Chapter I. Compounds of the Exa-, Penta-, and Tetrammine Type
1. Methods of Determining the Composition of Complex Ions
2. Hexammine Compounds and Their Analogues
3. Acidopentammine Compounds
4. Diacidotetrammine Compounds
Chapter II. Co-ordination Theory
1. The Evolution of the Theory of Complex Compounds Prior to the Co-ordination Theory
2. The Principal and Auxiliary Valence
3. Co-ordination Number
4. The Relationship Between the Co-ordination Number and the Auxiliary Valence. Addition Compounds and Substitution Products
5. The Co-ordinating Capacity of the Substituent Group
6. The Relationship Between the Composition of the Complex and the Behavior of the Anions
7. The Nomenclature of Complex Compounds
8. Spatial Interpretation of Co-ordination Numbers
Chapter III. Stereochemical Consequences of the Octahedral Model
1. Geometrical Isomerism
2. Optical Isomerism
3. Methods of Resolving Optically Active Complex Compounds
4. The Relationship between the Composition and the Rotatory Power of Complex Compounds
5. Transformations Involving Optically Active Complexes in Solution
6. Methods for Determining the Configurations of Geometrical Isomers of Complexes with the Co-ordination Number of 6
Chapter IV. Compounds of the Tri-, Di-, Monoammine, and Hexacido Types for the Co-ordination Number of 6
1. Triacidotriammine Compounds
2. Tetracidodiammine Compounds
3. Pentacidomonoammine Compounds
4. Hexacido Compounds
Chapter V. Complex Compounds with a Co-ordination Number of 4
1. A Short Review of the Derivatives of Divalent Platinum
2. The Nature of the Isomerism of Divalent Platinum Compounds
3. Other Elements which Exhibit a Co-ordination Number of 4
4. An Outline of the Stereochemistry of Complex Compounds with the Co-ordination Number of 4
Chemistry of Complex Compounds
Chapter VI. Co-ordination, Hydration, and Other Stable Types of Isomerism for Complex Compounds
1. Co-ordination Isomerism
2. Co-ordination Polymerization Isomerism
3. Hydration Isomerism
4. Ionization Metamerism
5. Structural Isomerism
6. Valence Isomerism
Chapter VII. The Nature of the Foroe of Complex Formation
1. Introduction
2. Electrostatic Concepts
3. Polarization
4. The Thermal Stabilities of Complex Compounds
5. Complexes of the Polyhalide Type
6. Concepts Derived From a Study of the Covalent (Homopolar) Bond
Chapter VIII. The Mutual Effects of Co-ordinated Groups
1. Differences in the Properties of Isomers
2. Rules For The Trans-Effect
3. Rearrangements Within the Co-ordination Spheres of Complex Compounds
Chapter IX. Acid - Base Prorertie S, Oxidation-Reduction Properties, and Solution Equilibria of Complex Compounds
1. Acid-Base Properties
2. Oxidation-Reduction Properties
3. Equilibria In Solutions of Complex Compounds
Chapter X. Some Special Kinds of Complex Compounds
1. Polynuclear Complex Compounds
2. Innercomplex Compounds
3. Iso and Heteropoly Acids
4. Supercomplex Compounds
Chapter XI. A Survey of the Ability of Elements to Form Complexes in Relation to Their Position in the Periodio Table
Supplementary Bibliography to the English Translation
Author Index
Subject Index