind the design
Cascading identical 2nd order bandpass sections
Example 2—design
Hardware implementation
Mode 2 operation of ltc1060 family
Cascading more than two identical 2nd order BP sections
Using the tables
Example 3—design
Example 3—frequency response estimation
Example 3—implementation
Chapter 23. FilterCAD user’s manual, version 1.10
What is filtercad?
License agreement/disclaimer
Filtercad download
Hardware requirements
What is a filter?
Step one, the basic design
Step two, graphing filter response
Implementing the filter
Saving your filter design
Loading a filter design file
Printing a report
Quitting filtercad
A Butterworth lowpass example
A Chebyshev bandpass example
Two elliptic examples
A custom example
Editing cascade order
More practical examples
Notches…the final frontier
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Chapter 24. 30 nanosecond settling time measurement for a precision wideband amplifier: Quantifying prompt certainty
Settling time defined
Considerations for measuring nanosecond region settling time
Practical nanosecond settling time measurement
Detailed settling time circuitry
Using the sampling-based settling time circuit
Compensation capacitor effects
Verifying results—alternate method
Summary and results
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Chapter 25. Application and optimization of a 2GHz differential amplifier/ADC driver
Low distortion
Low noise
Gain and power options
Input considerations
Dynamic range and output networks
Layout considerations
Appendix A Terms and definitions
Appendix B Sample noise calculations
Appendix COptimizing noise performance by calculation of voltage and current noise correlation
Chapter 26. 2 nanosecond, 0.1% resolution settling time measurement for wideband amplifiers: Quantifying quick quiescence
Settling time defined
Considerations for measuring nanosecond region settling time
Practical nanosecond settling time measurement
Detailed settling time circuitry
Using the sampling-based settling time circuit
Verifying results—alternate method
Summary of results and measurement limits
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Chapter 27. An introduction to acoustic thermometry: An air filled olive jar teaches signal conditioning
Acoustic thermometry
Practical considerations
Detailed circuitry
Appendix A
Appendix B
Section 3: High Frequency/RF Design
Section 3. High Frequency/RF Design
Low noise varactor biasing with switching regulators (28)
Low cost coupling methods for RF power detectors replace directional couplers (29)
Improving the output accuracy over temperature for RMS power detectors (30)
Chapter 28. Low noise varactor biasing with switching regulators: Vanquishing villainous vitiators vis-à-vis vital varactors
Varactor biasing considerations
Low noise switching regulator design
Layout issues
Level shifts
Test circuit
Noise performance
Effects of poor measurement technique
Frequency-domain performance
Appendix A
Zetex variable capacitance diodes
Appendix B
Appendix C
Chapter 29. Low cost coupling methods for RF power detectors replace directional couplers
Chapter 30. Improving the output accuracy over temperature for RMS power detectors
Ltc5583 temperature compensation design
2nd Iteration calculation
LTC5582 single detector
PART 3: Circuit Collections
Part 3. Circuit Collections
Circuit techniques for clock sources (31)
Measurement and control circuit collection (32)
Circuit collection, volume I (33)
Video circuit collection (34)
Practical circuitry for measurement and control problems (35)
Circuit collection, volume III: data conversion, interface and signal processing (36)
Part Three
Circuit collection, volume V: data conversion, interface and signal conditioning products (38)
Signal sources, conditioners and power circuitry (39)
Current sense circuit collection (40)
Power conversion, measurement and pulse circuits (41)
Chapter 31. Circuit techniques for clock sources
Noncrystal clock circuits
Chapter 32. Measurement and control circuit collection: Diapers and designs on the night shift
Low noise and drift chopped bipolar amplifier
Low noise and drift-chopped FET amplifier
Stabilized, wideband cable driving amplifier with low input capacitance
Voltage programmable, ground referred current source
5V Powered, fully floating 4mA to 20mA current loop transmitter
