Inorganic Agrochemicals in Soils
Fertilizers of the Future and Factors Affecting Their Role in Crop Production
Surface Reactions of the Macro-Nutrients in Soils
Calculation of the Chemical Stability of Nitrate in Soils
Nitrogen Losses in Relation to Soil Profile Characteristics
Evaluation of Fertilizers Based on Urea
Nitrification Inhibitors - Powerful Tools to Conserve Fertilizer Nitrogen
Organic Agrochemicals in Soils
Surface Reactions of Low-Molecular-Weight Organics with Soil Components
An Assessment of Methods for Determining Adsorption-Desorption of Organic Chemicals
Sequential Extraction: an Approach to Characterizing Pesticide-Organic Matter Interactions
Montmorillonite-Parathion Interactions in Aqueous Suspensions as Affected by the Mode of Preparation
Behavior of Parathion on Attapulgite Surfaces
Adsorption of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) by Clay Minerals
The Effect of Adsorbed Organic Materials on the Cation Exchange Capacity of Clay Minerals
Sorption Behavior of p-Chloroaniline Residue in Soils
Adsorption and Desorption of Methabenzthiazuron, Metamitron and Metribuzin in Soils
The Disappearance of 2,4-D,Diallate, and Malathion from Soil and Soil Components
Effect of some Herbicides on Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Nitrogen Mineralisation in Soil
Effect of 3,5-Dimethyl-Tetrahydro-2-Thio-1,3,5-Thiadiazine (Dazomet) on some Soil Biological Processes
The Effect on Soil Condition of Herbicide Use in Fruit Plantations
The Use of Pesticides in Crop Production with Special Reference to Their Behavior in Soils
Dynamics and Movement of Agrochemicals in Soils
Mechanisms of Chemical Movement in Soils
Some Processes at the Root-Soil Interface
Evaluation of Conceptual Process Models for Solute Behavior in Soil-Water Systems
The Use of Submodels in the Simulation of Nitrogen Transformations in Soils
Increasing Moisture Availability by Improved Distribution of Plant Nutrients
Modeling of the Chemical Uptake from Soil Profiles by Trees
Soil-Water — Suction Relationships as Affected by Soil Solution Composition and Concentration
Mass Flow of Solutes through Soil: a Comparison between Laboratory Columns and Field Plots
Movement of Phosphorus and Sulphur in Soils of Victoria
Agrochemicals and Pollution
a) Heavy Metals
Surface Reactions of Heavy Metals with Clays, Oxides, and Humic Substances
Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Israeli Soils Irrigated with Treated Sewage Effluents - A Survey
Availability of Soil Cadmium to Rice Plants under Oxidizing and Reducing Soil Conditions
Phosphorus and Heavy Metal Uptake by Rye Grass from Soils Fertilized with Sesquioxide-Treated Sludges
Limits of Heavy Metal Nutrient Fertilization
b) Use of Sludge and Sludge Effluents in Crop Production
Aluminum and Iron Fractions Affecting Phosphate Bonding in a Sandy Soil Treated with Sewage Water
Accumulation of Dieldrin in Soil and Herbage following Repeated Sewage Sludge Disposal
Improving Nitrogen Uptake by Rhodes Grass (Cloris gayana Kunth) from Treated Municipal Effluents, to Reduce Fertilizer Requirements and Prevent Water Pollution
Response of Cotton to Irrigation with Treated Municipal Effluents
The Effect of Irrigation and Fertilizer Regimes on Nitrate Movement below the Root Zone and on Crop Production Efficiency
Impact and Possibilities of the Use of Sludge and Sludge Compost in Agriculture
List of Participants
Informal Summary of the Meeting (I.J. Graham-Bryce)
Comprehensive Subject-Author Index