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Advances in Virus Research, Volume 102, the latest release in this esteemed series, contains new, informative updates on the topic. First published in 1953, this series covers a… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Advances in Virus Research, Volume 102, the latest release in this esteemed series, contains new, informative updates on the topic. First published in 1953, this series covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews, providing a valuable overview of the current field of virology. Updates to this release includes sections on the
Development of model systems for plant rhabdovirus research, Dichorhaviruses and their mite vectors, Molecular modelling for better understanding Cucumovirus pathology, Modification of host-insect reactions by viruses, Gene Gangs of the Chloroviruses: Conserved Co-linear Monocistronic Gene Sets, Virus disease control by transgenic approach and attenuated virus, Virus effectors, Tobamovirus evolution, and more.
1. In Memoriam: The Career, Achievements, and Legacy of Milton Zaitlin
Peter Palukaitis and Marilyn J. Roossinck
2. Development of Model Systems for Plant Rhabdovirus Research
Andrew O. Jackson, Ralf G. Dietzgen, Michael M. Goodin and Zhenghe Li
3. Molecular Modeling for Better Understanding of Cucumovirus Pathology
Katalin Salánki, Ákos Gellért, Katalin Nemes, Zoltán Divéki and Ervin Balázs
4. Tobamoviruses as Models for the Study of Virus Evolution
Aurora Fraile and Fernando García-Arenal
5. Dichorhaviruses in their Host Plants and Mite Vectors
Ralf G. Dietzgen, Juliana Freitas-Astúa, Camila Chabi-Jesus, Pedro L. Ramos-Gonzalez, Michael M. Goodin, Hideki Kondo, Aline D. Tassi and Elliot W. Kitajima
6. TMV Particles: The Journey from Fundamental Studies to Bionanotechnology Applications
George P. Lomonossoff and Christina Wege
7. Viral Manipulation of Plant Stress Responses and Host Interactions with Insects
John P. Carr, Ruairí Donnelly, Trisna Tungadi, Alex M. Murphy, Sanjie Jiang, Ana Bravo-Cazar, Ju-Yeon Yoon, Nik J. Cunniffe, Beverley J. Glover and Christopher A. Gilligan
8. Integration of Omics Approaches toward Understanding Whitefly Transmission of Viruses.
William M. Wintermantel