Transistor ΔVBE based thermometer
Micropower, cold junction compensated thermocouple-to-frequency converter
Relative humidity signal conditioner
Inexpensive precision electronic barometer
1.5V Powered radiation detector
9ppm Distortion, quartz stabilized oscillator
1.5V Powered temperature compensated crystal oscillator
90μA Precision voltage-to-frequency converter
Bipolar (AC) input V-F converter
1.5V Powered, 350ps rise time pulse generator
A simple ultralow dropout regulator
Cold cathode fluorescent lamp power supply
Chapter 33. Circuit collection, volume I
A-to-D converters
Miscellaneous circuits
Chapter 34. Video circuit collection
Video cable drivers
Video processing circuits
Multiplexer circuits
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Chapter 35. Practical circuitry for measurement and control problems: Circuits designed for a cruel and unyielding world
Appendix A
Appendix B
Chapter 36. Circuit collection, volume III: Data conversion, interface and signal processing
Data conversion
Noise generators for multiple uses
Noise generators for multiple uses
Video/op amps
Miscellaneous circuits
Chapter 37. Circuitry for signal conditioning and power conversion: Designs from a once lazy sabbatical
Micropower voltage-to-frequency converters
Micropower a/d converters
10-bit, micropower a/d converter
Differential input, 10mhz rms/dc converter
Nanosecond coincidence detector
15 nanosecond waveform sampler
5.5μA powered, 0.05μv/°c chopped amplifier
Pilot light flame detector with low-battery lockout
Tip-acceleration detector for shipping containers
32.768khz “watch crystal” oscillator
Complementary output, 50% duty cycle crystal oscillator
Nonoverlapping, complementary output crystal oscillator
High power ccfl backlight inverter for desktop displays
Ultralow noise power converters
Low noise boost regulator
Low noise bipolar supply
Ultralow noise off-line power supply
Appendix A
Appendix B
Chapter 38. Circuit collection, volume V: Data conversion, interface and signal conditioning products
Data converters
Interface circuits
Operational amplifiers/video amplifiers
Telecommunications circuits
Instrumentation circuits
Chapter 39. Signal sources, conditioners and power circuitry
Voltage controlled current source—ground referred input and output
Stabilized oscillator for network telephone identification
Micro-mirror display pulse generator
Simple rise time and frequency reference
850 picosecond rise time pulse generator with <1% pulse top aberrations
20 picosecond rise time pulse generator
Nanosecond pulse width generator
Single rail powered amplifier with true zero volt output swing
0.02% accurate instrumentation amplifier with 125vcm and 120db cmrr
Wideband, low feedthrough, low level switch
5V powered, 0.0015% linearity, quartz-stabilized v→f converter
Basic flashlamp illumination circuit for cellular telephones/cameras
0V to 300v output dc/dc converter
Low ripple and noise 0v to 300v output dc/dc converter
5V to 200v converter for apd bias
Wide range, high power, high voltage regulator
5V to 3.3V, 15a paralleled linear regulator
Appendix A
Appendix B
Chapter 40. Current sense circuit collection: Making sense of current
Current sense basics
Low side current sensing (Figure 40.1)
High side current sensing (Figure 40.2)
Full-range (high and low side) current sensing (Figure 40.3)
High side
Low side
Negative voltage
Monitor current in positive or negative supply lines (Figure 40.40)
Level shifting
High voltage
Low voltage
High current (100mA to Amps)
Low current (picoamps to milliamps)
Motors and inductive loads
High speed
Fast compact −48V current sense (Figure 40.149)
Fault sensing
Current control
Wide range
Chapter 41. Power conversion, measurement and pulse circuits: Tales from the laboratory notebook
JFET-based dc/dc converter powered from 300mv supply
Bipolar transistor-based 550mv input dc/dc converter
5V to 200v converter for apd bias
Battery internal resistance meter
Floating output, variable potential battery simulator
40nvp-p noise, 0.05μv/°c drift, chopped fet amplifier
Wideband, chopper stabilized fet amplifier
Submicroampere rms current measurement for quartz crystals
Direct reading quartz crystal-based remote thermometer
1Hz–100mhz v→f converter
Delayed pulse generator with variable time phase, low jitter trigger output