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In this 2013 winner of the prestigious R.R. Hawkins Award from the Association of American Publishers, as well as the 2013 PROSE Awards for Mathematics and Best in Physical Sc… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
In this 2013 winner of the prestigious R.R. Hawkins Award from the Association of American Publishers, as well as the 2013 PROSE Awards for Mathematics and Best in Physical Sciences & Mathematics, also from the AAP, readers will find many of the most significant contributions from the four-volume set of the Collected Works of A. M. Turing. These contributions, together with commentaries from current experts in a wide spectrum of fields and backgrounds, provide insight on the significance and contemporary impact of Alan Turing's work.
Offering a more modern perspective than anything currently available, Alan Turing: His Work and Impact gives wide coverage of the many ways in which Turing's scientific endeavors have impacted current research and understanding of the world. His pivotal writings on subjects including computing, artificial intelligence, cryptography, morphogenesis, and more display continued relevance and insight into today's scientific and technological landscape. This collection provides a great service to researchers, but is also an approachable entry point for readers with limited training in the science, but an urge to learn more about the details of Turing's work.
Researchers and scientists interested in the context and significance of Turing's impact on artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks, morphogenesis, cryptology, the philosophy of mind, mathematics, computing, computer science, informatics, morphogenesis, philosophy and the wider scientific world.
List of Contributors
Part I. How Do We Compute? What Can We Prove?
Part II. Hiding and Unhiding Information: Cryptology, Complexity and Number Theory
Part III. Building a Brain: Intelligent Machines, Practice and Theory
Part IV. The mathematics of emergence: the mysteries of morphogenesis
Alan Mathison Turing by Max Newman
Andrew Hodges Contributes: A Comment on Newman’s Biographical Memoir
Alan Mathison Turing: 1912–1954
On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem – A Correction
Christos Papadimitriou on — Alan and I
On Computable Numbers, with an Application to The Entscheidungsproblem
On Computable Numbers, With an Application to The Entscheidungsproblem. A Correction
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Stephen Wolfram on — The Importance of Universal Computation
Martin Davis Illuminates — Three Proofs of The Unsolvability of The Entscheidungsproblem
Samson Abramsky detects — Two Puzzles About Computation
Paul Vitanyi Illustrates the Importance of — Turing Machines and Understanding Computational Complexity
Gregory Chaitin traces the path — From the Halting Problem to the halting probability
Robert Irving Soare expands on — Turing and the Art of Classical Computability
Rainer Glaschick takes us on a trip back to — Turing Machines in Munster
From K. Vela Velupillai — Reflections on Wittgenstein’s Debates with Turing during his Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics
Jan van Leeuwen and Jin Wiedermann on — the computational power of turing’s Non-Terminating Circular A-Machines
Meurig Beynon puts an empirical slant on — Turing’s Approach to Modelling States of Mind
Henk Barendregt and Antonio Raffone explore — Conscious Cognition as a Discrete, Deterministic and Universal Turing Machine Process
Aaron Sloman develops a distinctive view of — Virtual Machinery and Evolution of Mind (Part 1)
Artur Ekert on the physical reality of —
Cristian Calude, Ludwig Staiger and Michael Stay on — Halting and Non-Halting Turing Computations
Philip Welch leads us — Toward the Unknown Region: On Computing Infinite Numbers
On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem by A. M. Turing – Review by: Alonzo Church
Andrew Hodges finds significance in — Church’s Review of Computable Numbers
Computability and λ-Definability
Henk Barendregt, Giulio Manzonetto and Rinus Plasmeijer trace through to today — The Imperative and Functional Programming Paradigm
Computability and λ-Definability
The -Function in λ-K Conversion
Henk Barendregt and Giulio Manzonetto point out the subtleties of —Turing’s Contributions to Lambda Calculus
The -Function in λ-K-Conversion
Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals
Solomon Feferman returns to —Turing’s Thesis: Ordinal Logics and Oracle Computability
Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Michael Rathjen looks at — Turing’s ‘Oracle’ in Proof Theory
Philip Welch takes a set-theoretical view of — Truth and Turing
Alastair Abbott, Cristian Calude and Karl Svozil describe — A Quantum Random Oracle
Practical Forms of Type Theory
Some background remarks from Robin Gandy’s — Preface
Practical Forms of Type Theory
The use of Dots as Brackets in Church’s System
Lance Fortnow discovers — Turing’s dots
The Use of Dots as Brackets in Church’s System
The Reform of Mathematical Notation and Phraseology
Stephen Wolfram connects — Computation, Mathematical Notation and Linguistics
The Reform of Mathematical Notation and Phraseology
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Juliet Floyd explores — Turing ,Wittgenstein and Types: Philosophical Aspects of Turing’s ‘The Reform of Mathematical Notation and Phraseology’ (1944–5)
On the Gaussian error function
Sandy L. Zabell delivers an authoritative guide to — Alan Turing and the Central Limit Theorem
Turing’s ‘Preface’ (1935) to ‘On the Gaussian error function’
Some Calculations of the Riemann Zeta function: On a Theorem of Littlewood
Dennis Hejhal and Andrew Odlyzko take an in-depth look at — Alan Turing and the Riemann Zeta function
And Dennis Hejhal adds — A Few Comments About Turing’s Method
Some Calculations of the Riemann Zeta-Function
On A Theorem of Littlewood
Solvable and Unsolvable Problems
Gregory Chaitin recommends — Turing’s Small Gem
Solvable and Unsolvable Problems
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Wilfried Sieg focuses on — Normal Forms for Puzzles: AVariant of Turing’s Thesis
K. Vela Velupillai connects –: Turing on ‘ Solvable and Unsolvable Problems’ and Simon on ‘Human Problem Solving’
The Word Problem in Semi-Groups with Cancellation
Gregory Chaitin on — Finding the Halting Problem and the Halting Probability in Traditional Mathematics
While John L. Britton gives us a brief – Introduction to the mathematics
The Word Problem in Semi-Groups with Cancellation
On Permutation Groups
John Leslie Britton’s informative — Introduction
On Permutation Groups
Rounding-off Errors in Matrix Processes
Lenore Blum brings into view —Alan Turing and the Other Theory of Computation
Rounding-Off Errors in Matrix Processes
A Note on Normal Numbers
Andrew Hodges on an interesting connection between — Computable Numbers and Normal Numbers
A Note On Normal Numbers
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact Verónica Becher takes a closer look at — Turing’s Note On Normal Numbers
Turing’s Treatise on the Enigma (Prof’s Book)
Frode Weierud on Alan Turing, Dilly Knox, Bayesian statistics, decoding machines and — Prof’s Book: Seen in the Light of Cryptologic History
Excerpts from the ‘Enigma Paper’
Further Aspects of the Work and Its History Tony Sale delves into the cryptographic background to — Alan Turing, the Enigma and the Bombe
Klaus Schmeh looks at – Why Turing Cracked the Enigma and the Germans Did Not
Speech System ‘Delilah’ – Report on Progress
Andrew Hodges Sets the Scene For — The Secrets of Hanslope Park 1944–1945
Top Secret: Speech System ‘Delilah’ – Report on Progress
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Craig Bauer presents — Alan Turing and Voice Encryption: A Play in Three Acts
John Harper reports on the — Delilah Rebuild Project
Checking a Large Routine
Cliff B. Jones gives a modern assessment of — Turing’s “Checking a Large Routine”
Friday, 24th June. Checking a large routine. by Dr. A. Turing
Excerpt from: Programmer’s Handbook for the Manchester Electronic Computer Mark II: Local Programming Methods and Conventions
Toby Howard describes — Turing’s Contributions to the Early Manchester Computers
Excerpt from: Programmer’s Handbook for the Manchester Electronic Computer Mark II
Turing’s Lecture to the London Mathematical Society on 20 February 1947
Anthony Beavers pays homage to —Alan Turing: Mathematical Mechanist
Lecture to the London Mathematical Society on 20 February 1947
Intelligent Machinery
Rodney A. Brooks and — The Case for Embodied Intelligence
Intelligent Machinery
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Christof Teuscher proposes — A Modern Perspective on Turing’s Unorganised Machines
Nicholas Gessler connects past and future — The Computerman, the Cryptographer and the Physicist
Stephen Wolfram looks to reconcile — Intelligence and the Computational Universe
Paul Smolensky asks a key question — Cognition: Discrete or Continuous Computation?
