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Advances in Steam Turbines for Modern Power Plants provides an authoritative review of steam turbine design optimization, analysis and measurement, the development of steam tur… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Advances in Steam Turbines for Modern Power Plants provides an authoritative review of steam turbine design optimization, analysis and measurement, the development of steam turbine blades, and other critical components, including turbine retrofitting and steam turbines for renewable power plants.
As a very large proportion of the world’s electricity is currently generated in systems driven by steam turbines, (and will most likely remain the case in the future) with steam turbines operating in fossil-fuel, cogeneration, combined cycle, integrated gasification combined cycle, geothermal, solar thermal, and nuclear plants across the world, this book provides a comprehensive assessment of the research and work that has been completed over the past decades.