Advances in Water Pollution Research
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Held in Jerusalem, June 18–23 1972
- 1st Edition - September 24, 2013
- Editor: S. H. Jenkins
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 6 9 7 - 9
Advances in Water Pollution Research features the 71 papers presented at the Sixth International Conference held in Jerusalem on June 18-23, 1972. These papers were those selected… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAdvances in Water Pollution Research features the 71 papers presented at the Sixth International Conference held in Jerusalem on June 18-23, 1972. These papers were those selected by the Programme Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution Research for discussion at the conference out of the 176 completed papers that were submitted. The topics of the papers in this book include industrial waste water problems, sewage treatment problems associated with solids, ponds, activated, sludge, groundwater pollution, trace metals in water, wastewater virology and microbiology, thermal pollution, and oxygen transfer. This book also provides the text of the discussion on these papers as well as the replies of the authors. This book will be of interest to persons dealing with studies on water pollution and pollution control.
Opening address by Professor H. I. Shuval "Challenges for the Future in Water Quality Management"Address by Professor Abel Wolman "What Price - Water Pollution Control?"Thermal Pollution and O2 Transfer Stream Temperature Response to Thermal Pollution Predictions of Temperature in Streams Receiving Thermal Discharges by Using a Deterministic Model and Computer Technique Influence of Temperature and Turbulence on the Oxygen Transfer in WaterTrace Metals in Waters The Apparent Supersaturation The Enrichment of Heavy Metals in Submerged PlantsMicrobiology and Virology of Wastewater Rapid Assessment of Water Quality by Fluorescent Antibody Identification of Fecal Streptococci A New Approach in E. Coli Identification Pathogenic Free-living Amoeba and Recreational Waters Survival of Enteroviruses during Anaerobic Sludge Digestion Concentration of Viruses from Seawater A Portable Virus Concentrator for Use in the Field The Virus Problem in the Windhoek Waste Water Reclamation Project Effect of Dissolved Salts on the Filtration of Coliform Bacteria in Sand DunesGroundwater Pollution Underground Travel of Pollutants Groundwater Pollution by Nitrogen Compounds in Israel Prediction of Photosynthetic Biomass Production in Accelerated Algal-Bacterial Wastewater Treatment Systems Effects of Algal Blooms on Water Quality in Israel National Water Systems Use of Algal Assays in Studying Eutrophication Problems Eutrophication Control of Tsalmon Reservoir by the Cichlid Fish Tilapia Aurea Eutrophication in Jamaica Bay — Manifestations, Control and Relationships to Water Quality Objects Ecosystem Simulation for Water Pollution Research A Quality Management Model for River and Underground Flow System Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Alexander Stream (Israel)Sewers and Storm Water The Composition of Sewer Air Self Purification in Sewers Comparison of Discharges from Urban Storm Water Run-off, mixed Storm Overflow and treated Sewage Cost and Performance of Retention Basins in the Treatment of Wet-weather Sewage FlowsSewage Treatment Problems (Activated Sludge, Ponds, Discs, Solids) Uncertainty in Interpreting Biological Growth Rates The Mechanism and Design of the Contact Stabilization Activated Sludge Process An attempt to take Account of Biological Storage in the Mathematical Analysis of Activated Sludge Behavior Design Optimization for Activated Sludge and Extended Aeration Plants A Low Cost Open Tank Pure Oxygen System for High Rate Total Oxidation Effects of Exposing Slimes on Rotating Discs to Atmospheres Enriched with Oxygen Influence of Mechanical Blending on Aerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge Effects of Suspended Solids Concentrations on the Structure of Turbulence and the Oxygen Transfer Mechanism in Activated Sludge A Simulation Model of the Gravity Separation of Concentrated Solids Redox Potential — A Guide to Oxidation Pond Performance A Rational Design Procedure for Aerated Lagoons Treating Municipal and Industrial Wastewaters Nitrogen Removal through Ammonia Release from Holding Ponds Photosynthetic Yields and Byproduct Recovery from Sewage Oxidation Ponds Cost Relationship of Biological and Thermal Processes for the Treatment of Industrial Effluents Problems in the Operation of Plants Treating Mixed Industrial Wastes An Example of Economic Plating Waste Treatment by Reverse Osmosis Mesophilic Digestion of Beet Molasses Distillery Waste Water Color removal from Bleached Kraft-Pulp Waste Waters On the Treatment of Polychlorinated Biphenyl in Water by Ionizing Radiation Removal of Chromates from Pickling Liquors by Adsorption of Hydrous Ferric Oxide The Full-scale Refinement of Purified Sewage for Unrestricted Industrial Use in the Manufacture of Fully Bleached Kraft-Pulp and Fine Paper Biologically-Extended Physicochemical Treatment Powdered Activated Carbon Application Regeneration and Reuse in Wastewater Treatment Systems Factors Affecting Biological Denitrification of Wastewater The Complete Treatment of Raw Sewage with Special Emphasis on Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of Fe3+ and Al in Phosphorus Removal from Municipal Waste Waters, Practical Comparison at a Treatment Plant The Interrelationship of Biological-Carbon Adsorption Systems for the Treatment of Refinery and Petrochemical Wastewaters An Asian Technological Approach to Water Reuse Series Filtration Using Local Filter MediaWater Management and Water Quality French River Basin Agencies Water Management — Cost-Benefit Analysis Charging Polluters for Financing Water Pollution Abatement The Control and Removal of Materials of Ecological Importance from Wastewaters in Los Angeles, California, USA A Water Quality Index — Crashing the Phychological Barrier Monitoring Water Pollution The Observation Post at Boran-sur-Oise A Method for Environmental Mercury Pollution Control in Developing Areas Improvements in the Determination Method of Methyl Mercury in Fish Tissues and the Ratio of Methyl Mercury to Total Mercury in Fish Tissues Formulation of the Ecosystem Parameter Index and its Role in the Development of a Management Program for the Los Angeles Harbor The Aerobic Thames Estuary Development of Numerical Fjordmodels for the Functional Planning of a Regional Waste Water Disposal System An Analysis of Marine Waste Disposal in Southeast Florida's Coastal Waters Airphoto Analysis of Ocean Outfall Dispersion Self-Purifying Activity of Sea Water: Proposal for Low Cost Treatment of a Well-defined Area The Transitional Condition of Minamata Bay and the Neighboring Sea Polluted by Factory Waste Water containing Mercury Mixing of Mercury Buoyant Jets from a Manifold in Stagnant Receiving Water of Uniform DensityAuthor IndexSubject Index
- No. of pages: 972
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 24, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483186979
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