Tom Vickers recalls — Alan Turing at the NPL 1945–47
Douglas Hofstadter engages with — The Gödel–Turing Threshold and the Human Soul
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Gregory Chaitin discovers Alan Turing ‘The Good Philosopher’ at both sides of — Mechanical Intelligence Versus Uncomputable Creativity
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Daniel Dennett is inspired by — Turing’s “Strange Inversion of Reasoning”
Aaron Sloman draws together —Virtual Machinery and Evolution of Mind (Part 2)
Mark Bishop examines — The Phenomenal Case of the Turing Test and the Chinese Room
Peter Millican on recognising intelligence and — The Philosophical Significance of the Turing Machine and the Turing Test
Luciano Floridi brings out the value of — The Turing Test and the Method of Levels of Abstraction
Aaron Sloman absolves Turing of —The Mythical Turing Test
David Harel proposes — A Turing-Like Test for Modelling Nature
Huma Shah engages with the realities of — Conversation, Deception and Intelligence: Turing’s Question-Answer Game
Kevin Warwick looks forward to — Turing’s Future
Digital Computers Applied to Games
Alan Slomson introduces — Turing and Chess
Digital Computers Applied to Games
Examining the Work and its Later Impact: David Levy delves deeper into — :Alan Turing on Computer Chess
Can Digital Computers Think?: Intelligent Machinery: A Heretical Theory: Can Automatic Calculating Machines Be Said To Think?
B. Jack Copeland introduces the transcripts — Turing and the Physics of the Mind
Can Digital Computers Think?
Intelligent Machinery: A Heretical Theory
Can Automatic Calculating Machines be Said to Think?
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Richard Jozsa takes us forward to — Quantum Complexity and the Foundations of Computing
The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis
Peter Saunders introduces — Alan Turing’s Work in Biology
And Philip K. Maini wonders at — Turing’s Theory of Morphogenesis
The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact Henri Berestycki on the visionary power of – Alan Turing and Reaction–Diffusion Equations
Hans Meinhardt focuses on — Travelling Waves and Oscillations Out of Phase: An Almost Forgotten Part of Turing’s Paper
James D. Murray on what happened — After Turing – The Birth and Growth of Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Biology
Peter T. Saunders observes Alan Turing — Defeating the Argument from Design
Stephen Wolfram fills out the computational view of — The Mechanisms of Biology
K. Vela Velupillai connects — Four Traditions of Emergence: Morphogenesis, Ulam-von Neumann Cellular Automata, The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem, and British Emergentism
Gregory Chaitin takes the story forward — From Turing to Metabiology and Life as Evolving Software
The Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis: I. Geometrical and Descriptive Phyllotaxis: II. Chemical Theory of Morphogenesis: III. (Bernard Richards) A Solution of the Morphogenical Equations for the Case of Spherical Symmetry
Bernard Richards recalls Alan Turing and — Radiolaria: the Result of Morphogenesis
The Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis: Part I. Geometrical and Descriptive Phyllotaxis
Part II. Chemical Theory of Morphogenesis
Part III. A Solution of the Morphogenetical Equations for the Case of Spherical Symmetry
Examining the Work and Its Later Impact: Peter Saunders comments on the background to —: Turing’s Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis
Jonathan Swinton explores further —: Turing, Morphogenesis, and Fibonacci Phyllotaxis: Life in Pictures
Aaron Sloman travels forward to —: Virtual Machinery and Evolution of Mind (Part 3): Meta-Morphogenesis: Evolution of Information-Processing Machinery
Outline of the Development of the Daisy
Jonathan Swinton’s updating of the texts — An Editorial Note
Outline of the Development of the Daisy
Einar Fredriksson Recalls the — History of the Publication of the Collected Works of Alan M. Turing
Mike Yates Writing in The Independent, Friday 24 November 1995 — Obituary: Robin Gandy
Bernard Richards shares with us — Recollections of Life In the Laboratory With Alan Turing
A Bibliography of Publications of Alan Mathison Turing