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Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, Seventh Edition, is one of the world’s leading course texts on aerodynamics. It provides concise explanations of basic concepts, combined… Read more
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Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, Seventh Edition, is one of the world’s leading course texts on aerodynamics. It provides concise explanations of basic concepts, combined with an excellent introduction to aerodynamic theory. This updated edition has been revised with improved pedagogy and reorganized content to facilitate student learning, and includes new or expanded coverage in several important areas, such as hypersonic flow, UAV’s, and computational fluid dynamics.
Undergraduate and graduate students in aeronautical engineering
CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts and Definitions
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Units and Dimensions
1.3 Relevant Properties
1.4 Aeronautical Definitions
1.5 Dimensional Analysis
1.6 Basic Aerodynamics
1.7 Basic Flight Stability
1.8 Control-Volume Analysis
1.9 Hydrostatics
1.10 Exercises
CHAPTER 2 Equations of Motion
2.1 Introduction
2.2 One-Dimensional Flow: The Basic Equations
2.3 Viscous Boundary Layers
2.4 Measurement of Air Speed
2.5 Two-Dimensional Flow
2.6 Stream Function and Streamline
2.7 Momentum Equation
2.8 Rates of Strain, Rotational Flow, and Vorticity
2.9 Navier-Stokes Equations
2.10 Properties of the Navier-Stokes Equations
2.11 Exact Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations
2.12 Exercises
CHAPTER 3 Viscous Boundary Layers
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Boundary-Layer Theory
3.3 Similarity Solutions
3.4 Boundary-Layer Separation
3.5 Flow Past Cylinders and Spheres
3.6 The Momentum-Integral Equation
3.7 Approximate Methods for a Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate with Zero Pressure Gradient
3.8 Additional Examples of the Momentum-Integral Equation
3.9 Laminar-Turbulent Transition
3.10 The Physics of Turbulent Boundary Layers
3.11 Exercises
CHAPTER 4 Compressible Flow
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Isentropic One-Dimensional Flow
4.3 One-Dimensional Flow: Weak Waves
4.4 One-Dimensional Flow: Plane Normal Shock Waves
4.5 Mach Waves
4.6 Shock Waves
4.7 Some Boundary-Layer Effects in Supersonic Flow
4.8 Exercises
CHAPTER 5 Potential Flow
5.1 Two-Dimensional Flows
5.2 Standard Flows in Terms of the vVelocity Potential and Stream Function
5.3 Axisymmetric Flows (Inviscid and Incompressible Flows)
5.4 Computational (Panel) Methods
5.5 Exercises
CHAPTER 6 Two-Dimensional Wing Theory
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Development of Airfoil Theory
6.3 General Thin-Airfoil Theory
6.4 Solution to the General Equation
6.5 The Flapped Airfoil
6.6 The Jet Flap
6.7 Normal Force and Pitching Moment Derivatives Due to Pitching
6.8 Particular Camber Lines
6.9 The Thickness Problem for Thin-Airfoil Theory
6.10 Computational (Panel) Methods for Two-Dimensional Lifting Flows
6.11 Exercises
CHAPTER 7 Wing Theory
7.1 The Vortex System
7.2 Laws of Vortex Motion
7.3 The Wing as a Simplified Horseshoe Vortex
7.4 Vortex Sheets
7.5 Relationship between Spanwise Loading and Trailing Vorticity
7.6 Determination of Load Distribution on a Given Wing
7.7 Swept and Delta Wings
7.8 Computational (Panel) Methods for Wings
7.9 Exercises
CHAPTER 8 Airfoils and Wings in Compressible Flow
8.1 Wings in Compressible Flow
8.2 Exercises
CHAPTER 9: Computational Fluid Dynamics
9.1 Computational Methods
CHAPTER 10 Flow Control, Planar and Rotating Wing Designs
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Maximizing Lift for Single-Element Airfoils
10.3 Multi-Element Airfoils
10.4 Boundary Layer Control Prevention to Separation
10.5 Reduction of Skin-Friction Drag
10.6 Reduction of Form Drag
10.7 Reduction of Induced Drag
10.8 Low-speed Aircraft Design Considerations
10.9 Propeller and Rotorcraft Blades
10.10 Reduction of Wave Drag
10.11 Exercises
Appendix A: Symbols and Notation
Appendix B: Properties of Standard Atmosphere
Appendix C: A Solution of Glauert Type Integrals
Appendix D: Conversion of Imperial Units to Syst´eme International (SI) Units