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Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 53, presents the latest reviews of recent work in physical organic chemistry. It provides a valuable source of information that is i… Read more
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Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 53, presents the latest reviews of recent work in physical organic chemistry. It provides a valuable source of information that is ideal not only for physical organic chemists applying their expertise to both novel and traditional problems, but also for non-specialists across diverse areas who identify a physical organic component in their approach to research. Its hallmark is a quantitative, molecular level understanding of phenomena across a diverse range of disciplines. Chapters in this updated release include Theoretical models for activation and reaction energies in chemical reactions, Chiral induction in asymmetric dual catalysis, and The transition state.
1. Theoretical models for activation and reaction energies in chemical reactions
Alejandro Toro-Labbé
2. Chiral induction in asymmetric dual catalysis
Raghavan B Sunoj
3. The transition state
Ian Williams
4. Computational Physical Organic Chemistry Using the Empirical Valence Bond Approach
Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin