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Elsevier are proud to introduce our brand new serial, Advances in Motivation Science. The topic of motivation has traditionally been one of the mainstays of the science of… Read more
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1. Parochial Cooperation in Humans: Forms and Functions of Self-Sacrifice in Intergroup Conflict Carsten K. W. De Dreu, Daniel Balliet, Nir Halevy
2. Affective Consequences of Intentional Action Control Peter M. Gollwitzer, Torsten Martiny-Huenger, Gabriele Oettingen
3. Terror Management Theory and Research: How the Desire for Death Transcendence Drives Our Strivings for Meaning and Significance Jeff Greenberg, Kenneth Vail, Tom Pyszczynski
4. “Happiness” and “The Good Life” as Motives Working Together Effectively E. Tory Higgins, James F. M. Cornwell, Becca Franks
5. Ideological Differences in Epistemic Motivation: Implications for Attitude Structure, Depth of Information Processing, Susceptibility to Persuasion, and Stereotyping John T. Jost, Margarita Krochik
6. Neurobiological Concomitants of Motivational States Wendy Berry Mendes, Jiyoung Park